Official Touhou anime when?
Official Touhou anime when?
Never. Thank fuck.
>finally Touhou official anime
>it's done in shounen style with a lot of fights, adventure and mystery
>no fanservice
How disappointed would you be, Sup Forums?
There's hardly any fan service in Touhou. One of the things I like about Touhou is that most of the girls wear gowns instead of miniskirts.
That's how it should be.
And if it was, it would get no sales as a result. Nah, just kidding, it's Touhou, of course it would sell well. But if there was no fanservice it would sell significantly less.
never because they can't make money off of it like they want to legally
Why would you want the fanbase to get worse than it already is?
Yet it has ridiculous amount of porn which number far exceed everything else at one point, before KanColle took the cake.
Where do I start with Toohoo?
start with the greeks
Because we are on Sup Forums, read the manga and print works.
For manga, read Silent Sinner in Blue first.
The doujins where a portion of the girls participate in sexually pleasurable activities.
get out of Sup Forums
Im more impressed were getting more answers than questions in wild and horned hermit, and the fact that ZUN still hasnt forgotten old important characters from early windows. On top of it a legitimate possible antagonist. With our world gensokyo flopping.
Fap to Flandre.
play touhou 1
get your ass kicked
play touhou 6
Slice of life with daily adventures of 6 y.o. reimu when?
that didn't go so well in Osana Reimu...
Sumireko should be the protagonist. It's easier to self-insert as her.
You can get your Touhou anime next season but all the drawing and animation is by Zun.
Do you accept this offer Sup Forums?
I'd prefer it that way. ZUN's art is god-tier.
RIP Rumia onee-chan.
KamS proves it'd be a masterpiece.
Check my 9.
kys BAKA
How a perfect first season would be?
1-5: The Red Mist Incident
6-9: Perfect Blossom
10: Necrofantasia Part 1
11: Necrofantasia Part 2
12: Suika and the Driking Festival
you fucked it
touhou still has more then kancolle.
>2hu anime airs
>it's edgier than Akame ga Kill and Terraformars combined
>Season 2
1-4: Fake Moon
5: Immortal Smoke
7-11: Silent Sinner in Blue
12: Aya Special
Seems like the best season desu.
I wanna fug Patchouli.
Why not cover the Moriyas?
Because it'll take more than one season to cover that alone, since the transition to the next arc is smoother than before. Also they're shit.
EoSD shouldn't have as much episodes as PCB since it's much less important and more of introductory, unless you slip fillers in-between.
I say :
1-4 for EoSD
5 for filler
6-10 for PCB
11-12 for PCB Extra
Save IaMP for next season since there's no way you can condense it into one episode since it's about everyone fighting.
It's also so we can get IN as last half through final, then you can have IN Extra as OVA.
SSiB should be its own series imo
Because the Lunar arc is important as it sets up 14.5, 15 and 15.5. Also, there is stuff connected to Yukari's past and Sakuya, so there's that.
Moriyas is more like a prologue to religion arc, representing Shinto.
Honestly, none (mainline) games have enough plot to fill more than 4 episodes including extra. The Memories of Phantasm showed it.
>SSiB should be its own series imo
Eh, I think that pairing it with 8 is the best course of action. It's a finished series.
Now, fairies, WaHH and Suzunaan stuff should be separate.
Secret Sealing Club anime when?
Can you imagine?
I think it's time for these.
Listen to the music, then play the games.
Yeah, ZUN knew how abyssmal most anime turn out and wanted to dodge that bullet.
Not at all.
Official 2hu is not for lewd.
I'm a filthy secondary. I got into touhou after watching this video and thought the song is sick
Hopefully never. Sup Forums is already cancerous enough.
touhou hentai porn
the perfect toooohoooooo anime should be comprised with maximum EoSD filler arcs
>got into 2hu after this video
Kill yourself.
after i fuck yukarin
jojofags will never recover from this
Except Touhou is still #1.
Kancolle only wins at Comiket because most 2hu circles purposely left Comiket for Touhou only cons.
No one cares.
>It's easier to self-insert as her.
Right, cause we're all psychic Japanese high schoolers.
