>muh the government
>there is nothing you can do
>lets get back to sleep
>muh evil alt-right
>get used to it user
Why do people choose defeatism over being politically active?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it because it is easier and socially acceptable to admit you're not in control of your life?
Probably because far-right wing ideologies are inherently repulsive to most people after the events of the 20th century and they drive you into deeper and deeper real-world social isolation that prevents real political action outside of memeing.
2018 I wanna be as extra as these shills
We have been indoctrinated into thinking that we, as individuals, are powerless against the current system of things. Largely true, but we have also been duped into NOT organizing because 'whats the fucking point'.
That's where they're wrong.
It's a good question, and one I struggle with.
I think it's mostly because mass media has pacified us. It's easier to sit in front of the television and be distracted from the shit reality than it is to actually stand up and change the shit reality.
I'm trying to get people involved in politics and start a movement. It's not easy as most people would rather just play video games.
>I don't need to refute your point because you're a shill
Fuck modern Sup Forums. Nothing but projection and the most base moral simplicity
What is the point of living if you simply roll over and take it like a good goy?
>Why do people choose defeatism over being politically active?
Because the second you try anything to save whites, whites will use it to destroy your life. We are a suicidal race, and, I've always been of the opinion that if someone wants to commit suicide, let them.
Politics are just negotiations before war. Otherwise they have no purpose if everyone is satisfied.Things have gone past the point of no return and we can't vote ourselves out of this mess so the only way is radicalization. Defeatism usually comes first but unless you are a total cuck a point comes where you don't give a fuck anymore and that helps when you are up against the whole system and facing death.
I have a good job with a good salary, why would I revolt?
Western people have been demoralised themselves. Just go out and see your average thot and tell me if that's meant to be wife/mother material. Masses of people are liberal, and the only ones that oppose Islam are doing it because ''muh womens rights'' while some are even defending fags.
Ignore them, just let them be the spineless cucks the like to be if that makes them happy
Case in point here.
Not only will this guy not help you if you try anything, he will call you a racist for virtue-points and support the (mostly white) mob tearing you apart as a result.
When things become less comfortable, this guy will probably back you up, slightly. But it is purely self-motivated.
I see no beauty in the white race anymore. We apparently did many amazing things before I was born, but now all I see are traitorous cunts. They are not worth saving.
If nothing else you should resist just to spite the kikes.
It is getting out of hand really. Anyone I talk to irl either doesen't give a fuck or seems to be shrugging his shoulders.
>not my problem goys
>have a few beers
>watch a footbal game
Rinse and repeat.
>fuck modern Sup Forums
You're not one of us. We're not retarded. I am your normal white American college student and I can tell you your claims are intentionally wrong. We (whites) see what's going on and we're disgusted by it. The world we live in today has been corrupted by left wing ideology beyond the worst dreams of our ancestors. Every single day I meet more and more people here who are hard right. People who were raised without politics or bias. I have hundreds of friends that right wing politics is our only connection. As a kike you probably do not realize how your Jewish propaganda is back firing. We see the white genocide in South Africa. We feel like our homelands are being invaded by shitskins brought by Jews. Matter of fact all of Sup Forums saw this before 2016 but since the election kikes and shills have spent countless hours claiming that the goyhim don't knows nuffin
You can either help us form the vanguards when the next big crisis comes (e.g. Britain's Weimar-tier debt trap looming) or you can support us.
If you're young and not gearing yourself towards ultimately a life in politics then you're wasted talent.
Normies have always been worthless. All of the best times in European history have been when we have been ruled by exceptional men, when the mediocre bowed to the superior. The white race is worth saving simply because only our race can produce those one in a hundred individuals. Without us the world would drown in brown subhumans ruled by Judaic mediocrity.
>Without us the world would drown in brown subhumans ruled by Judaic mediocrity.
>Implying that's not exactly what it is right now.
>give up
>give up
>give up
You know, I'm seeing that more and more lately. Dunno if it's just trigger words or someone legit trying to stop this board.
Most people prefer to waste their existence by trying to fit into whatever category is socially acceptable right now.
>buy skinny jeans
>be an emasculated soyboy
>Implying it wouldn't be worse without us.
Look around you and I'm sure you'll see functioning infrastructure, modern technology, and at least a passing semblance of law and order. As bad as thing are, the entire world would resemble the Congo within a week if the white race up and died tomorrow.
they haven't joined a nationalist group irl yet
What does being politically active even mean? Voting once ever 4 years? Ranting on a forum about stuff you can't change?
Great vid. Whats the accent?
Nah, I reckon the Chinese would take over and within 10 years they would have blacks back in chains and in zoos.
Standard of living in general would certainly drop, but nobody would have to run round pretending that women are strong and independent and should lead every country.
I did pretty important stuff in my subfield of work, can you guys say the same? You are just braindead morons looked for excuses to not work hard as everybody else.
>blehh, the joos have conspired against me
>the nogs are having more babies, bleeehh
You are pathetic and worthless, get off the computer and start changing your life around.
