What's her fucking problem?
What's her fucking problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
A strong case of generic genki archetype.
She's terrible, she needs to turn heel within the next 3 episodes to stop the rot.
>Not liking Genki girls
Kill yourself
She's the best girl
i collect and draw diana pics, whoever drew her please post
That akko on her head needs to be snipped off.
here you go
she looks dumb as fuck
She has bad form on her pelvic thrusts
That can cause issues once she gets a bit older
what's wrong with her?
Why are you so aggressive?
Obviously Dianna fucked her silly.
she saw 'that' "Ursula Andress bikini" picture from Shiny Chariots' visit and tour to Jamaica
He's a leafy fan. Just leave it at that.
ADHD and autism
She's a hippogriff. Can't even perform basic shit but whine at other people for teasing her.
Why not just skip your sleep time and train some more so you can fly like everybody else?
When's the AMA? It's just on Sup Forums right? Debating staying up for it.
18 JST
Reposting in case user missed it.
might as well repost everyone's in that case
>youtube removed my amv
feels bad
I'm not sure if card user is around right now.
Honestly, I imagine a good number of faggots are asleep so they can get up in 3 and a half hours for the AMA.
It's actually a really slow night so maybe the AMA will go well.
Surely you mean hypocrite.
Akko is mentally retarded. This is given by her gross lack of intelligence, her inability to behave appropriately in public, her constant demented facial expressions and need to spew out emotionally without care for those around her, and her demeanor in general. She's emotionally undeveloped, and, frankly, selfish in regards to needs all but her own. If it weren't for her two friends holding her up and coddling her emotional outbursts she'd still be stuck at the terminal crying her pathetic eyes out, and deservingly so. I can only come to the conclusion that Akko is undeserving to be the MC of this show; I nominate Sucy in her stead, in hopes that Trigger will write Akko's character out, to be nothing more than a mere background character where she belongs, making an occasional humorous scene as she struggles in her magic and is consequently bullied. She needs to be bullied nonstop - I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's true.
>want to do something for the card
>can't draw for complete shit
Worth a shot. I hope the AMA goes well.
was that the well timed one from the other night?
I think card user went to sleep early into last thread.
He will probably go look at the archive when he wakes up in an hour or two.
don't let that get in your way
She's retarded, but you can't help but admire her determination. She's not stupid, she's just dumb. She just doesn't listen to anyone just because she's so focused in on her goal.
Is that your card entry? Because it's not going to make it in.
Damn, Reup it somewhere else if you can. It was great.
It's simple user.
If you can't draw, just learn to 3D model. Easy as that.
Working on my submission for the card. FUCK the little brooch on their hats.
Looks very promising.
whelp so much for that
just doodle something
i'm no good either, but I made one.
you gotta believe in magic!
It needs a white background and be 600x600 max.
What is this card entry thing you guys are talking about?
tentative ideas, but probably not for the card
one of my complaints is i don't have a good reference for lotte's hair at several angles so i have no idea how it behaves there
Use darker lines. Literally can't see anything
Wait, the AMA already happened?
Shit. I missed it.
1 hour!
She humping a desk?
Wait you really missed it?
How retarded can you be. Should be still in the archive better start searching.
two hours!
this isn't even but just rough drafting
no you goof, the AMA is still set to happen in a couple hours
we're just making a card collage and giving it to Tattun on sunday/monday
It's two hours from now.
The card is for after.
>tfw no adhd gf
What is Amanda doing in that pic?
I think lotte's shoulders should be a little broader, great work so far, your construction skills are pretty good.
no idea honestly, i drew the arms last
probably will toss that pic for a different pose
i'm just doing it cuz someone asked for an amanda
i need to sleep for work
What if it ends up being shit and not worth giving a thank you card for?
She loves bad bitches.
I'm out of coffee damn, and it's too late to catch a nap, I'll fall asleep for sure.
I have to go to bed, pls post my anime meme video for producer-chan.
They still went through the trouble as posting in Sup Forums/reading shitpost/witnessing our autism. That's reason enough.
dumb chickenposter
Where are all the people?
>3 and a half hours
What the fuck I set an alarm now trusting the user who said it's gonna be 7 GMT because I didn't remember the jap time and couldn't be bothered checking, fuck me.
Don't say that
Sleeping early so they can wake up for the Q&A.
Is the user who drew this here?
Just wanted to say that's a very cute Hannah!
user deleted his cute drawing of happy akko.
Akko doesnt deserve to be happy
I can't decide if going to sleep or wait, I wont be able to get up.
This thread needs more sucy
If you haven't slept yet, now there is no point in doing so anymore.
It's 90 minutes away.
This thread needs more Constanze
This thread needs more Amanda
Posting again because fml.
600x600 now
Coming right up.
wait we're sending in a card? give info
no go find the info urself fag
I'm going to work so someone ask about the moon runes. How they went about designing them and so forth, maybe even post that moon rune guide.
Do we have a mod here yet making sure to weed out all the inevitable shitposters for the AMA?
Is that dowmans work?
>combining science and magic
Gremlin pls go
>600x600 image resolution (maximum)
>deadline is 29/01 20:00 GMT (5 hours after episode 4 airs, draw while waiting for subs)
>you can make submissions in any program, or even doodle with traditional tools, but try to keep the boarders of the drawing clean and the res 600x600.
>you can send more than one submission if you want to, just don't go overboard
>no edits, sorry
Tripguy saving pics is LWACard !!53N4FacxodB he's sleeping
I'm going to bed, can't keep up with these after drawing all day, good night everyone and enjoy the ama.
ask about the chariot cards pls
What about them?
thanks user-kun
What most people want to know is if Trigger will have some printed, either as a BD premium or separately.
No user, this is not Code Geass.
Tattun already said that they might be doing them, hopefully we get a better answer from producer
Why? People have deduced the missing letters themselves. We don't need the cheat sheet anymore unless it has numerals or punctuation.
Seems awfully quiet right now.
Could this AMA end up being calm and collected?
Who am I kidding. Once there is a sticky the shit will start.
It's always calm before the storm
It's the calm before the storm.