Welcome to the NHK

I didn't think I would like this as much as I did. You?

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i only got to episode 15 or 16 something like that. It was too painful to watch. Main character kept being the biggest piece of shit and i couldnt stand it so i dropped it.

I knew I would love it but I didn't know that I would feel as bad as I did when it was over.

It pissed me off too, I've never seen a show with a MC so anti-hero. Also, the writing made it so the audience craved for something good to happen but they kept pushing the bowl away

Pretty much. For moments i was like, finally this fgt is developing into a competent human being, just to find out next episode that he actually remained the same piece of shit. I just ended up losing any hope i had for him.

you should've kept watching user-kun

he redeems himself

the manga is actually better in a lot of ways. that said, the anime is classic. only anime i at all enjoy the dub of, although i still prefer the sub.

>For moments i was like, finally this fgt is developing into a competent human being, just to find out next episode that he actually remained the same piece of shit. I just ended up losing any hope i had for him.
Imagine how your parents feel.

WEW lethal blow

>only anime i at all enjoy the dub of
yeah, this one wasn't too bad.
i also like the big o dub.

Didn't really like it. I think a lot of the plot was just retarded.


>Also, the writing made it so the audience craved for something good to happen but they kept pushing the bowl away


But that's what makes it appealing. Why does the MC always has to be a goody boy?

>NHK was 10 years ago
What have I done with my life?

I preferred anime to manga, a lot of the cuts they made helped rather than hurt the story I think

>The audience craved for something good to happen but they kept pushing the bowl away

Literally the whole point of the show

Life sucks

Get a job or kill yourself

Or inherit our rich parents stuff, become an alcoholic and then kill yourself after the wealth runs out. That works too.

Either way nobody cares

Nothing really solved by the end, but they're all trying to become a better person slowly but surely. Just like real life.

Found the normie

The manga is a lot worse, don't kid yourself

Not sure if samefag or three separate individuals who all equally missed the point of the show

I loved it. Being the socially awkward weeb I am, I could relate to this show to a fucking tee. A FUCKING TEE.

Being a NEET myself, I really hoped this show would make a drastic change in me if i watched it, but it didn't lmao. Maybe I should watch it once more.

This is why Japan keeps pushing out the same black haired good guy MC every season.


yfw________will never save you

I loved this anime, this is one of those few rare anime that doesn't get flooded with too many animeisms and bullshit. It's not perfect and it has plenty of filler episodes but I'd still rate it 9/10. It's fresh af and I've had trouble watching shitty Romcoms and slice of life animes ever since.

but i still wanted to see misake and satou fuck it out at the end, or just a kiss or something.

ITT: People who missed the point

Also you guys need to read the LN.

It actually has plenty of "anime" moments but the characters are so real that you just don't care.

"You need to read outside material to understand it."

This will never be a valid defense of anything so stop saying it.

You don't need to.

>"You need to read outside material to understand it."

That wasn't my intention. I mean read the novel, it's better.

I come from the lands of >tfw, /r9k/.
I finished re-watching it two days ago.

I remember I've watched it the first time when I still was in highschool.
It resonated with me a little bit back then, But I didn't understood why everybody believed it to be THAT good.

Some years have passed. (I'm a Neet now.)
Honestly, I shouln't have re-watched it. Yes, I've understood how good of a work that anime is, but hell if it was a punch in the guts. On a personal level.

I know Sato is a piece of human trash, But I can't get to hate him.
I hated him too when I was younger, because he was the classic depiction of a loser who deserved it (pushing away the girl, being stupid and falling in all those traps) So I understand where it comes from.

Nowdays, I just see him as a guy who's doing his best to survive.

Don't hate Sato.
He's suffering and the only way he has to ease the pain is to not think too much.


What's it like being stuck in a pit of despair? I've always been curious since I nearly slipped into once when I was a student struggling with her tests and wanting to give up. I'm legit curious as to what you feel.

>Anime doesn't have the locked room chapter as in an episode

That's why the mango is better

The beggining was okay but it got pretty meh towards the end

Manga version Misaki is also a lot better

Fist of all, I'll check the dubs.

Second of all, There are probably person who have it worse i guess.

It's not that much of a big story.
Beside the obvious lonlyness.

>> when I was a student struggling with her tests and wanting to give up.
Well, I just gave up.
I don't even know if i have to regret it or not. Not much changed, beside the fact that I can sleep much more and I don't have the pressure of the whole "university" thing. (I dropped out at my first year).

Before I woke up thinking "I don't want to do this" And I could hardly push myself out of my bed.
Nowdays, when I wake up I mostly go "I don't want to do anything" Seems just really, really pointless. That's why some days I don't even get out my bed.
It has its moments. Sometime you want to jump out of the window, sometime you're quite fine into your comfyness. But there are never extremes Both sadness and happyness are kinda numbed. The old Stereotype: "everything seems so distant, far away and useless" Is actually quite true.
I suppose that's because a day is the exact same copy of the day before.

