Girls und Panzer

Phase Erika Ch.4 is translated!



Great chapter! You can kind of understand Erika better now, whether or not she was right aside.

Looking forward to more!

I still want Phase Momo.


>Miho wants to reconcile
>Maho wants Erika to support Miho

Guess this isn't the last time we're going to see Erika and Miho together.

Yeah Erika is and will always be a bitch!

Erika is very cute and she tries hard for her team and commander. Can't get mad at her for that.

>mfw the thread here wasn't up, so I wasn't able to dump it here
I dumped it on /k/ as a backup, just in case.

If any of you want to read it there as well, go ahead. It's a good chapter, though. Thanks for the work Taiboss!

I might have something else to dump later, so check there later if you want to see what I can dig up.

>Erika cared more about Miho's team than Miho did
Erika did nothing wrong.


>hitting Miho
I want to hurt Erika.

I'm not going to say Miho fully deserved that slap for her thought process, but It's easy to see how Erika feels insulted not just for herself, but for the sport and the participating crew members.

Curious to know how Erika'd react if she knew Miho threw for the sake of 'reconciliation' prior to her saying Miho should stay Vice Commander. She wouldn't have asked Miho if she was trying if she didn't at least suspect it, so I somehow feel her answer would've been the same to Maho's offer. I guess Erika is trying to show Miho respect for Senshadou in her own special way, which is probably why the 'throw' in the Pravda match was such a big deal to her and lead to her harsh behaviour in the series.

I just woke up so none of that is probably coherent.

I guess that's a shame too, Miho's crew had to feel bad about that despite it being Miho's fault they hadn't won. She can't exactly say she threw to them either, that'd just be cruel to their efforts.


I'd be curious to know if Coco's is actually getting a considerable amount more business, judging by the plethora of fan art being made featuring the uniform you'd think so.

What would a sleepover with the main cast be like?

Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!

Don't sexualize my wife's pet. Also why is /ak/ translating a manga about wizards?

How would we know? This is the GuP thread.

>How would we know?
Are you dumbs?

Just wondering why considering there's no tanks or gun shit. Or is it just Swiss?

I would hug Mako like a body pillow.

I want to kill this fucking cunt

Stay away from best girl, fagtron.




Is that Maho or the other one whose name I forgot?

You're talking about Meho?



Thought so.
There is NO Meho.

What would happen if I repeatedly rang Erika's doorbell in the morning?

Zerg rush commander is pretty damn qt

She'd come to look who's at the door of course. Could it be that you are stupid or something?

Anyway is it certain that Erika doesn't live with her parents?


Kind of.
I wonder how Koume and the other girls from Mihos team would have felt if they had overheard the talk with Erika.
Might have lead to some more slaps.

why is kay so sexy?

Because damned japs.

As long as her family doesn't live on the Kuromorimine carrier, she likely doesn't.

Was the eyepatch girl in Kuromorimine the same one that appeared in Ribbon Warrior?

Also, that alligator Erika had.

Do these last two chapters not piss anyone else off?

I feel as if I'm reading NTR. Miho was cheated of a win that should have been hers, and now she gets put on the sidelines as Erika gets to decline the vice-commander position.

I never really disliked Erika. But now I want her to die.
I want to gouge out her eyes and have some autistic drooling handicap skullfuck her. Detoxify then cremate her.

Rotten, impulsive bitch has no place being in Kuromorimine.

>Do these last two chapters not piss anyone else off?
I think Saitaniya wrote himself in a corner here.

He's just a troll. Or a retard.

Obviously Maho sees that different.

To the user that translaed the chapter and the one that Typesetted it, thank you.

He had to write a foregone conclusion (Miho stays as VC, Erika keeps doing senshado) but he didn't manage this time to do it as well as the Maginot manga.

Maho is forgiving.


>To the user that translaed the chapter and the one that Typesetted it, thank you.

I am one and the same person. This manga is mainly the work of two persons, me and my friend who studied japanese checking my translations. Now and then I get someone else to help me redraw certain pages or proofread the whole thing, but it's still us two doing the most work.

That being said, I appreciate your thanks nonetheless! I really like this manga, so being the one scanlating it gives me certain feeling of importance, haha.

Hey Sawreefag, are you gonna typeset the new pages of Kindergarten Panzer or should I?

