Most people are told to skip it and go directly to Z

>Most people are told to skip it and go directly to Z
>No blu rays
>No fully uncensored English manga
>No Kai version
>Hardly any video games

Why is Dragon Ball so fucking underrated compared to Z?
It's almost as if people treat them like there two completely different shows.

Z sells.

Normalfags love "le epic bulky guys doing le epic endless battles". That's it.

The original Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump are objectively way better than Dragon Ball Z and anything similar to Z, anyway.

I agree dude, that shit was charming as hell

us neets huh?

Bring your shitty /r9k/ meme elsewhere.

Dragon Ball should have ended there. The rest was a mistake.

Dragon Ball is jerked off so much on Sup Forums. Everyone likes to shit on dbz because God forbid a manga changes tone

I'm ok with how Z changed, but it wasn't an improvement and Z is overrated.

Not every change in tone is good or even acceptable. Z is boring shit, DB was a fun adventure.


Broly is a representation of everything that went wrong with Z, and unsurprisingly, normalfags love him.

>DB is better because nostalgia and I'm supposed to hold that opinion

>Broly is a representation of everything that went wrong with Z

A brother from another mother. They all tend to wank over the Buu saga too.

Truer words have never been said on this board.

So is the new Super thread, or--

Not what I said and I have no nostalgia for anything regarding Dragon Ball.

>a representation of everything that went wrong with Z
>Z is wrong because I don't like the direction it went in and you shouldn't like it

You fags really need to chill with the elitism or kill yourselves.

Please no.

but what if i like dragon ball and dr. slump, dislike buu saga z and like broly?

You're okay I guess.

>>No Kai version
there is a fan-cut now that does this.

Dragon Ball, all the way to the end of Freeza Saga, was the perfect series.

I have no fucking idea how people can start the series from Z, since Dragon Ball was so much better and gives so much context to a lot of things.

I'm glad this series was released uncensored and with great translation in my country back when I was, like, 7 years old and around the time when DB anime was just starting to air - had a blast following both, instead of someone telling me to skip shit.

i only liked broly because of the mess that was the cell saga, everyone was fucking each other over with the stupid stick and making Cell look more competent than he really was.

well atleast super tries to balance between the two

better than GT atleast

The lack acknowledgement of pre-Saiyan stuff in all the games and spinoffs is really dumb. It's such a shame that characters like fucking Apule and Lord Slug tend to be playable over the likes of Roshi and Tao Pai Pai.

That said I'm not a fan of how early Dragon Ball fans seem to demonize the Z sagas now for being popular. The whole series is good and the shift from adventure to dramatic action happened with King Piccolo, not Raditz.

Americans didn't get to watch the original until after the year 2000 or so and they're just very vocal on the internet.

Dr slump is unfunny trash.

This for the most part.
I love both DB and DBZ, there is no reason both can't be good and enjoyable in their own merits and rights.


if the thread dies because the OP forgot to put dragon ball super in the title, then let it die
dont bump a fucking general

But who's buying?

>Most people are told to skip it and go directly to Z
um no?? you can't just say stuff and expect it to be true.

a lot of people think DragonBall is better than Z


This. So fucking annoying how neets pretend like the Z era is horrible

my shithole country have a full dub of dragon ball.

That shit is still censored?! You'd think viz would finally get their shit together.