You want to fuck hot chicks, huh? Stop being lame, get fit, stop being a Sup Forumstard thinfoil hat, dress well, be polite and nice... it is not hard
Now the first thing you start talking with someone is Da Joos, marriage, white genocide, politics... i.e., boring shit that no one wants to talk about
When you are the top guy in something, everybody flocks to you. Be a positive energy dude, stop being a bummer, retards... It is simple, but your IQ is so low you morons can't even do these simple stuffs
White folks don't own you anything, stop demanding shit
Because they've never been introduced to the /sip/ lifestyle ™
>I did pretty important stuff in my subfield of work, can you guys say the same?
Masters in math. Make 6 figures teaching at an international school.
The question was, why are you not interested in saving the white race? I was giving my reasoning. I used to think it was important, and for the reasons I gave, I no longer do. Your autistic reddit-rant was embarrassing.
I'd rather live in a (degenerate) american dominated world than a chinese communist party dominated world.
I know what you are talking about, most people I talk to about the way our government handles things just do not care. I mean, why would they think\talk about real life issues when they could just have fun? Why would they be pissed about officials abusing their power when it does not affect them? It makes me sick, sometimes I feel the urge to go full alex jones on these people. But I am probably a part of the problem, I never was a political activist, I just get really mad at certain things due to personal experience with my dear government. The only reason I can think of for organising myself into a group is to drag all these fucks out of their city halls and parliaments and hang them all. That would motivate me, but sure as hell not trying to change this rotten system from within.
Why do normies still keep refuting actual history and refuse to adress the JQ?
>I'd rather live in a (degenerate) american dominated world than a chinese communist party dominated world.
That's because you've been indoctrinated. I've been to China and there is a fuckton more freedom than there is in the USA, it's incredible. They basically have two rules:
>don't fuck with the government
>don't try and form large groups of people without authorization.
As long as you obey these rules, anything else is basically fair game.
And, before you start, these rules are in America as well. They're just not acknowledged. Perhaps even more irritating, the smug assholes in the USA pride themselves on not being corrupt like the evil Chinese.
Don't get me wrong, the Chinese have their flaws, but they irritate me a hell of a lot less than the average westerner now.
Nice try
>Every single day I meet more and more people here who are hard right.
This is my experience as well, I deal with hundred of people a week and its almost unanimous that things have gone too far. In this country when people talk about Muslims, its almost a codeword for nonWhites and nobody wants them here, its not even close to being a debatable % of the population, its the vast majority of people. Theres a vocal academic elite who work in the judiciary, media, finance and government, all controlled from behind the curtain when they step out of line.
Why arent people rising up and over throwing their governments? Thats another question with answers posted all over this board but its not out of ignorance, its purely out of apathy aslong as we can hide in our houses consuming the world through the internet.
I am politically active user. I just happen to be a neoliberal gloablist.
Save from what? Are you retard or something?
This apocalypse of the white race exists only in your head. That is why no one is listening to you, people are too busy fucking and enjoying this amazing time of technological advancements.
You guys are like moms nagging about whatever:
>Kevin, go marry to save tha white race
>Kevin, honor our traditions
Go get laid, dude, Sup Forums is a waste of time, you will regret it later
>posts bullshit
Checks out
Go ive in China then with an anti-pollution mask. Do you even hear yourself? Chinese are cattle of the government and have no souls.
Oh, forgot that Finns share the mongoloid blood
>just don't challenge or pose any threat to the ruling club of criminals and you'll be fine
that is my problem with china, their government.
>anything else is basically fair game
can I smoke weed\take other drugs?
can I fuck children?
can I own a firearm?
can I do pic related?
problem with this shithole is, the government decides what fucking with them means, without any real limit on their authority. Also they are fucking commies, at least in name, and I don't like commies
what is entropy user
>what is a perfect excuse
>Go ive in China then with an anti-pollution mask.
I did for a while. Found an even better job so relocated.
>Chinese are cattle of the government
Agreed. But not quite to the extent you are. The main difference is, they don't run around pretending otherwise, it's much less irritating. In the west, arrogant dipshits like you are so enslaved that you actually believe you are free, despite having less freedom than the average chink.
What point is there to refute? The old classic "everybody right of Mao is literally Hitler"?
How is anything you posted different from how things are in Europe?
How is anything you posted, aside from the guns bit - and the weed in some states, different from how things are in the USA?
You sit here ragging on the Chinese for how corrupt their government is, and yet your police will come and haul your ass to jail for posting on twatter about how much you hate nogs and slimes.
>can I fuck children?
What are you even getting at here? If you next question is "can I go and stab Yao Ming in the face if I feel like it?" the answer is also no.
Never said I was free from the government or society, but at least the air I breath is pretty clean, I can travel abroad easily, I can have this conversation where I say my government sucks, my salary is worth a lot compared to chinese bugs, not every living person is trying to scam me, I don't have to follow retarded ancient traditions... do you want me to continue?
You hate the west because some blond chick didn't smile for you some rainy day and now China, which is a shithole in every aspect, becomes magically better than any western place. As blacks say: white people problems
>I can have this conversation where I say my government sucks
Sure you can, as long as you don't try to make a big group of people who feel the same as you. Basically the same as the USA. While, technically, USA has no law against it, just watch them fuck your shit up if you start to become dangerous.
