Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

So, the mayo chapter is getting adapted by the arc 2 manga artist:

Apparently when he first meet the person responsible for the serialization he personally requested to be able to do this chapter so he could draw Rem's smile.

Other urls found in this thread:!dJUmhIqZ!bBvJWA-qmbqyGnGuTizfRhFj3keXE-u1pgofQDzbRqE

Nice comicbook

Rem is so cute


God damn, that smile is too perfect.

The artist is "she" I believe. I don't remember who told me that though.

Subaru vision is weird.

user who fapped to the Rem NTR doujin.

So today my house did not catch on fire.
Though a park in my area did catch on fire.
Should I be worried?

Only if God improves his aim


Its a warning shot I bet

>Mayo and King's chapter is getting adapted

I have seen the light



I thought your keitai has no reception Subaru.

Hyundai didn't die to get to the other world

Rem is best wife.

Yeah yeah we already know how much you love her Subaru. No need to brag about it.

>he personally requested to be able to do this chapter so he could draw Rem's smile

What are the chances that he is going to adapt the rest of the SOL chapters?

I'm not sure you understand.

A smile that you'd burn the world for

I hope Rem gets long hair in the main story

>so he could draw Rem's smile

Truly, she is a woman of fine taste

Rem's long hair looks terrible in the AU, so I'd prefer her to have a different hairstyle than the one in the AU or not to change her hair at all. But above all, Rem needs to show both of her eyes more often instead of fucking hiding those gems all the time.

I wouldn't say her hair is terrible, but it doesn't suit her as well as it could.

The latest chapters made me appreciate Emilia a lot more.

As it should

Well it makes Rem look strikingly identical to Emilia so I'm really not fond of it. It doesn't look bad true, but I'd love her to have a more unique hairstyle rather than copy someone else's (like Ram or Emilia for example).

Crossing the street and then suddenly coming to in another world before you get to the other side implies that you were hit by a fucking car. Subaru's name is representative of the Subaru that demolished his noodle body into a fine paste on the asphalt.

>he personally requested to be able to do this chapter so he could draw Rem's smile.

A true hero.

Waiting patiently for translations.

The power is 'Return' by Death, not 'Teleport Somewhere Random' by Death.

Apparently the artist really loves Rem's smile.

What are the chances that Subaru died and went to isekai hell?

All isekai are hell.


Every thread until Rem wakes up.

Rem is so great and deserving of her huge popularity.

So popular there will be a gigantic shitstorm, bigger than any other shitstorm,if she were to somehow lose.

He was actually isekaid because some random wizard desperately wanted a WRX STI to be waiting for his fiance in the town square, but he botched the spell and got the wrong subaru.

His fiance later abandoned him for a richer, more competent wizard.

>Don't give a fuck about this guy
>Would kill him
>he saves you
>husbando for life

rem is a slut. subaru would be right not to love her.

>Saves you
>Relieves you innate complexes
>Pushes you to discover yourself
>Spoils the shit out of you while being firm
>Keeps his promises with you as if every one is a sacred vow that should never be broken and must be fulfilled
>Goes through hell and back to just see you smile
>Literally throws parades for you just because he loves you that much

I mean sure. I guess she is.

>Cute boy shows up
>He stinks like shit
>He's kind of retarded
>Risks his life for some kids and you could've helped more
>Go into the woods to save him
>He's not mad at you and comes to save you
>Doesn't end up dying despite you almost killing him
>Tells you a bunch of shit you needed to hear
>Your heart goes a little doki doki

Based artist.

It says so on her pixiv page

Why is Rem so popular to the female demographic?

literally smashed the patriarchy

You're cutting out a few too many details. When Rem talks about being saved, she's not exactly talking about physical danger. Even in the early loops, Subaru showed concern for Rem in matters everyone else thought was fine. Later, he would stand up for her on issues she hadn't even realized were issues.
Then the rest of it comes down to personal taste in men, where she seems to prefer cute and vulnerable sorts, and how she's sort of able to identify with him because she feels she's also a worthless piece of shit. Except that Subaru wasn't letting that hold him back. He also capped off his speech with how he'd be relying on her, making her feel valued.

I remember that in a very old thread, someone said anyone could have saved her and she'd have fallen in love with them the same way. However, I don't feel that's true for most of them. Let's say Reinhard or Julius saved her from the dogs and tried to give her an inspirational speech. It'd come across as a joke to her. She wouldn't be impressed by the struggles of either of them, and their words would seem meaningless coming from people who were already so powerful and amazing.

