How long until we show a little humility and a little respect to the people whose land we stole? How long until we change the flag? How long until we grow up?
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>implying abos are people
Grow up and apoLOGise
Abos aren't even Homo Sapien
You're right. How can they compete with this paragon of Amerifat glory?
A flag is a representation if can mean whatever we say it to mean. And that yellow circle represents the Luritja people who still own the copyright, it can never appear on a national flag designed to represent the assimilation of over 400 countries. That's why we use more general symbols, such as the southern cross or the British flag (indicating that we speak English)
You can change to that flag when we all learn to speak Wurnpulu (oh wait we're not allowed because boong culture isn't shared with outsiders and they will even lie to you about what is safe to eat and do because you're too white or from the wrong tribe) or maybe just change our flag to all black because there really was nothing here and the aboriginals are an anti-patriot fabrication.
We must recognise the traditional owners of the land of Australia - the Bindal people.
Australia is not the last stand of "white" people. Australia is and always will be aboriginal land and now it is a multicultural country welcoming to ALL PEOPLE of the earth.
honestly, if australia were to ever change their flag they should just use the boong flag. its aesthetic desu.
The heads of the Aboriginal culture centre in (((successful genocide somehow reversed))) Tasmania look like spitting images of this woman.
They are ALL frauds and immigrants. Aboriginals do not leave their homelands, it's their culture. If you see one int he city they are a jew in paint.
I would leave the country if we put that coon shit on our flag.
Only flag change ill support.
We changed our flag in 1950 cunt it used to be red.
That's good to hear. Dumb people like you are the reason that ours is such a primitive and juvenile country.
i meant to eliminate the cuckstamp like canada
>How long until we show a little humility and a little respect to the people whose land we stole?
they've been given:
>endless benefits (training, employment, education, welfare, housing, etc..)
>the greatest land rights of any native population
>generous grants every time they have a bitch about something
it's time for abos to do something for themselves
>go settle a new continent
>use your flag in a jack over a new flag
>somehow a cuck stamp
American logic.
its a cuckstamp because it shows you still bend the knee to a foreign monarch
these lands belong to chugawugga people. go back to france you cunts!
Again you fuckwit we are literally Brits who settled Australia. Its not a foreign monarch, its us who conquered and settled Australia.
>admits to still being a colony
sad desu
>American education
Abos stole the land from some other low tech fuckos before the Europeans showed up.
When you are going to genocide you have to go all the way to 11, don't even leave memories of the dead.
>le "we wuz anglos"
you must be from sydney. the rest of the country considers ourselves "just australian people" since we don't have elsewhere a thousand asians says they are australian too.
Its called knowing and being proud of your cultural roots, which yes, i know its ironic when talking to a 56% mutt.
go back to getting pissed drinking vb and spamming the board with black dicks. hope you faggots get range banned again.
>Thinking there are still white people left in Sydney
Iv got some bad news for you. Also wog/gook confirmed. They are the only ones to get butthurt when you point out Australias roots.
let me know when brexit finally happens
Steve Irwin is the most famous Australian that has ever or will ever live
If it's primitive and juvenile now, what was it under the coons?
why do they always have to do the 'we acknowledge the goombawumba tribe as the traditional land owners' thingy at the beginning of everything?
It makes the lefties feel good. It does nothing at all. We literally have virtue signalling written into law.
no its currently Sophie Monk, the woman who had a 10 second role in Click that somehow made her famous
anglo != australian you fucking nips eleven.
I am from tasmania, I haven't seen a wog since last time I went to the airport.
We’re an English colony, you stupid fucking mutt. Unlike you our blood is still pure.
you have GAY in your tag haha faggot
they dont even believe in land ownership. they believe 'the land owns me', in a very literal sense.
why change for people who are a detriment to soceity. why change how 20 million people function in society for the sake of a few thousand?
>grow up
coming from an abo, thats rich. maybe when you stop sleeping on the roads we can "grow up".
>implying people who have no skills and invented only the stick can make improve a country
gas the abos, noonga war now.
:D doesn't stop you being the woman of the relationship
its pathetic. most of these aboriginal activists are like 1/60th indigenous. all the benefits they get despite not being affected in any way is actually taking away resources and hurting actual indigenous communities in remote areas like NT/FNQLD etc
>Sir Gay Fuck
That map is like when tumblr intellectuals make a detailed graph of different genders. There is no fucking way they know the boarders of these nomadic groups who even had large fractions in each language group. And on top of this that map was made a few centuries after abos actually lived off the land. Literally all they know is that some group with that name lived out there and they just made the rest of it up with the exception of the ones up north who went undisturbed for a longer time.
Canadas flag used to look way better
Agreed, aboriginals were constantly at war as well so control of territory probably changed frequently. Aboriginals never created maps so there's no way they could determine what area belong to who
Sadly the original people that the aboriginals killed off don't have a flag
None, coons are violent and have shown me nothing worth respecting.
Whatever happened to right of conquest?
Not our fault Aboriginals were disorganized and had no tech.
Why should we respect people who were unable to achieve anything in 60K years of being on the country.
If the Brits had found farms, iron tools and palaces they would've made a treaty before walloping them.
and they want to deny the existence of mungoman
would the aboriginals have done the same and conquered the UK had they had the ability?
finish them off
And who did those people steal the land from before you? Land has always been fought and taken over by various races and culture. Its called life kiddo, grow the fuck up.
B-But they have blond hair!
>How long until we show a little humility and a little respect to the people whose land we stole?
If you don't build on the land, and properly defend it, it's not yours. This is the fact across all history, and all cultures.
Understand bitch boy? You fucking fag.
Change it to the eureka flag with red desert background, maybe everyone will be happy. Only works if Australia left the commonwealth. Otherwise yeah nah mate
something like this maybe