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How many of them are white?

Not many Mexicunts and M*slims in those 500 i would bet.

Basically every single American is an immigrant or a child of one so...

ie No fortune 500 companies are native american

>Founded by immigrants
Did these people ever become legal citizens? I think they all did.

Apple was founded by a muslim's kid though

That is the face of an anchor baby not a fortune 500 family. Her mother is a dishpig - amd undocumented. She has a free ride to community colllege where she does latin studies. She just learnt about systemic racism last week.

Fuck white people

How many of them crossed the border illegally?

Almost all.

all of these were started over 40 years ago,,, not one mexicant in the whole lot

The eternal lib.
Conflating legal with illegal.


>Apple was founded by a muslim's kid though
Yes, Stevemed Jobshussain and stevmed wozniakamed

Elon Musk did, I think.

If they made companies then they certainly aren't illegal, yes?

>legal immigrants

How many are illegal aliens or "refugee's". Immigrants are not the same op.

So does the IRS know about all this?

How many of them received college scholarships just because they were minorities?
Fuck off with this kikery

OP left out the word Legal.

Jewish leaf cites jewish media as proof whites didn't create the first world.

Of course. The german with blond hair and blue eyes is still considered an immigrant. I wonder how many of these immigrant captains of industry originate south of the border.

How many are ILLEGAL immigrants?

steve jobs' biological father was a syrian you dumb fuck


Why can't the left realize there's a difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration? These 216 companies were all founded by LEGAL immigrants.

Of the 216, how many were founded by illegal immigrants?

"No human is illegal!" -the left

that's why

Try again shareblue, new age immigrants are either commie free loaders or extremist muzzies looking to change whole cities

Wow, what a narrow, bigoted, US-centric observation.

1. Legal immigrants. There is a difference. They wait in line and pay taxes from the first dollar they earn.
2. We want those numbers to favor native-born American citizens first. Including "Immigrants and children" in one study is disingenuous. How many are fresh off the boat?

>america is a nation of immigrants!
>more than half of this list of americans are not immigrants!

so which is it?

Most members who belong to the corrupt and nepostic Fortune 500 should be wiped out so we can stabilize our future from the greedy hands and needy eyes of digsuting bankers, the majority of whom should have been purged years ago. But no, there exists two sets of laws, laws that overly protect the "rich and connected" and laws aimed to fracture society. Most bankers deserve utter eradication and a systemic cleanse.

>Haha, because some of our people are immigrants we should just open our borders and let everyone in! haha!

Why didn’t they stay in their own countries so these fabulous companies could (((help))) the citizens there?

>and their children
that's all non natives in the U.S. e.i. mostly whites(at least the ceos)

Fortune 500 useless parasites that destroys planet and humanity, not a single contribution to planet, inflated stock retards draining people's inventions and money.

Those immigrants were legal and not a single one is a muslim. Muslims are useless. At least jews an win noble prizes

if illegals are starting companies, something is fundamentally wrong with our social compact.

SCOOP: According to Quartz, 216 companies were founded by immigrants or non-immigrants: Report

Every American that isn't Native American is technically an immigrant you dumbass

have to go back NO MERCY

Legal immigrants from Europe founded those companies, not third world savages from the stone age.

Oh wait and see how they become all Muslims, capitalists don't have any intelligence, just inflated retards since 200 years. You will have poos and you will have Muslims. Bosses aren't working anyway, fortune 500 is just a washingmachine of banks that enslaves people to some stupid brands where bosses take the money. It doesn't requires any intelligence to be a boss.

Anyone who is born in America is a native American. 'Native' and 'indigenous' are not synonyms.

> "No human is illegal!" -the left

just call it "clandestine migration" as we do in Europe

How many of them pay their fair share of taxes? I'll answer that, less than 2% because the rest of them abuse all the immigrant perks and assistance programs when they don't need to.

>you are now aware lefties classify white Britishers as immigrants to predominantly Anglophone countries



And how many founded by illegal immigrants? Zero.

Steve Jobs rejected islam, though, and converted to mumbo jumbo zen buddhism

So they're already taking our jobs?

Immigrants: europeans and asians, not muslims subhumans.

Useless parasites? They provide cars, electricity, fuel, food, drugs, televisions, houses, furniture, bicycles, clothing, clean water, medical services, entertainment...pretty much EVERYTHING. And in your warped and low IQ opinion, government, which is a gigantic parasite, somehow produces everything. By stealing.

No, they provide jack shit. They increase price of cars, electricity, fuel, food, drugs, televisions, houses, furniture, bicycles, clothing, clean water, medical services, entertainment...pretty much EVERYTHING. and force people to work for them. Should be all killed. I don't need you to provide your shitty cars, your shitty food, your shitty medical care, just fuck off from my country.

ANYTHING that was invented by them is based on the white mans success. So your argument is invalid.


Charles Pfizer. A great German chemist.

Brown people get fucked.

there probably a lot of jew ones

You are really out of your mind. Just stating something which is obviously and ridiculously untrue reveals you to have a very low IQ.

Is this the white version of 'we wuz'?

they were all white immigrants and children tho

This is exactly why we shouldn't have immigrants you dumbfuck!!!
You think all the foreigners should get rich and parasite off our economy and establish ethnic business that favor their own?

You're an amerishart, - the very reason why our empire is declining.

Damn, so like, every immigrant that came here has started a Fortune 50--wait, they haven't and that's a fucking stupid point.

So 284 companies were made by natives? Oh that doesn't count for this argument? I see.

Oh my god, its almost as if capitalism provides equal opportunities for success
Liberals are so fucking stupid lol
This reminds me liberals laughing about how most rich families lose their fortunes in 3 generations, right before they turn around and whine about rich privilege

> Antifa
Good to know you rode the short bus growing up.

took our jerbs it looks

They know if those 216 companies werent there 216 other companies started by Americans would be there, right? What the fuck point are they making?