>tfw just got my dual citizenship papers in order so I can bolt the moment the usa degenerates into race/civil war
feels good man
Tfw just got my dual citizenship papers in order so I can bolt the moment the usa degenerates into race/civil war
Dual citizenship? Good, go back to Israel you kike.
>dual citizenship papers
That's nice.
Let us know when you are a real man and actually renounce your USA citizenship.
not israel
I got my polish citizenship
there's no reason to do that
they demand you pay like $50k in taxes before they let you go
hope you got a chinese one
I'm a dual American/British citizen by birth.
I want to go back.
No problem, when you come back, we’ll have the rope ready for you.
>Dual citizenship in Finland
>Can't speak a word of Space Elvish
Feels good, man.
>no fuel
>airport burning
>roads to airport blocked
>electricity down
>no way to purchase tickets
yea, i'd like to see you try to fly out the second the race war starts
>there's no reason to do that
you do it to avoid paying taxes on income you earn while overseas.
not to rain on your parade but you probably chose the orst country, user
europe is on the path to genociding poland. they just formed an eu army
you don't get to threaten hanging when you don't know how to use a comma
If ruskies decide to attack EU Poland is yet again fucked.
It's israel for sure
>implying I won't leave years in advance before it pops off
I'm saving enough to buy a decent condo in Krakow in cash and maybe a nest egg of $20k usd. Once I can do this I'm out.
Don't take this the wrong way but I'm a first generation pole, I consider myself removed from the greater american white ethnicity that actually has roots in here dating back generations, at the end of the day I am a racial alien and I woukd much rather die defending Poland and the poles anyway
Bullshit. I have an LLM, JD, bachelor’s, and hundreds of thousands in the bank. I can PROVE that I would be a valuable new citizen in a country in Northern Europe, but they still won’t take me. I’m convinced you need to be worth millions if you’re a fucking white male trying to immigrate to say Norway or Finland. Only way you could have achieved dual citizenship is if you’re a Jew or Latinx who wanted to return to Mexico or some shit.
>not aiding the race war
Jus sanguinis, friendo
>not that country that's 100% jews
>that other country that's 85% jews and 15% gypsies
Finnish grandparents on one side of your family easily grants you a residence passport (provided you pass a security check from Sapo) and after 3 years, you can apply for citizenship.
If I would marry someone who has an American passport... will I automatically get one as well or ?
My gf has dual citizenship (UK/ US) but has never lived in the US as far as I know.
>decent condo in Krakow
i lived in krk for a few years. the air there is very bad, but it's a stable environment. it's a student city so if you're a wealthy gringo and you learn a minimal amount of polish you'll swipe some young honey buns off her feet in no time.
look to the outskirts of krakow for the comfy situation. clean air, cheap land, small villages, intact forests, etc
Commies get an automatic bullet.
I have Finnish great grand parents, i am pretty sure that doesn’t count. I remember looking at the policy on their website.
Ill take you there for free in my helicopter
Poland is not the same thing as finland or norway you retard.. every country has its own rules and regulations..
Doesn’t even make sense in context, it’s okay, rope still waits.
I know that trick...
they arent gonna attack poland. the eu is
no offense taken. our cultures/races have different problems that have to be solved individually. if everyone is together none of them get solved because everyone doubles don and defends their mistakes bc it comes from a foreigner
I like poles but I don't think they belong here, really, for that reason
I hope e can team up and kill niggers muslims, nd communists
Haista vittu tyhma
>tfw my only options for citizenship outside the US are shitholes since my dad is a British citizen and my mom is from the Philippines.
traitor , worse than liberals
the majority of Polish are like American rednecks on steroids... alcoholic, meth smoking savages.
Also they dislike Americans (like most of the world)
Philippines is paradise if you like cheap 12 year old girls..
guess they belong in poland. rednecks on roids never hurt me. if they help me shoot niggers they can be my friend
you on the other hand, are a kike
Do you even speak polish faggot?
kurwa kurwa laska zyd
I would move to Poland and come back for the race war. You must be a fag or something
Don't the Finns make you go back for military service?
Polish girls all love the BBC btw...
Stand and fight. Only niggers run
Remember that you have to pay US taxes no matter where you live, no matter if you pay taxes in your new country of residence. America is the only country that double taxes. Enjoy your freedum.
>he wants to miss out on the race war
top pleb
That a kike right there
Are they gonna hunt him down if he stops or what?
also I saw a Polish girl on chaturbate fucking her granny this afternoon... talking about degenerates..
America has tax treaties with over 42 countries where the IRS and the foreign tax agencies exchange tax data on their residents.
Polish police will hunt him down on behalf of the IRS
nigdy nie bedziesz prawdziwym Polakiem.
100% jew.
Seriously? That's what I'm excited about!
its how the average Italian woman looks like... I got some nudes from the same woman also, but can't post them here,,,as Sup Forums is a porn free board.
>not staying and purging
Well I guess you'd be one of the ones to catch a bullet.
>the most known face on Sup Forums
Nice OP. I’m trying to get myself set up with savings and assets so I can bold somewhere comfy like lake Geneva or somewhere in Denmark or Norway when this country gets too insufferable.
I make 95 a year so I want to have am out for when this country hits the fan. Thinking like a decent a pint of eth and cash.
I’d you aren’t think about this as a cis white person you’re nuts.
Bolt somewhere**
>Stand and fight. Only niggers run
What do you think white flight is?
with 95K a year you are a poor bum in Swiss...
Denmark and Norway are getting similar to Sweden,, full of poor brown people..
how does /pol have such cutie pi gfs desu?
Go on and gentrify their ghettoes.
Probably but I’d take a nice apartment in Switzerland or somewhere in Europe where there’s whites