Manga aren't canon.

I haven't actually seen the TL at all, I must've missed it. By all means, go ahead! So long as we get to read them it doesn't matter who does it.

That one.

I don't, however, think that Maho in any way intends to humiliate Erika, she seems to hold her in quite high regards. (Otherwise she never would have allowed the duel in the first place).
She just seems to totally misunderstand the relationship between Erika and Miho.

Did anyone get their 2017 GuP calendar yet?

I got mine and to be honest, it's pretty big and the type that you'd have to tear the page to change the month.

>I don't, however, think that Maho in any way intends to humiliate Erika
Of course, but if it's for Miho, she would gladly throw Erika under a bus, she'd probably throw the whole Nishizumi school along with her. She was so relieved when Miho didn't loose her position and from the sport point of view that's just disastrous. Commander who lost is unsuitable, but more importantly, commander who doesn't even want to command or win is unsuitable. And we know it's true because KMM loses against Pravda due to Miho being the vice-commander.
It was a bit manipulative of Maho to ask Erika if she wants to take the position while looking upset, but I don't blame her for taking care of her sister or favoring her. And to a certain extent it's Erika's fault for not taking her chance due to either her pride or her loser nature.

She doesn't intend to.
She just did it without realizing.

My sides were not prepared

>sometimes one is forced to sacrifice their friends

I wonder if this is how Maho would answer to news inquiries as to why a tank full of students died for KMM's world record 10th in a row championship win.


That doesn't mean we can't enjoy them. Also Sataniya did so much has his own entire continuity by now, composed of scenes like Erika confronting Miho in Ch15 of the adaptation manga, Erika's Pride and now Phase Erika. I enjoy this "Sataniya universe", too bad he can't draw.

Everyone loves Wanika, even if they don't love Erika.

I want to humiliate Erika sexually!


He should just focus on drawing the tank and let his assistant to draw the character.

New movie or series when?


I want to get into a fight with Yukari and beat her up.

>Implying that she wouldn't beat you and then have her way with you afterwards

Kay is for sexual harassment!

Alisa is for violent rape.

Nope, Kay is for sexual harrassing (You)[/spoiler[

Alright cool. I got lazy with some of the SFX but here you guys go.

Rosehip is crazy, Mikko is fucking adorable.

Klara makes her debut!

Does anyone have a tissue?

And here's the Nishizumi one again. I forgot to save Sawreefag's pages so if anyone could post them again please.

Nope, I'm not crying.

Oops, messed up the font for MEXTguy.

maho of forgiveness good tanks and blitzkrieg will come to you only if you reply PANZER VOR!!!

>And to a certain extent it's Erika's fault for not taking her chance due to either her pride or her loser nature.

Well, it makes some sense.
Erika wants to live up to Mahos expectation and make her proud of her, and i think she can do that better by steping down and do a good job as tank commander than by rushing into the vice commander position and keep failing in it because she's too inexperienced.

Maho probably wouldn't even be mad if Erika insisted to become vice commander - she was OK with the terms of the duel. But after that Erika would have been under constant pressure to do it better than Miho and have Mahos eyes permanently on her.

Having Leila not around anymore in the series, i hope they don't have to "sacrifice" her...
..then again, this is GuP, so she'll likely be fine, the worst that may happen is her quitting senshado or leaving KMM for some reason.

We know that some KMM players were bullied into leaving the school after the drowning incident.
We all know where this is leasing.


Don't forget he did all the Maginot girls.

Even if it would have been 100% out of character, i'd liked to have Maho give her a hug in that scene.

That comes for later. In private.

Rosehip, get down!

also the first Anzio battle, including the best team

Thanks OP and now I officially want to kill Erika

I'd like to see you try you silly cunt, I'll put you in the fucking ground.

And one of the smuggest Erwins ever.

That looks like there will be more than just hugs.

Look user, this cute loli wants you to sleep with her in the bed, just to let you know, she can be VERY touchy feely while she's sleeping though.

I laughed

late for the party, but yes

>tfw ADHD is treated with basically amphetamines
>tfw I'm telling an ADHD child, GuP fan, that is taking basically Panzerschokolade so doesn't skip the meds


I want to have an abusive relationship with Alisa.

Add the Parola Tank Museum to the list


