Other urls found in this thread:
> Increases over 10x it's price
> Makes fun of Bitcoin
>not buying the dip
will nocoiner brainlets ever stop coping?
You sure are fuckin stupid
I picked up another 0.835 BTC today, feels real good.
>He isn't buying when it hits bottom
>up 36% last 7 days
>up 108% last month
>b-b-bitcoin b-b-btfo guize
When will nocoiners learn?
my brother
I literally LITERALLY made over $20k in one day yesterday
god bless litecoin
Whats the point of investing in bitcoin anyway?
From what I understand you can't actually cash out bitcoin, so it never turns into real money
I just hacked you
Hahahaaha is it babies first week of paying attention to bitcoin prices? I doubt you even understand how volatility like this is a very good thing for traders. Its actually an ideal environment.
>In B4 brainlet refers to tulip mania
>In B4 brainlet utters the word bubble like a little schoolgirl in the third grade
I can't wait until you guys start killing yourselves for not buying gold when it was still cheap.
How long did it take you to get up to this, how much did you invest and what were some of your biggest trades?
Hey kikes. You realize this is our reality now? We've taken control. This is the memeverse and you have no power here.
>implying i dont also own some shiny metals
Cope more nocoiner
Lost a shit load of money because gdax are a bunch of faggots and delayed my sell.
You can exchange bitcoin for USD easily. Are you a troll?
also did you know APMEX just recently started accepting bitcoin in their online store?
>tfw you bought 100 bitcoins when they were dirt cheap to buy drugs on silkroad, but still have em all cause only bought the drugs once
posting from my mansion losers
>i bought some useless pixels on a screen today
Kill yourself.
if you want the true anti-kike coin throw some money on XMR
the jews fear monero
Why would you want to, though? Isn’t buttcoin the new paradigm?
it has crashed. multiple times.
I saw some posters in another thread saying you can only do that for small amounts, and that cashing out large amounts isnt doable
Which is why people are called "Bitcoin millionaires" instead of just "millionaires"
yeah but you can pull out $10k every now and then. That's how scammers operate.
It's going to $900/oz in a few years. buy it when it's at $1100 next year tho
1,6 million dollars... must be a pretty small mansion
>bought some pixels that gain value at exorbitant rates and can be directly exchanged for real world goods such as cars houses, drugs, food and clothes
why must you be so purposefully hyperbolic you little fuck. You cant stop this train.
>buy 50 coins in may
>spike happens
>it's going to crash
>your wasting your money and will get conned haha
>your still doing it? Drop it, it's going to crash.
>T-t-this will surely stop
>sucky sucky 1 bit. Me ruv you wrong time.
>please give coin
Dirty peasants.
>bought into a scheme that is able to make riches at the expense of others
Whom are you quoting?
Nocoiners really are the most jaded and most pathetic people on Sup Forums
ITT: salty brainlet nocoiners that don’t have a fucking clue as to how stocks and crypto work
You are like a little baby.
>b-but i am a millioner r-right?
Monopoly money have more value than this meme.kys
>i created value by doing absolutely nothing
If you don't understand the absurdity and sickness of this you are mentally ill. Arithmetically it is a pyramid scheme and will crash. Do you think Bernie Maddoff did anything real when he controlled a 200 billion dollar company? No, he was caught just like the stupidity of bitcoin will crash.
Wheres the rest of you, theres gotta be at least 3 more that are going to chime in like bellowing angry cunts in an attempt to discredit the coin and sway potential investors.
When will no coiners learn
The no coiners. Perticularly the swedes on here when it hit 17,000 and we were showing our coins.
all you do is speculating and dumping money on one of the dogs in the ring
>muh pixels on the screen
Have fun I suppose
This, bitcoin is so shit it cant even be used as a currency.
Exploit the bubble while you can lads. To all your no coiners, stay that way or you will regret it. Hell,even the normies at my barber were talking about it.
This is exactly what the stock market is. Are you people really this retarded?
bitcoin has the ugly side of the stock market, and nothing else.
And yeah, in the stock market BTC would be called: a bubble.
Mfw autistic bitcoiners literally can't even buy a video game anymore with their useless cryptocuckshit.
If I keep telling myself pixels are the equivalent of millions of dollars it'll become true right?
Ok, you niggers. I legitimately paid $18,000 for one bitcoin. I now have one bitcoin and $3k in an IRA. How stupid am I?
1 year ago its worth $600
Today worth $15k
Keep telling yourself that poor boy
>haha invest in stocks goy don't bother with bitcoin it's a ponzi
nu-Sup Forums is fucking garbage.
hold it til this time next year, enjoy your 400% return
He has 3x your balance though
you can ride the ponzi if you like
At least with stocks you can buy low sell high. Good luck selling all your bitcoins while they are high.
