24 year old white female here, I'm a MAGApede and I'd consider myself redpilled. The thing is with being in the dating game at my age is that white guys are making themselves extremely unattractive to women. The average modern white guy is a beta who sits on video games/the internet all day and complains about everything in a high pitched whiny voice. I'm not just talking about liberals, either. Look at guys like Paul Joseph Watson or any basic group pic of Sup Forums meet ups. The average white conservative is a huge pussy cuck who has never been to the gym in his life. You guys really think posting frog pictures and dressing up as cartoon characters is attractive to women? White dudes now days have no actual connection to their inner humanity. This is why the white race is dying and why the le 56% meme is becoming true, because white women find you guys so unnactractive we are forced to go to other alternatives. Take me for example, I've only had sex with 19 different guys which is a relatively low number for someone my age (I have conservative values). Of those 19 different guys only a couple of them have been white. The rest have all been athletic black men. For one the black guys are just much more physically attractive and better in bed. They are so much more masculine and athletic then these white guys on reddit and Sup Forums playing video games. These black men connect with one of the most human womanly desires; primal sex from a masculine man. They dont take shit like you betas and they are banging girls and working out their strong sexy muscles while you betas jerk off. I've never had a white guy give me sex anything like a black man. One of the aspects is just how much bigger black mens penis' naturally are, but even beyond that they have an aggressive male attitude that actually embodies what a MAN SHOULD BE. I'm a redpilled conservative all the way but until you white betas get your head out of your ass and start acting like MEN, it's black cock all the way.
Why are young white men so beta and unatractive?
>24 year old white female here
Jews aren't white sweetie
>bloke in pic
Mutt, please....
> huge wall of text
show the goods sweetie
He looks like a sandnigger
Who amongst all the races of the world are as brutal and benevolent as the white race? Historically it is no mistake that the whites of European decent have shifted global and local power to their side. What we are seeing in modern times is a test of that greateness. A test that all men of European decent or of European ideals must once again stand for and wrestle back from the maws of the unwashed masses. Power is transitory, and unless we come together as a group once more to steer the ship of prosperity and truth, the boat will veer off into a communistic or totalitarian regime. How many among you, who benefit from the white man's grace would do well under a Mexican leader? Or an Asian leader? How many among you will sit idly by as Jews, Niggers and Liberals tear this country apart? Has conservativism done anything besides drive your ideas of truth more insulory? What do we stand for? How far will we go to regain the power that was molded from the hands of our ancestors? Is it enough to march or riot upon the steps of Congress or do evil times call for evil deeds? Our great ancestors of WW2 while unknowingly fought for this country their conviction in what they believed was sound and they wore it on their sleeves. Now "men" hide behind message boards and comment sections airing out their greivances in vain, screaming against the unstoppable machine that is Liberalism. To what avail? Yes, we have ganered the interest of our peers in large numbers but our "movement" grows stale and listless as our ideals become muddled with egalitarian and Civic nationalism. A leader must arise, one with the passion and intelligence to navigate the paths ahead leading or setting an example for the rest. One who understands that liberals, niggers and Jews have only been able to proliferate because of a failed experiment of government. Who amongst us has the gall to lead, and will do so honorably?
OP is not white.
t. Sup Forums
This is because women lie. If they told us to work out, we would.
this is now a thread where i dump pictures showing how retarded you guys are irl.
pic is the poster im replying to.
>24 year old white female here
Sure thing faggot. Stopped reading there.
Dont you guys have a IRL Sup Forums meet up to get to?
Looks like a Turk.
This .
Pic definitely related
Not really, Im married. Wouldn't dream of marrying a women who had 19 partners, disgusting.
OP acts as if females have continued to uphold their moral and beauty standards and only males have let themselves go.
Than what?
which one of you goys is pic related?
I see nothing wrong with this picture. If the world was only people like this it would be a great place to live.
They probably listen to metal, drink mead, shit-post on Sup Forums and have a great time together.
The only reason I'm a RWDS is because people like this are becoming a minority.
How original never seen these before
Why do you cunts keep falling for these threads
Roll for you jewish name
Opinion disregarded.
You're worthless. I wouldn't take you.
Are you fat with an ugly face? Get over yourself you pampered bitch there is bad people in every generalitly
tits then gtfo
Yerubediah Bergenowsky
Why is it always Amerimutts responding seriously to b8 threads? Is every Amurican poster a literal double digit IQ nigger?
Oh honey... hush :)
Keep trying you lszy bitch. Say it to their face.
People who work out regularly are overwhelmingly right-wing.
get your kike shill bullshit off this board "fellow MAGApede".
dude in that pic is not white at all, he's some sort of 56% mystery meat
I view white beta soyboy allies as potential soldiers in my future army, in my little autistic head, so I tend to like them. I could make these worthless faggots become the hero's in legends
Men are terrible and women are worse.
Weak bait. Actual white women find pictures of black cock physically disgusting.