Dear White people

Your government no longer represents you.

They applaud your demographic annihilation.

They confiscate TRILLIONS of dollars from you via taxation - and do they use that money to help you? No. They give it to Blacks and
Browns so they can outbreed you. (The government also gives billions of dollars to the Jewish state of Israel and other foreign governments and international organizations.)

They not only allow but they actively encourage and engage in discrimination against you.

They allow the beautiful cities YOUR ancestors built to be stolen from you and turned into Third World-style war zones- courtesy of your hard earned tax dollars.

They bring the full weight of the federal government against any of you who dare to defend yourselves.

They import millions of Third Worlders in order to displace you and steal your jobs. They demonize you and call you racist while supporting racist organizations such as La Raza and the NAACP.

They ignore hundreds of thousands of yearly Black-on-White crimes while making national sensations out of comparably few White-on- Black "crimes" (many of which are complete fabrications).

They discourage you from reproducing by filling your children's heads with feminist nonsense.

They threaten to disarm you because Blacks and Browns can not behave responsibly with weapons.

And, after all of the above, they insist that YOU are the problem.

(((They))) want you DEAD.

Hate speech is speech jews hate to hear.

Other urls found in this thread:

Eye for an eye white boy.

No shit my dude

No white person has ever harmed you, faggot, in fact they have only ever bent over backwards to accommodate you and help you be competitive. Are you sure it's not some inherent flaw or limitation of your own that did the harm to you or your ancestors? Really think about that.

Oh lawd

All the institutions in this country are pro-white and favor whites over non-whites. But it's whatever. Your kind is finally losing it's grip all over the world and in half a century your kind will be no more

Oy vey

>just go
>leave all your vehicles and gas-o-line
>and I'll spare your lives
>just go
>and you have my word
>I'll give you safe passage through the wasteland
>he seems to be a reasonable man
>he gave his word
Who's up for a road trip?

Why do White leaders do this to White people?
Not (((White))) leaders but real Anglo and Germanics. I get so depressed about this. There's nothing I can do. It seems like everyone just hates White people including White people the most

>All the institutions in this country are pro-white and favor whites over non-whites.

This is what they actually believe. There is no negotiating with these anti-white sociopaths. They need to be banished from our lands.

kinda reminded me of bols

I'm not anti-white I'm pro-equality.


Name one

>There is no negotiating with these anti-white sociopaths.
No, I guess not. If people look at the institutions and honestly believe they favour whites, the time for arguments has passed.

Just walk away

>The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla

This is what you cocksuckers get for pushing that democracy shit so much.

Enjoy your fucking extinction.

>Eye for an eye white boy.
That's anti-white hate speech and you know it.

>They allow the beautiful cities YOUR ancestors built to be stolen from you and turned into Third World-style war zones- courtesy of your hard earned tax dollars.
not gonna lie, watching those riot truck with tear gas cannons on them going down the street makes it worth it in entertainment value

You know once democracy dies for good a and we whites reboot civilization you niggers are going to be ethnically cleansed from the planet just as a matter of good housekeeping, right?

Eternal wej causes this, jesus christ it is all so clear to me now. Hitler did nothing wrong.


>white people occupy one country in the world and only one country in the world, the U.S.
>le 56% face intensifies

You don't get it do you?

>an eye for an eye white boy

well, he's misguided but he is quoting his old testament and one of the tenants of his religion so he's not trying to hide who (((he))) is

I like this speech.

On the foreign policy side, things are just as bad:

That inorganic meme is all you've got?



We will soon raise the racial consciousness of our people and eliminate all of our enemies.

yes, I did tailor this to thread an American audience, so is that all you have to add? If so you're just a fucking gnat

>that moron neo-con RINO GW Bush

there's tens of millions of "Americans" living among us who hate real Americans and our flag, but sure, your kids get beat up for walking down the street because of "Russians"

The assimilated minority is the most privileged person in the US. A black guy with an education, work ethic and a clean record can do whatever and become whatever he chooses in this country. Thing is, the worst parts of black/hip hop culture are coping behaviors because blacks feel inferior. They reject assimilation because they are afraid of greatness. They are addicted to complacency and instant gratification. A gold chain or fly whip doesn't make you rich but to the black appearing rich is good enough.

Greatest fear.

*fingers get sliced off by a boomerang*


The darkness's only strength is illusion. Image. Meme.
We can fight back.

It's an onslaught

hey look at this stuff.

well they have to chose between fighting ((them)) and being rich. it's an easy choice if you don't think you could win anyway.

Pretty good OP. We should make this copypasta

Yeah, enough is enough, you should vote for Trump and piss them off real good !

What a load of shit. This started long Bush or his father were presidents.

feel free to, it does seem to have rustled some jimmies


I like how your ID has ZOG squared in it

It's all true

you're not exactly wrong.

Trips of truth.

Good thread people.

Trips of truth. Heil!
So there is literally not one good leader left in the White race of man?

>tfw not one good leader left in the White race of man

They only get away with this shit because tax payers enable the fuckers, they fuck you with your own dick in your ass and then in your mouth.

You're right

Well said OP

Well you know what that means right?
Secession time!

Nation wide Dixie time!

3 years ago i was a liberal. 2 years ago I was a Bernie bro. 1 year ago I voted for Trump.

Today, I’m ready the day of the gas. Fret not, our time is indeed coming.

I'll take the bait.

You dun goofed

We are broken and past this point Desu.
Germany had a homogeneous society to work with
We are scattered like dry leaves in December
How do we unite?
Where do we unite?

Britbong forced meme, sad

The left cannot meme for shit
