Niggers and wannabe niggers are getting famous by torturing and harassing minimum wageslaves. How do we stop this shit it’s getting ridiculous
New trend of fucking with minimum wage employees
Honestly if you work minimum wage you deserve to be treated like the absolute trash you are
PROTIP: Be nice to people who are making your fucking food. You don't want that shit spat in.
Also I've been given free food several times just because I'm courteous to people who have shitty jobs.
This is why we had segregation.
What is your occupation?
Don’t reply to this fucking bait please
Niggers like this should be shot.
If I was a policeman, I'd happily shoot this fucker.
as if niggers being rude to service workers is some new thing
This isn’t “rude”. This is straight up assault. This is who young kids look up to
niggers being niggers.
This is why we hung them from trees tbqh
That's the same nigger that records himself robbing people and it's still on the street making people's days miserable.
My wife works at a Burger King. Some black lady did that to her with hot coffee. Camera at the menue recorded the plate.
Woman was arrested and charged with felonious assault. Never went to trial, she plea-bargained to simple assault.
Court order not to go near my wife or that Burger King ever again, and I have her address.
when will the day of the rope come ffs
not get any money out of it?
catchy af nigga
I would pay to watch this nigger beg for his life.
This was in Brazil
good, show that subhuman that they aren't allowed to chimp out around us
*smacks lips profusely*
No. Minimum wage employees are at least working. People shit on them but they are probably the least lazy poor we have just based on the fact they actually get up and go to a job.
>1 million views
>all those black people giving positive comments
But reddit told me blacks were just as civilized as everyone else and this is a stereotype.
I'll masturbate furiously the day this worthless nigger is inevitably killed
Lol he didn't see that coming
This shitskin has posted numerous videos of himself committing felonious thefts. How the fuck is this nigger not in a cage by now? Some poor white guy is going to be forced to shoot this shitskin and the media will proclaim "he wuz an good boy". Said white guy will be villainized by the populace.
Yeah, he's probably one of those retards who doesn't automatically assume niggers are bad. I have no idea how these people can live in the modern world and still want to be nice to niggers, it blows my mind.
Why do black people only use Instagram/Snapchat or Vine when it was a thing? Is it the short attention span required for viewing?
What were they dipping their cigarettes in Sup Forums?
Here's that twitter account it was posted to
Gets you high as fuck
Yeah pretty much. I've seen poeple sit there watching vine comps on youtube for hours. It's kinda like how music videos move from frame to frame every 2 fucking seconds. No wider plot to pay attention to, just constant ((stimulation)). It's mind numbing
that cunt isnt even speaking english
What is sherm? is that PCP? They just call it dust in my city
I'm a potter, sir
That's assault. Dude should press charges.
As a great man here on Sup Forums once said, it's like when monkeys live around humans too long and get too comfortable so they start doing shit to fuck with the humans
Yeah it's phencyclidine. Why the fuck would anyone do PCP intentionally?
yeah im always as nice as possible when i meet people like this, 1. i want people to think whites are respectful 2. i know how much their job sucks
good fuck wageslaves
they need to know that they're worthless
The fuck going on here? Where is this?
I'll never understand the love of Vine. My little brother tries to make me watch them with him. Just watching them makes me feel like I have adhd. One compilation is like 500 vine clips.
Dindus are literally subhuman. Science supports this
>People find nigger chimpouts amusing
>People find him as a role model
On the bright side, the comments on instagram and twitter are both overwhelmingly negative
from a nigger?
>beautiful fucking trips
>accompanied by a truthful statement
>nobody checks those numerals
Sure is newfag ITT. Check'd
also keep in mind that the subsaharan black IQ is even lower. Dindus in America have slightly higher IQ avgs because most of them have some white blood in them.
Who is gonna start the gofundme? I'll donate to
Also, wasted Hitler quads. Feels bad man
I cant wait for a Nog to try some shit with me, Im a shift manager at McD's making 13/hr
I can refuse to serve anyone, especially when theyre being cunts
Anything I do, short of throwing the first punch, and my company will have my back in it
Who cares. In a year, one will be in prison or dead and the other not.
Absolutely no idea. I've always been curious about the high because it makes people go insane. It was really bad in my city before the opiate crisis, it wasn't weird to see some naked black guy covered in blood screaming at people. The shit does not look enjoyable at all. A cop friend told me it was popular because it's cheap lasts long. It's like 10 bucks to get a dipped cigarette and the high can last over 24 hours while other drugs are usually just 2 or 3 hours. Imagine being in that state for over 24 hours kek.
Could bring peace on Earth by having people join hand in hand to curbstomp this cunt. White, Black, Asian, Muslim. All would be forgiven as we strung this guy up on a Christmas tree.
wurldwide nigga
that's nothing new and that is also assault
this guy is an asset to Sup Forums
textbook nigger behaviour
Most truthful statement in this thread
>new trend
holy shit underage detected
I got a warning for checking a post the other day. Was confused. Is confused.
Only a true nigger does this shit. Even if you're dealing with trash fast-food people you should act like a fucking civilized human
The employee should file a police report
Why don't we show this shit to some "former" AB members outside of prison, just so someone might "accidently" rip this nigger into pieces?
I would make every nigger customer you interact with, wait that extra little bit of lazy. Go at half pace, or intentionality do a meaningless side track task to waste time.
Just like they they act towards whitey.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Niggers gon nig
It's true that minimum wage workers are generally not the best specimens, but there's no honor in tormenting people who are beneath you.
This, this, and this some more.
awesome. every time they do this theyre guaranteeing another vote for Trump in the next election.
Because niggers die to quick. Go watch first 48, by the time you find the nigger another nigger has already killed him. The nigger in the OP isn't going to make it to 40, he'll either get popped by a white guy or another nigger at some point.
If I lived in the USA and I saw anything like that I would immediately call 911 and give them his plate/make and accuse him of robbing me and hope that the police shoot him while investigating.
Sculptor, sir.
I was wondering why that hasn't happened. He must pay them off or something.
Fucking leaf..your a sub human equal to the niggers.
lol it's like looking at a fucking chimpanzee.
In a just world people should be able to kill these vermin on the spot, so fucking enraging.
Wouldn't ever think of treating anyone no matter what race working behind a counter like this, at least they have a job.
Glad the filthy piece of shit whore that did this to your wife was caught burgerbro
Lol, offering the address of suspect. What is it?
Let's see what her mugshot looks like
Whats wrong with this nigger?
only newpals give a shit about anything that isnt a big get
He likes to prank strangers, so it's fair to prank him back.
driveby when?
What a ducking sub-human... Fucker should be caged for being a total animal with his 5 years old face tattoo and wannabe British teeth.
super protip: minimum wage cucks aren't going to fuck with your food (unless you really make them mad), as they can't afford to lose their pitiful income
>t. minimum wage cuck
nigs gonna nog
The first step should be to punch Jezz Bezos in the face.
11:45 if you want to know why he does it lel, the sad thing is that he is right
>nigger torturing and harassing other niggers
so what
>How do we stop this shit
We wait for AI to be perfected and eradicate niggers and automate low wage jobs at the same time.
I find you, douse you in gasoline, douse me in gasoline, light match D-E-D: DED
Twenty year old gag that jackass/CKY made mainstream
Niggers just now trying it
Just like electricity and plumbing,I suppose
But wait, this nigger will claim he invented it
Shut up Tyrone. That leaf has the right idea.