Apparently Kazuma Kamachi has always liked crazy murderhobo girls.
Apparently Kazuma Kamachi has always liked crazy murderhobo girls.
That's fine.
Good taste then.
Is the Kamisato Faction composed almost exclusively of imbeciles?
Most of Kamijou faction would have done the same.
For some reason I get the feeling that most of them would want to help but would be unable to for some reason, very few actually trying to help, and the rest going "well he'll figure it out."
Kamijou faction would have beaten up Yuiitsu, confined her, and tortured her until they figured out how to get back Touman. Not instantly become her attack dogs.
This. Misaka alone can probably administer a near limitless variety of torture techniques, and Index probably has some pretty effective shit in her grimoires. Kamisato's harem is garbage.
They were assembled in like a week for the sole purpose of "we got a protagonist archetype here, needs a harem too", give them a break
Railgun 92 spoilers.
I don't even know what to say about this chapter. I'll post a few pages.
When does NT starts to be interesting again? I'm in volume 5 and this is the 10th time I dropped.
Holy shit, that's so dumb I don't know what to say either.
Railgun was a fucking mistake.
Welcome to Kamachi's wild ride, newfriend.
Enjoy your stay.
>Kaiju battle
Looks like a videogame boss
Jesus. I honestly think that HO is the last good Kamachi series.
>Kaiju railgun
You guys can post the rest if you want.
What about Blood Sign?
Shut it down.
It's just a shitposter trying to incite fanbase wars.
It was never very good. Still has it's moments.
Who is this thick demon again?
Also new vol when? It's been a while.
Thats a big Misaka
Isn't it all one fan base?
>Mikoto and Yuiitsu are both a pain in the ass to Aleister
>Both were cutes that went crazy
>Both madly in love
>Both can make mass destruction weapons that can be attached to a swimsuit
>Both can make Kaijus
What did Kamachi mean by this?
>tfw I actually enjoyed the adventures of Touma Barbotage in the latest NT
When is the next release? I need it nao
March is BooBoo so hopefully April
I can't take that fucking skunk hair seriously.
Such a best
>Rensa references arc ends in a fucking Kaijuu battle
Now this is what I needed. Railgun S4 when? I need to see this animated.
Mostly yes, which is why that kind of shitposting is pointless here.
>That crushed hag is still alive
Sadistic Onee-sans are the true light.
Ignore insane imoutos.
Anyone feel like Kamachi has a thing for bunny girls who are absolute crazy cunts?
I forgot why Misaka helped Misaki take her down, or why Misaki wants to take her down in the first place.
>yfw perfect golem is god
>Rensa's golem is Godzilla
Deepest lore
Clearly this explains the lack of fucks Aleister gave to the whole Elements thing and the reason no one even tries to leave AC.
That shit happens every weekend.
>use gatling gun in a helicopter while giant ghost woman chase you
>It Ain't Me Starts playing
>give no fucks
>get buttmad at normal middle-aged man talking shit at you who hours later was nearly lynched by kids
>Copies what he saw in a movie called Heavy Something
>Actually pulls it off successfully
>Even gets male admirers who are rarer than rare
Is there a better feeling than seeing Touma grow from a punching machine into a scheming bastard?
The feeling when he reverts will be fantastic, yea.
But muh fukou da
mub IDTI
Makes you wonder what his reaction will be when ayylmaos come knocking on the door.
Funny how rarely he says it anymore. ;_;
Wait, did Mikoto just constructed a kaiju-sized electric construct? That's awesome.
Poor Styil he seems ever more irrelevant now.
I thought there was some kind of curse shit involved? Or was that just a metaphor and actually the Kamisato Harem are all just sheep?
No curse at all.
So I just read the first volume of blood sign.
>academy city
>artificial village
>revived city
>swimsuit loli
We need to make a bingo.
You get used to it
>flesh and blood soldiers
>high school student
>intellectual genius that uses the gods as pawns
>She even gave it wings
Why is Misaka so chuuni?
It's requirment to be level 5.
>large criminal organization
In some fridge, Kakine is enjoying this fight.
Misaki isn't chuuni
Is the chapter incomplete?
Has the last level 5 even been revealed yet?
He was revealed early in OT.
To my knowledge, he was never confirmed the last level 5 though
> Aihana Etsu.
> The three kanji for Etsu's name mean "indigo", "flower", and "pleasure", respectively.
I don't even know what power #6 must have to not be a dissapointment at this point.
Are people in City okay with shit like this happening on weekly basis?
They're used to it.
At this pace Hishigata is going to be bleeding out for a year.
His love for his sister keeps his heart beating. Worked for Tsuchimikado.
It's just the 6 anyway, it can't be that amazing.
But they're only ranked on usefulness to Aleister.
Leivinia is a piece of shit and I hope she gets raped.
They want to take her out because a freely rampaging rogue soul could have terrible consequences for the entire city.
That and she was bullying the real Kuriba.
Tell me
Why does she not wear panties?
Saints are all actually whores.
Take that back
>Final Battle is a kaiju battle in space with one being piloted by Aleister and the other is a 10 headed giant dragon by Touma
> both lose and die in the end, accomplishing nothing
Mikoto looks like shes having so much fun
What do we call her iron sand kaiju?
Freedom I can understand. Some summoners probably thought it sounded cool and went with it. But what the fuck were they thinking when naming the other two factions Illegal and Government?
50%-Whore 50%-Shotacon 100%-Degenerate
>the kind of normal high school boy you can find anywhere
>An incarnation of benevolence, a symbol of sanctity, and a personification of radiance.
>flesh-and-blood soldiers
>a deadly Youkai that can’t be killed even if you stab or shoot it
>Objects are synonymous with war
>The “White” Queen who Wields the Sword of Unsullied Truth (iu – nu – fb – a – wuh – ei –kx – eu – pl – vjz)
>a large criminal organization
>a crystallization of technology
>the peak of the Unexplored-class which lay beyond the Regulation-class and Divine-class
>If I have to rely on a gun then I've 80% lost
>Then I'll destroy that illusion
How many things have we been waiting for waiting for but will probably never get?
Saints are 100% pure except for Aqua who will be cuddled by Shiage
-Index 3 and everything after
-Railgun 3 and everything after
-Accel 1 and everything after
-Blood Sign anime
-Simple Survey/Monitoring anime shorts
-Zashiki Warashi anime
-Waltraute-san anime
-Heavy Object 2
-More Index-tan
-Tsuchimikado-centric side LN
-Delta Force side LN
-Knowing the fate of Itsuwa
-Casual Vento
-The rest of the Raildex RPG maker game
-More Unlucky Star
-Grand Theft Shiage
-Shitposters fucking off/killing themselves
-Knowing Crowley's full Keikaku
-KamiKuro end
>Index and Railgun S3
>NT anime of any kind
>Heavy Object S2
>Any of the manga covering the battle royale
>The #6 being revealed
>Mie getting an illustration
>Mikoto defeating a Saint
>Touma living a quiet life
>An end to the series
A Certain Magical Powered Kanamin
Oh forgot to add #6 and Mie to my own list
Also seeing Gunha's full power after GUTS training