When is the Miku anime airing?
When is the Miku anime airing?
Same time my Rin anime is airing.
>make a shitty voice synthesizer
>slap a cute girl on it
>people with no talent make shitty songs with it
>people with no taste obsess over them
I fucking hate Vocaloid so god damn much.
was this the best marketing campaign ever?
As embarrassing and hard as the commercial is to watch, its a cute app and I think its well done.
A good idea in general.
I love how someone got the President of Domino's Japan to agree to it.
I'm surprised they haven't actually made one yet, they wouldn't even need to hire voice actors.
Most of the official Cryptoloid animation and appearances have been done by Sega to help promote the Diva games, but they may be a little less enthusiastic about a full blown anime since they don't own the character.
>they wouldn't even need to hire voice actors.
They could if they wanted to since regular VAs provided samples for the voice bank. Inami from Working in Miku.
Miku is for Marriage
Rin is tender rape.
fuck off
What the fuck does Sup Forums have to do with music? This isn't some Wagner shit.
I want Miku to pee on me~
Rin is best, Miku can barely compete.
>no talent
>no taste
>first song rushes
That's a big sign of no talent. They had a computer program and still fucked it up. What an embarrassment.
Let's see, the second son has shitty, unnatural vocals. Maybe it would be half decent with a real vocalist, but the shitty synthesizer is holding it back. Also, the balance is completely fucked and the vocals are getting lost in the background.
Wait, I take it back. It would still be shit with a real vocalist because it's doing the stupid thing where they do impossibly fast lines like that's impressive when a computer program does them.
0/10 It's like playing a Doom level made by a 4 year old where he just filled an arena with a hundred cyberdemons.
>Rin is best
Best rape bait.
>first song rushes
Where? It changes tempo in the middle, there is no "rushing" you fuckwit. Stop trying to sound like you know what you're talking about after seeing Whiplash.
>the second son has shitty, unnatural vocals.
Because it's not natural vocals? This is an inherent part of vocaloid. It's like trying to say a distorted guitar sounds "unnatural" as some kind of complaint.
>it's doing the stupid thing where they do impossibly fast lines like that's impressive when a computer program does them
This is no different from other electronic instruments playing arpeggios or beats faster or more complex than human hands could play, such as on a drum machine or sequencer, and is an advantage of using a software for vocals.
2/10 since you got me to respond.
Literally worse than MLP fags.
>pony and bestiality autismos
>worse than
Yeah no.
Yeah, it is.
Such a fucking huge crowd of casual shit and envenomed by the overwhelming amount of fujoshit.
It changes tempo in a really shitty way that sounds like an unskilled band getting nervous. That's rushing. It is a Bad Thing.
Unnatural vocals is a complaint because the quality of the tone is fucking abominable. I'm very interested in what world you live in where tone quality is not of critical importance. It's completely devoid of anything any sane person would consider as sounding good.
The fast lines again, sound bad. They're jarring and unnatural. An audience would put up with a human doing them because it would be an impressive show of skill (and the tone wouldn't suck). However, when it's computer generated it sounds like a fucking child throwing a bunch of fast notes together because they don't have any musical talent.
It is abundantly clear that whoever made this is a complete amateur who has never performed or had a serious critique of their work. It is complete garbage for tasteless retards, like 99.999% of Vocaloid music.
Last I checked, Miku and Luka was still the most popular pairing followed by Rin and Len.
Pretty sure Rin x Len is the most popular, no?
Even Crypton ships it.
There are no official pairings as far as I know.
Which is a shame, as some of them are really cute together.
Rin x Len is as official as official can be
They would be OTP if Len wasn't such a faggot.
Only certain parts of the fanbase make him out to be a faggot, just ignore them like I do
It's not a fandom thing, it's his annoying voice and strong lack of any good music.
None of the male vocaloids have very much worth listening to.
But... Urotander...
Plus Danshi
That is all
WTF I am a foot fag now
Has the Sup Forums boogeyman meme gone too far?
I did only say there was very little, not none.
For every good Len or Kaito song I could name at least an entire album with a female vocaloid that's just as good or better.
this tripfag regulary posts on Sup Forums
>company creates product that is so successful they become known world-wide
>lot's of people makes music with it, some become very popular, earn lot's of money and are liked by tons of poeple
>they all gets tons of fans world-wide, merchandise, concerts, arts. etc.
>but they are all wrong, have no talent or taste
Tell me user, how did you successes in life.
You can't use vocaloid to create good speech. And there is no point in making a anime because the whole idea behind crypton's vocaloids is that they have no official personality and everyone can see them anyway they like. Vocaloid can't just make everything good if you add them, the anime would be shit and majority of people would hate it because it shows characters in different way they imagine them.
all of them are traps
I want Miku to bully me with her bare feet.
Armpits > feet
>that live thread where Sup Forums cringed together
I gave up hope long ago. If we haven't gotten one yet, we probably never will.
Try this then.
Go fuck yourself