>not every living person is trying to scam me
Got bad news for you, friendo.
>I don't have to follow retarded ancient traditions
Neither do the Chinese... They also don't have strong womyn leaders and trannies everywhere who are stunning and brave. They also don't have to pray to the diversity god 5 times a day or risk losing their jobs and everything they own.
>do you want me to continue?
Well, the Chinese aren't perfect, so I guess if you keep going you'll eventually find another flaw that they have that the West doesn't (where the main one is the low air-quality).
>You hate the west because some blond chick didn't smile for you some rainy day and now China, which is a shithole in every aspect, becomes magically better than any western place. As blacks say: white people problems
Cringey as fuck, friendo. Essentually:
>Despite all the other reasons you gave for hating the West
>You hate the West because you can't get laid
>Because I say so.
You're starting to sound like a woman. Are you a woman?
listen, Sup Forums being politcally active is for the birds. until the fall of capitalistic lobbying, the common man has no real influence in politics. The real strategy for the mob is independence from the market, and participation in local politics. At this point, the mob can start changing the system for the betterment of mankind. Until we get here - we're better off with listening to the will of one man.
The analogy is a tribe of people and a "chief" that makes all the decisions willy nilly. He's able to do it because the tribe is confused, conflated, and highly reactionary. Until the tribe has a unified mindset, shit all will happen and the chief lives high on the hog.
>>rinse and repeat
>this thread
>How is anything you posted different from how things are in Europe?
First, no important european government is officialy communist.
Second, we have actual elections, although i'm not sure how many elections in how many countries are rigged. But still, actual elections that give european people a way to influence the government.
Third, we have more than one party
>You sit here ragging on the Chinese for how corrupt their government is
I never said they are corrupt. But I think they are corrupt, at least some of them.
>What are you even getting at here?
you said 'anything else'
also, why did you not answer the question about the picture?
doing nothing about it is easier than doing something about it
I've fucking seen everything
>path of least resistance
Grew up watching them films, classics. (Brit not Canadian btw)
Man, this is weird, but i dont mind.
Same, I’ve borrowed some DVDs from my Great Uncles so I’m watching them again
Jews zombifying the populace.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Goodnight folks
>also, why did you not answer the question about the picture?
Too busy wondering why you were asking about fucking kids.
Anyway, it is a disgrace that I do my best not to think about. For you guys, though, it will be Muslims that your government let in, killing you. The government won't kill you, sure. They'll just lock you up for wrong-think.
>First, no important european government is officialy communist.
Well that's a relief. Despite the fact that 99% are way further to the right than the Chinese government, thank god none of them call themselves communist.
>although i'm not sure how many elections in how many countries are rigged.
This is what I'm talking about with the mental enslavement. In the West, we are so enslaved that we are given the illusion of freedom.
i'm bored.
mods - ban the fucking spanner. holy fuck off back to britain.
About China, let us agree to disagree, because I cannot see China being better than the Western world. Maybe it is, never went there, but I don't believe it. Now, if you say Japan is better than the West I might agree, I went there and was amazed by how advanced they were.
Summary of what I am saying: there is no reason for me to revolt, my life in the western countries I lived was comfy and I was rewarded for my hard work almost everytime. The things that are reported in the media and even here are maneuvers by both leftwing and rightwing media outlets, they are not the reality and so there is no point to begin a race war over nothing. If you want to improve the white race you love so much (or not, given your opinion of China), just keep being an exemplar citizen and others will follow. No one will join you in a full scale revolution, there is no need for one.
>No one will join you in a full scale revolution, there is no need for one.
Who is asking for a full-scale revolution? I think most people here would just like to be able to say "it's okay to be white," without it being criminally investigated as hate speech.
No, you're entirely wrong. I know you can get organized if you really want to, but I also know you'll just fuck it all up as much or worse than anyone else that tries to change things. The human race is a failure.
I don't win anything by being a wannabe politican youtube.com
It's not totally defeatism. There is a lot of truth in that ultimately politics is a complete meme and you can't really enact any change without tearing the system down which will never happen. It's a lot easier to forget about it and focus on what you have control of.
Change is always posible and can be affected by one initial individual! Personaly even though I am a very poor speller I know I could become a polititian and climb the hill but in life one has to weigh everything and ask if the goal justifies t he jerney! I like staying up at night so thats the only reason for me ahaha!
> For you guys, though, it will be Muslims that your government let in, killing you
I agree, the people that invited them should be should be at the very least jailed.
>The government won't kill you, sure. They'll just lock you up for wrong-think.
at least I won't get thrown into a labour camp. And I will be treated somewhat good in prison, although I don't know how chinese prisons are. But I imagine they are not as nice as western prisons.
>In the West, we are so enslaved that we are given the illusion of freedom
we still have more political freedoms than china. I could go out right now, collect some signatures and create a new party, within the 'democratic' rules of course. Can I do that in china?
But you are right, westerners don't realize how enslaved they really are. I'd really like a smaller government, something that, in my experience, many germans have problems comprehending.