Flipflappes will be made into a movie.
Flipflappes will be made into a movie
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Please be something substantial and not just some shitty recap movie.
Sounds just like your typical cinema airing of TV episodes. Euphonium and SB69 did that too.
Yayaka ending please
So, what happened to the card? I was busy around that time and totally forgot about it. Did someone send it?
Will you fly to Shinjuku?
for what purpose
Cards were sent. Director saw it and was happy. Later cardanon's twitter was killed for his Sup Forums faggotry.
>spending more money on 8 8 6
So it can flop twice.
Educate yourself. It's 883.
It's actually 833 retard.
Man, fuck Sup Forums. Glad he is btfo. Thanks for the info user.
It keeps getting retroactively lower and lower.
Are we allowed to feel happy about this; can this give Flip Flappers another chance?
Do you think Flip Flappers will work better or worse as a movie?
I'm sort of glad the franchise is not giving up without a fight.
Ribbon-Released Yayaka gains extra levels of cuteness.
FLFL works better with episodes.
What's fucking wrong with them recently?
nips just started to get it
I'd like to see what they do with the budget but the appeal with flip flappers was them visiting a unique and interesting world each week and I doubt this would fit a movie format and would probably focus more on the over-arching story which was shit. That's assuming this isn't just a re-cap movie.
How many cockona's were posted by futanon the cock lover?
There ain't no movie coming out within 11 days. It's just another way to promote the series after the TV broadcast has ended.
>Later cardanon's twitter was killed for his Sup Forums faggotry.
Any idea of what he posted exactly?
Well that's too bad. I hope there are a few fixes though.
They're most likely going to air episode 1 and 2, since they've already released the BDs for them. Might also do episode 3 and 4, since the BDs for for it will be released just 3 days before the cinema screening.
5 and 6 is quite dubious, but not implausible. Anything later than that won't be aired.
Why do they look like bodybuilders who took a truck in the chest?
What would be Cocona's reaction when she finds out that Salt is her father?
Apparently Frued is also official. I'm checking tweets from the talk show and Oshiyama was talking about manifest dreams.
Mixed. Pissed off at first then being more opening.
2/5(日)よりシネマート新宿にて、『フリップフラッパーズ』週替わり特別上映決定しました!!!!【入場者特典】 に生原画・動画を予定しておりますこの機会に映画館の大画面で是非ご観賞ください。
Original picture where making of an animation of flipflappers was used is presented to the person who saw a movie.
It would be best to not post actual google translations.
>audiences get original key animations and in-betweens
I'm happy about getting anything more FlipFlap related.
Hopefully they will make some money off of this.
Its very sad they have not at least broke even.
can really use some nip reactions by 2ch-kun
>braided Cocona
It's time to FLIP FLAPPINGU!
Yayaka was unlucky. The best girl, but unlucky.
Such grace in falling though. As expected of Yayaka.
Accepted it like a tomboy.
Yayaka is Papika and Cocona's pet
Reminds me of something disturbing.
Make it stop
>it got a chance to sell better than maid dragon
>the 883 meme would die off
Her lack of bitterness over it is why I like her.
Infinite invests in works that can be milked for 10 years.
>still milking true tears after 7 years
Kisama had two recap movies, this means nothing.
>will just be a recap
A retelling of the second half?
I guess not happy he hid it, but after he explains stuff maybe she'll understand the situation and come to be happy to have a family.
If it's a recap movie then literally into the trash it goes.
I'm glad to see more people understand Yayaka's greatness.
>It's the second half produced by the original writer
To be fair the tears of us InoUe fags still haven't dried up.
It's just screening of all of the TV episodes in cinema
But nice bait OP, you got some dumb EOPs
We have truly entered the age of sakuga if something as badly written as this gets big screening on the basis of its animation alone.
Shut up nerd
>The best girl
Just wanted to remind every Yayakaposter that this is an opinion, not a fact.
Enjoy your day.
Cocona > Yayaka > Papika
This is fact.
Why do you think it's a movie?
Cats always land on their feet
>my brain doesn't have enough neurons to discern Frued and Jung in the plot
But where'd they got the money?
Did they make their money out of franchise and stream or something?
>I get to watch Flip Floppers flop a second time
It will be a recap and most of it will be that last episodes, no thanks.
Sure, user, sure.
>It will be a recap
Death and Rebirth
>most of it will be that last episodes
The End of Flip Flapgelion.
Would you watch it if they fixed all the QUALITY in the last episode? I would, in fact I'll watch it anyway.
I'm actually really looking forward to the BD releases.
Hopefully the changes to the final episodes will bring them visually up to par with the rest of the series. That would make for one hell of a rewatch come summer.
I want to rewatch it as well.
Same here. I can't wait to sit down and marathon it, I'm going to dedicate a full 24 hours to it since I like little breaks and naps every so often. It's going to be very comfy.
Fuck, I need these. where2cop?
I would watch it if they completely changed the abortion of a plot.
Cute as fug
>fuck Sup Forums
t. reddit
Flip Flap Flop.
Do they think they can save this shit? Like if they made a movie people will actually show interest in it. It's dead. Deal with it.
Just think about it, there were people who looked at the plot and said "yes, this is good, we are going to animate this".
Why did it have to be a bad Eva fanfiction?
Get in the pure illusion Cocona.
I wonder how well this is going to do in the theaters considering the show's lack of popularity in Japan.
Why do you think Kyoani loves making recap movies, because it's free money. And movies always do better than some otaku pandering late night cartoons.
Will it be about Yayaka going full Homu and stealing Cockona from Paprika?
They are airing all the episodes. First week: 1-5, second: 6-9, third: 10-13. It's all written in the news article on the official site, Jesus.
There are core fans who would go there every day. This is Infinite's strategy, find niche fans and milk them dry. Except they forgot to make any merch this time around.
I actually love the idea of re-screenings in theater, fuck if i lived in japan i'd be getting in in that instantly, there's a different feel when it comes to watching an anime in the theater than at home.
You little shit.
I'll buy enough flifla merchandise to at least make it float. Eat shit!
It's probably just 338 in reality. I mean, have you seen any evidence besides somekindof's 10 copies and that one Japanese guy who bought 3?
Homosexuality is wrong even if it feels so right.
You may have that flipped.
Homosexuality is right even if it feels so wrong?
I don't think that's quite right.
Just found a remix