>I legitimately paid $18,000
prove it or larper
You dont even understand what a bubble is. I want you succintly explain the features of this concept and why it applies to crypto currency markets.
>In b4 deflection and more angry no coiner bellowing
People that lose money to virtual buttcoins seem pretty jaded.
Muh, b-b-but I'm supporting a globalist technology.
Go buy a steam game with some gold faggot
Let us know how it goes
rope yourself faggot
Guys I'm really scared for nocoiners. We really need to set up suicide help lines.
>using a fake pic posted on biz last week
>good luck selling your bitcoins while they are high
Are you stupid ? For the price to rise in the first place somebody has to sell.
Its so obvious you're paid to say this. I can cash out half a million per day no problem.
Coiners are really this retarded
i'm new to this and don't know how to show you. I feel like if I take a screen shot or something i'll soon find out I own no bitcoin because one of you asshole stole it.
>meme flag logic
You know throwing 10$ bills into the screen won't work either
please, look at the chart and tell me it's not a bubble
only 1 month and value has more than doubled
Just remember nocoiners, there will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins. Holding even 1 single Bitcoin will put you in the top 0.003% of the world's population.
Until one of you aspies posts a video of you you walking into a bank, showing a teller your bitcoin purse, and them get handed actual money you can use to buy shit like a car or house with, your "currency" is worth fuckshit.
It doesn't even have to be a bank. Find any institution that will hand you the keys to a new ride for pixels, and we'll stop ridiculing you.
That's on Coinbase and that is correct, but you can sell them on other sites.
Thats not what a bubble is. Sorry, try again.
lulz. can't mine at that price, no gold out of the ground means? not like alts where a new one pops up every day
Why would you need to walk to a bank?
You can just sell it on gdax/quadriga/any exchange and have the price of what you own deposited into your bank account.
>Bitcoin following a natural market cycle of upward and downward movement in price
Oh no how will it ever survive?
>mainstream jewish owned media site makes anti BTC propaganda
It's like you faggots learned nothing from last year's election.
Daily reminder that all nocoiners on Sup Forums are either Jew Shills or autistic neo/pol/ack rebbitor boomers
Old-Sup Forums loved bitcoin.
I also use it on Sup Forums sometimes and I'll get women to post tits with promise of sending them some. Haha, I got some fat nig that showed tits, her bathroom was a mess, I told her I would give her more if she cleaned it, she did, and didn't get shit. She should thank me.
at the moment the action is a bubble, and it will correct a lot, but long term it will be worth more than now
Basically all the coiners on here will more than likely make money long term, but they may just suicide themselves first whenever a 50%+ correction happens
Nocoiners everyone
Theyre so fucking desperate to stop it.
it is a bubble dummy..at least with last months price action
>You can just sell it on gdax/quadriga/any exchange
The creator of memecoin has bitcoins worth 10 billion $.Why he can't cash it out?Oh yeah because it's like monopoly money.Fake
Also provide me even 1 single video from someone who cashing out thousands of $ from bitcoin
define bubble
here you go ;)
I am a nocoin brainlet.
Can I please get a quick rundown on buying, selling, storing and tracking cryptoshekels?
Please respond!
You might think I’d be upset with such ad hominem attacks. In reality, I welcome them, so bring them on.
The reason is simple: people mount ad hominem attacks because they have no better argument. Every time I get a flame, I say to myself, ‘here’s someone who cares deeply about their own point of view, but could not come up with a single non-fallacious argument to justify their perspective.’
In other words, they’re lying to themselves. Are you?
>Tfw I sold bitcoin at its peak
>Tfw I bought Litecoin at 100 and made 50% gains in 2 days
God it feels good to be a high roller
Post proof like I asked. Let's see that 18,000 transaction go down. Let's see the green in hand or in the form of an automobile or house. I ask this same thing every time bitcoiners make thee self help pls reassure me threads and I never get a real response.
Excellent thread 10/10
bless me senpai i am a nocoinner faggot who was late to the rocket any thing will do.
>in the stock market BTC would be called: a bubble
Bullshit, it would be called a multibagger, I didn't see people call nvidia a bubble when it ended up going up 900% in two years.
Added this post and pic to my collage of 'biggest fools' for when the bubble bursts. You seen those collages of people saying "I used to mine 3 coins a day and sell them for $2 back in 2009. Sold like 3000 of them..."? You're gonna be like that.
the issue with bit coin is the fact that it is an unregulated currency, instead of an investment. Meaning, there are about a few hundred players that own most of the market and they can legally collude to sway prices, which they do. Many normalfags will get destroyed because of this.