Come back moot! we need you
Outside of shitty original flavor SoL or adapting the mangas, Touhou isn't really something you can faithfully adapt well into a TV anime. Stretching a whole game to fit a cour is nonsensical and including 2 games won't feel coherent.
Original story could work but eh, chances are it'll be shitty.
t. angry jojofag
>not Rinnosuke
He has no powers and always interacts with the best girls. Curiosities of Lotus Asia adaptation fucking when?
I'm a jojofag and I also love touhou.
I can assure you nobody fucking cares about Sakuya's powers.
i don't think you even know what I'm referring to
No really, no one care about a shitty video that depicts Sakuya trashing Dio with thousands of knifes and uses time stop against him. Really, no one cares about that at all.
If you never played the games your opinion doesn't matter
You mean YOU don't care. There are thousands of butthurt jojofags and are still in pain. You don't represent anyone.
He is the lamest self insert ever if I saw one. Almost like ZUN made him that way as a joke.
Only played the first game and didn't like it does that count?
First as in actual first or first as in the first Windows game? If it's the former play the latter.
t. mad powerlevel shitter
Well it's silly of them to be butthurt of the result since most 2hu characters are looney tunes tier OP.
So is Yukarin still the most powerful 2hu or has Hecka beat her now?
If Heca is 100% Hecate she is Greek Yukari.
There's fucking official MANGA
Why aren't they adapting it yet? I just wanted teen Akyu animated.
Also the faries.
I think the Watatsuki sisters can rekt her easily enough
Hecatia is the strongest in my bed.
>tfw Clownpiece joins the cast
Fuck those Mary sues.
Watatsuki sisters? More like inbreeding sisters, amirite?
It's canon ;_;
I mean they're heavenly gods with actual basis in japanese mythology in a setting where heavenly gods are quite a big deal.
They're stupid overpowered but what's with all the statement that they're Mary Sues?
Most artists and merchandise aim for reitaisai now.
>15 years later
>still the best 2hu
>implying this won't be the opening theme
I've 1cc'd all the games and few of them on Lunatic
>trying to make a badly drawn remilia 2hu doujin
>got distracted by Tattun
>lose my motivation to work for the day
It better have best girl in it
How does one become cute and evil at the same time
Come on guys. Don't make mods delete this thread.
Even though there's a lot to discuss about the MANGA, no is talking about the MANGA.
That's right, you fucking contrarians. This shit is allowed on Sup Forums - anime and MANGA
Fuck you if you really think this is not Sup Forums related.
Does that mean Kanako is also from the moon?
I mean her lore and original lore said she "descended" with other gods to conquer native gods, so I assume she was from Heavenly Plains/Takamagahara
When will we get the next chapter of FS? I need to see Mamizou's story idea.
>>no fanservice
Reimu's armpits are all the fanservice I need.
It's probably going to be another "It's actually a mundane answer even though I made it seem like everything is serious" episode.
At least I get to see Akyu next chapter. FS art is only second to the Faries art after all.
Holy shit the early art in WaHH is so bad
Moe's art is top tier in general. Also, isn't the previous chapter not even that serious anyway? Just Mamizou usually scheming and trying to tell Akyuu a story idea based on something real while Kosuzu reads the history of Gensokyo in the background?
Agatha Chris-Q is gorgeous.
note the "er" in "easier"
I meant easier than Reimu and Marisa
It's like pic related's volume and the current volume are two entirely different mangas.
Although, the same could be said for most manga.
for comparison.
Look at these three
Has anyone ever noticed that 2hu is getting darker and darker as more written works are published? I don't know if it's just me but a lot of fucked up information was released by ZUN and it really made me see that Gensokyo is not the Dreamland that he once depicted. Now don't get me wrong I don't necessary hate how this turns out but I'm just not sure where is ZUN is going with this grimdark setting he is setting up recently.
Isn't it because 2hu isn't aimed for children anymore?
His audience is growing too, you know?
I want to be the perfect meido.
I want to drink with the loli oni.
I want to bully the ice fairy.
>tfw Touhou 16 will be even harder than LoLK and I'll never be able to 1cc a Touhou game again
I barely got through 15 by the skin of my teeth
Who is the funnest 2hu to bully and why is it Kogasa?
That leads to a question, how much fanon needs to be present?
What is Touhou about anyway?