Honestly it all goes kinda well as long as you don't think about it. Distractions are like a drug. I know it seems childish and stupid, to run away from problems like that, but the whole situation seems so unfixable that you go: "I can't do it. What I do now?"
So yeah, I don't really think much about it, And the show hit me quite badly expecially when his friends goes away for that reason.
Sato had a little routine, that is now shuttered by the events. That's really scary.
His reaction of "no this can't be" that moes to "what now" was really on point.

Welp, at least I'm not completly shut in.
I get the autismo of being scared of being watched by people when I go into weird places.
>Walk towards weebshop
>I'm gonna enter in there.
>What if people sees and judge me?
>Panic and spaghetti.
>I've already passed the door.
>Time to walk around for a little bit and retry.

>Tfw no misaki to save you

It became my favorite anime the moment I watched it. I think I'm currently on 6 rewatches.

So, the problem is, you can't feel anything much anymore? You feel like nothing is *enough* for you? I'd be your Misaki, but unfortunately I'm an unsociable person who can't hold a conversation well, so you got me, I guess. Cheer up, user! Know that this random person at least knows you exist!

Well, that's probably the result of the lifestyle I've found myself into. I can't really think about a reason why it happened. It's always others, you know. I used to think that there was no way i would have ended like that or something.
"No mom, I'll start working even if I drop out..."

I'm probably just a lazy dude who made alot of bad decisions and cannot find a way to fix the results of them.

But I truly apreciate the kindness.

Since I can't really offer any advice on your problem, I'll refrain from spouting bullshit like: "It's all in your head!" and crap. But still user, I hope your situation improves! Just remember that not everyone hates you, and if they do, I don't!

Also, take this really cute loli picture I found, it brightens up my day!

why does no one care that it derails so much in the middle, with the suicide party bit and the WOW thing dragging on.
maybe this is normal in anime, since it happened in mel of haruhi aswell with those repeating eps, and im normie for hating it.
it got better with the pyramid scheme bit but the expirience had been ruined and it was a slog to the end for me.

it might have been the point, but they could have made the show more watchable, in my opinion.

ive thought about this a lot, at what point does making a show easy to watch (traditional good) pacing give way to purposely bad or frustrating pacing to convey a theme?

watch jojo's bizzare adventures, good aniem

Should I watch it or will it make me depressed? I've been feeling down lately and I dont know whether or not it'll be good to watch this.

It's in my top 5 for sure. if it weren't for those two episodes that are like coloured in storyboards, I think it would have been my favourite anime.

Response is quite mixed. Either you get that kick up the ass sensation or you spiral further downward.

>why does no one care that it derails so much in the middle.

It was character development. Why didn't he say anything, especially after knowing about what OFF was going to do? We didn't expect him to try to do it as well. Also, him falling for shit ordinary people know to stay away from. Or his addictions. You'll also notice that his slumps worsen, with periods between you'll notice his room gets cleaner, he has less lines under his eyes, and he gets more fit. It's like a tug and pull for the ending which was the biggest good thing to happen to him, though small

All we knew at the beginning was that he was a paranoid NEET.

I just read the manga, never watched the animu.
Is it good? How much does it deviate from the manga?

Nah, there is humor so it's not a total downer; you'll feel more pity than depressed. It also tries to alienate the MC from people who probably could've had a similar experience by magnifying the crap the MC's situation. Watch it, it has good life-stories.


I watched it in the hopes that it'd make me rethink my NEET ways, instead I just spiraled further into sorrow.
If NHK isn't a "feels" invoking show, I don't know what is. That is, It legitimately made me feel like shit.

I just started watching it because I thought the main girl was cute. Had no idea what it was and got a kick right in the feels. At times the main character seemed really irresponsible and sometimes downright stupid, but he seems to redeem himself by the end. Has anyone here read the novel? Is it worth a read if I have only seen the anime?


I thought it was shit. I don't know how it got popular. I couldn't make it more than six episodes in before I dropped it.

Dumb Frogposter

Fuck i feel you brother. I get scared af when i go out during the holidays and i cant focus nor concentrate when people are around. At least i still am enrolled in uni.

Watch Colorful.
I almost stopped watching because mc were such a douche to his mother.

I suppose that's normal.
But if you'll ever consider dropping be sure to have a job before you get out of there.

Learn from errors.

Thank you user. Sup Forums is usually alot more bully. It came with as a surprise.

What's the point in watching it then?

At least you finished highschool, I dropped out and became a neet when I was 16, now I would have to be the only 20 year old among teenagers just to get a chance to enter some community college.

20 is nothing man. You still have your whole life ahead of you. Most people start college at 18/19 so if you think of it you really aren't too far behind. Just try your best now to progress and grow so you won't be 30 and regretting not starting now. GANBATTE!!!

