Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests?
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Because forced wealth redistribution isn't right.
They're uneducated which makes them easily exploitable. Just spout off some shit about building a wall and banning Muslims and they'll suck your dick while you sell out your country to Israel.
You fucking idiot. Righto better disband the military, close down all your schools and hospitals, can't be taxing anyone now.
>yes goy, let me tell you what are your interests
Beat me to it. Basically this. This poor white trash underclass is full of rage, and easy to mislead. They are also often very religious, which means they have no ability to think critically to begin with. They are sheep to be used for votes, and then left to their failing lives of meth and opiates.
How is it in my interest to want higher taxes?
>Disband the military
Fuck why are liberals so fucking stupid
If you are middle class or working and vote republican, you are objectively voting against your interests blindly. This is a fact
Trump never said he would get rid of gays, I don't understand all this "Trump is a homophobe" shit when he is the most pro-gay Republican ever and the only President ever to enter office accepting gay marriage.
poor nutrition
poor education
Often your short term economic interest are against your long term economic interest. Which is why women and chimps vote Democrat, they lack time time perspective.
Also, you might as well ask why more people are not whores, just think of the economic benefits!
I've been here for quite a long time and i still have not understand of Occupy Democrats is real or these are just designed to show how delusional liberals are.
>(((Occupy Democrats)))
This is 100% true
Pay higher taxes? Do libs not know what a tax cut is?
Yeah... I trust democrats to tell the truth about the new tax plan.
Since when do they carecanout people losing health insurance?
Are you so stupid you’re going to try and tell me NO ONE got their coverage ripped out from under them when Obamacare declared their coverage inadequate?
Paying a $500 premium is also a good way to lose health insurance
My taxes are going down and my insurance is cheaper next year.
Middle and working class are really getting minuscule cuts that why won’t benefit from seeing that their healthcare premiums will spike up. Will hurt them even more if they have children.
When republicans say tax cuts they are implying focused massivve cuts for the already extremely wealthy
> having a military
> forced wealth redistribution
M8, you’re making us look retarded.
I'm getting a tax cut and don't have Obamacare. How am I voting against my best interests?
the cbo report said that as a result of lower taxes welfare programs will automatically be cut back to cover any budget shortfall thus "increasing taxes on the poor".
the poor arnt actually going to start paying taxes any time soon.
BS. Most tax payers will get tax cuts. Two groups who don't:
(1) Poor people who don't pay taxes. Well, if you don't pay taxes, yes you don't get a tax cut.
(2) Upper income earners in high tax states. So the Left is always screaming "Tax the Rich!". Well, wish granted. Boo hoo for them.
Let every turd wielded into the country in order to turn it into a turd world
Let potential terrorists in from terrorist producing turd world nations
How is voting democrat in my best interests again?
Wealthy people earn more money so they'll have higher taxes. 5% of 5 million dollars is a lot more than 5% of a hundred thousand dollars.
We do?
I'm going to save almost 20k in taxes this feb.
Pretty sure that's in my interest :P
Stop being a poor faggot OP
Some people are interested in conserving more than their bank balances.
>my taxes are going down
>I'm not on obamacare because I'm not a leech or a nigger
How was this not in my interests?
Since when have liberals been against taxes?
Oh because the president has a R in front of his name
Really made me thunk.
I'd totally agree with you goys, except Trump hates jews and is doing everything in his power to incite a race war pitting the mudslimes and the kikes against each other.
Don’t forget about paying for shitskins to pump out babies and watch BET and Telemundo all day
CBO... that’s an unbiased reliable source of info
>doon’t forget about paying for meth addled Cletus to pump out babies and watch Fox News , NASCAR and Jerry springer all day
My taxes are going to be less and I will have the same insurance I have always had.
I don’t care about the gays, but the democrats want more Mexicans and Muslims in the country, so just by Trump being in office we’ve had a small turn of the water in the off position.
ah yea I forgot its white people that ruined America after all the blacks and mexicans built it
and now i got a cost of living adjustment for my autism bucks for the first time in 8 years
worth it
Fucking idiot taxes aren't forced wealth distribution it is how a government pays for it's own operation. Forced wealth distribution is when the government takes money away from you and instead of using it to run the country they give it to some dumbass who didn't earn it. The reason why capitalism works and socialism doesn't is because capitalism rewards those who take a chance and have a good or service others want and will pay for. Socialism rewards no one for anything except doing less because it puts everyone regardless of talent or skills on the same level. Socialism gives no incentive to risk anything for the good of yourself or anyone else. Socialism actually does the opposite because those who want to work less have to be supported by everyone else. People who think Socialism would ever work forget the basic failings and temptations of human nature. Humans are lazy when you give them a reason to be lazy. Nature itself abhores laziness and the lazy creatures are eradicated either through starvation or becoming prey. The only reason humans have gotten to the place they are now is because laziness has never been rewarded and only taking the risk to do what it takes to survive and succeed were ever rewarded. Every society that has tried to go against that has fallen apart. You fail to understand this because you fail to understand the fundamental rules that govern nature and the world as a whole.
don't you faggots always vote against your rights and economic interests because some scumbag you voted for made you feel good?
You and me both. Then again modern liberals are a god damn caricature nowadays.
but im going to be paying less taxes, OP. Also going to be paying less thanks to the ACA insurance mandate being removed
>lose your health insurance
I lost my insurance BECAUSE of fucking Obamacare, OP, you stupid fuck.
ha I love this. So true. There are tons of drug addled, country hick white trash these days, and they crank out babies even worse than blacks to do many times.
Economic interests aren't the only interests that exist.
This is just the laziest of the lazy thinking Leftist platitudes.
You don't know what other people's interests are. More liberals pretending to know things they don't.
Yes let me vote for the party that sees white men as an oppressive force in society. That’s totally in my interest. So is immigration. More people to compete with for work bc look how tolerant i am.
Anything else you want to tell me is in my interest?
Only retarded blue states with already high state taxes will pay more and that's only because the rest of the nation was subsiding your rates.
>What is the debt crisis, the thead
That or insecure white men think voting republican make them appear more manly
Define "insecure" for me.
is that deal on the table? by health insurance do you mean obama care which i don't use?
where do i sign?
Then why do Republicans vote for forced wealth redistribution to the upper class?
>poor white trash underclass
You're sadly still living in a bubble
Immigration causes a labor glut and drives wages down. If you're an hourly worker, immigration is bad for you.
Leftists are opposed to reality. Please do not answer them with logic and facts because they get triggered and make a mess.
>Sup Forums must talk about what I say is important