Though I suppose Otto might have been able to pull it off. He's observant enough, and falls under the same easily teased cute and vulnerable type.
Because they want to fuck Subaru, and Emilia is too unrelatable due to her ignorance of sexuality.

>implying Rem doesn't have the capacity to conquer all hearts in both gender spectrums

Source for that picture?

Why is she doing that with her check?

No clue

Every thread until Crusch-sama gets her memories back.

>he personally requested to be able to do this chapter so he could draw Rem's smile

I'm going to puke.

She has good taste

Can she even lose at this point, bar her or Subaru dying permanently? Subaru's so devoted to her that it's hard to imagine any outcome other than those that would count as "losing."

>Well it makes Rem look strikingly identical to Emilia
There is a reason that one is a Bad End AU

Rem could back out of the Subarubowl if Emilia doesn't want to share

I was thinking to myself that since the witch appears to personally have met subaru in the past this means that he is not an isekai'd character. basically, subaru did not isekai, he is just back home.

One way is Rem rejects Subaru herself.

>Potato Rem wakes up
>Lost all her memories
>Think Subaru is disgusting
>Emilia now has a chance
That'd be perfect

in this scenario the most likely outcome is Subaru giving up Emilia in order to not lose Rem

"I apologize. I cannot imagine remaining within fifty feet of a person who smells like a mobile cesspit, much less allowing them within range to touch me. The problem is entirely mine, Subaru-san."

Subaru would just give up on Emilia to be with Rem in that case. Dude really doesn't want to live in a world without his blue oni by his side.

That's why its Rem who has to back off and push her boyfriend away. Not Subaru.

>implying she won't wake up towards the big bad final arc and immediately afterwards gets off'd by satella for being in the way, setting off honda's autism and salt like nothing else seen so far.

Pretty sure she's going to wake up this arc, then probably die a lot in the next one.

It doesn't matter, Subaru would still give up on Emilia so he can be with Rem. Whatever would cause Rem to back off (which she probably wouldn't in the first place) would be gone the very moment that she realizes that Subaru would give up Emilia for her.

Subaru couldn't get there that way even if he tried.

Would it? How can you be so sure she wouldn't give up Subaru for the greater good? She has done so before. Plus it fuels my tragedy boner.

I want to cuck the clown.

Backing off so Subaru can be with Emilia isn't really a "greater good," especially not to Subaru. Plus that's probably breaking some kind of promise they've made and you know how that is.

I want to spoil this nee-sama

Otto, is that you?

Oh god my dick.

She'll twist and cut it off

Huh. He is going to smell A LOT worse to her when she wakes up, isn't he.

I rather have her crush my balls.

You don't get to pick.

>She'll twist [...] it
Something, something, something, "that's a service in our industry"

I mean, provided she has memories, the smell just makes her panties wet. If she doesn't have memories she doesn't even know why she'd care.

Do you care about the particulars of why you avoid skunks?!dJUmhIqZ!bBvJWA-qmbqyGnGuTizfRhFj3keXE-u1pgofQDzbRqE
Essays can die.

What do you mean? Even without memories something smelling bad will make you avoid it

Its not a bad smell, its the association. Its like black roses or lilacs some shit

Shaula says it smells shitty and she's someone who likes it.

HA, I knew I stayed up all night for no good reason for a good reason. Thanks as always.

The gift that keeps on giving

Please don't ruin your education for that though


On the one hand, scent is *entirely* subjective. On the other hand, miasma is dangerous therefore it smell s bad.

Thank you

100 chapter anniversary. This is nice.

>for no good reason
I'm not you yet, but I stayed up out of habit.

Where the hell were you and what were you doing when Jesus himself confirmed it?

>Subaru: “I couldn't even get used to Rem's tea... my body just doesn't accept this stuff, seriously.”
>Might be okay with drinking piss
>Scoffs at tea
He's got problems

>He's got problems
It took you that long to notice?

He's got lots of problems

>Theta: “...No, dersn't bother me. I see, so that's what it meant. Ah, I see, I do see... it's surprisingly nert that bad.”
>After muttering “Theeter, Theeter” to herself multiple times, Theta's cheeks slacken in embarrassment.

>Subaru would give up on Emilia to be with Rem

I'm surprised that that Emiliafag isn't already here to argue that Subaru still loves Emilia more or at least an equal amount.

Don't start it

There is a merit in having a contradictory opinion so you can better assess if your reasoning is sound or just flawed wishful thinking

That said, usually that Emilia apologist more often than not brings up flimsy reasons