Its a great anime, but its too painful to watch especially for NEET hikikomori like some of us.

So many dropouts on Sup Forums, I don't know if this is supposed to make me feel better or worse.
I dropped out halfway through my Senior year. I'm 21 now and I really have no idea what to do with my life. Too scrawny to die for Israel, too lazy for work, too far behind for college.

I recommend you try out some anonymous chat therapy. Costs can be zero if you want, and you'll have someone to vent to, even if it's about stupid or boring shit.

20 ain't shit. You still have time to fix your life. I'm a 28 year old neet. Its too late for me and I've completely given up.

I am on same boat as you user... being neet for 6 years.

became a neet after dropping out college (twice)

i want to end myself, but im always afraid to do it.

and watching n.h.k is one of biggest mistake of my life...

watching n.h.k is making me more depressed....

I don't remember feeling particularly bad after watching it. The thought that there are other idiot NEETs out there is always comforting.

Life is suffering brother. It gives you the sweet sweet taste of 'being alive' but all it takes for us to feel abandoned or depressed is society being a big bully or personal problems to make it fall apart.

I feel like dying rn because of personal stuff but after tasting life itself dying is not as easy as it seems.

What's worst about reading or watching NHK is not just seeing yourself in the MC, it's the fact that someone like Misaki will never appear in your life to save you. It fills your head with a fantasy that is never going to happen.


Is funny but I really didn´t feel bad for Satou because i´m kind of in a worst situation also the way the series shows the suicide is shit, the author doesn´t know nothing about that.

"Sobre heroes y tumbas" is a better nhk, more depressing, realist and shows how really shit womans are also the history happens in a shitty country.

Is that suicide arc in the manga? Because I dont think anyone thought it was handled well. definitely could have been cut.

Also, at least youre not in Africa hombre.

Suck my dick

You /r9k/ shits always gravitate towards this sad sack of shit anime.

Good job

Now suck it again

The show itself was pretty meh since I couldn't understand the characters' struggles atll

OST is a fucking 10/10 tough

Why do idiots always miss the point of the show? You can't wait on a Misaki to try to save you.

The ">tfw no misaki to save you" is a meme.
I think everybody knows that.

i actually wouldn't mind if they both died at the end

Too bad they couldn't fit all of Misaki's darker side in the anime.

Reminder that the manga was the author's response to people who failed to understand the point of NHK and instead waifued Misaki.

It does treat you at the end. It's a harsh attempt to make you come to terms that life is good, in spite of shit that might appear to go wrong 99% of the time, there's that 1% that makes magical moments.

There were always things set up with a bright outlook. It made you think, fucking finally, this is his big break. But then something interferes and it goes deeper into the slumps, despite his development. At the end, it's finally a happy/good moment; despite it being so mediocre. Reflecting on it, this was written well.

I didn't like the guy so I never cared if he got a break or not. He was a retard more than a hikki.

If someone examined your life would they not find selfish or stupid things in there?

1 episode in.

Why doesn't he just get a job? He's a healthy 22 year old man. Stop being a faggot and do some work.

I hope his "social anxiety" gets explained better because so far he just comes off as a lazy faggot making excuses.

Oh well, I'll keep watching. I hope this whore doesn't waste too much time on this useless NEET's dick.

And others don't like you either. Liking him for his poor decisions is beside the point. If you want someone "smart" then you have Yamazaki or the MMO dude.

This. I legitimately was about to drop the series when he got tricked into joining the pyramid scheme, even if he was aware that's just a bunch of bullshit.

All his actions were just a string of mind-boggling idiocies but for whatever reason that episode made me genuinely mad. Especially the fact that the next episode the other 2 get tricked into that bullshit too.

I've seriously never seen a character more gullible and retarded than him.

I watched up to maybe episode 8 or so, when he stops working with the girl because he's scared he'll like her. Is it just this shoujo "will they/won't they" shit or does it go interesting places?

I haven't watched in months pls no bully

It's not about the romance


>Normies cannot understand anything but their kind

Not nearly as retarded as this guy. This guy is basically a super retarded normalfag who just so happens to fall under hikki. If it was just a movie length I could stand him but 20+ episodes of this moron? You would have to be super pathetic to identify with this loser and I've been a NEET for 12 years.


Fuck off

That's because the anime is an adaptation of the original novel and not the manga

That doesn't really work. I got a job in that kind of situation, but in the end nothing changed. You can't just expect something like working to change a person.

>falling for the wageslave meme

I never really was a NEET, I saw this when I already had a job and all it did was remind me of those lazy summer months when I was a kid in school/high school/college when I had nothing but free time on my hands and even boredom wasn't so bad. It's realistically possible that I won't enjoy another summer like that until I'm a retired old fart.