A bit late into the season, but I think this has a chance for being the best show of the season.
It was just great.
Also most delicious imouto.
BanG Dream!
I liked it but for some reason nobody is watching.
Which Dream would you BanG?
Shy, thick blondie, spunky protag and imouto.
At leat it looks like it can catch fire among nips, if they can keep up the quality.
Is it yuri?
I want all yuri vs anti-yuri posters like you to be removed from this fucking board.
what the fuck is wrong with yuri? You hate 2 cute lesbians kissing so bad that you rather have a guy in the romance you fucking faggot?
This one has potential
No, I like yuri, but the yurifags and anti-yurifags make it seem as if it's some kind of fight between /u/ and Sup Forums, whereas most male otaku at least enjoys yuri and yuri subtext, but now can't even voice it because of the shitposting and being associated with /u/.
So stop asking pointless questions of it being yuri or not when it's not even a romance anime, but a K-On like SoL/band anime.
> it's not even a romance anime
You could have condensed that rant into a single line that would have answered my question just as effectively.
>no, it's not yuri
That's all I needed to know.
>whereas most male otaku at least enjoys yuri and yuri subtext
It's true though.
>but I think this has a chance for being the best show of the season.
not when Kemono Friends exists
>Kemono Friends
Not furry enough.
Did she just stole that guitar?
It's not stealing if it's just trash.
She did and she didn't.
>Kasumi raped her sister while sleeping, stole a guitar, kidnapped an innocent blonde girl into a concert with headbanging and stuff after touching her without her consent.
What do you think she'll do next?
Also, she is going to jail, right?
They better not tone down the amount of thighs shots.
In order: Tae, Rimi, Kasumi, Arisa, Saya.
>most male otaku at least enjoys yuri and yuri subtext
I know I'm late replying to this but go fuck yourself, nigga.
Sorry about your homosexuality, Anonymous.
Sorry you're so beta that seeing a cute girl get railed by another man makes you uneasy.
Why do the performances have to be CG? They're not even idols.
>seeing a cute girl get railed by another man makes you uneasy.
Turn off that projector. It's far too bright.
*tips mlp baseball cap*
Remember when moe was all the rage and nobody gave two shits about yuri? Good times.
I genuinely do, and I want off the massively enhanced faggotry train that anime fandom has become in the last few years.
Kasumi is fucking cute. Don't even need a pic to prove it.
>tfw jihen has better CG than this or LL
Drummer animation was awesome.
Go home shiny Atago.