Best/Favourite cigarette brand?

What are y'alls favourite brand of cigarettes? I usually smoke Turkish Royals, but I haven't smoked many other brands. I need new suggestions.


why the fuck do you think im smoking you damn khokhol

Turkish royals are the GOAT, never tried a tastier square.

>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

now fuck off with your cancer sticks.



Camel 99's


camel 99s? how do they differ from turks?

Camel blue, although I usually smoke no more than 2-3 per week, if you smoke more than 1 per day you are officially hooked and a degenerate

putting money in the hands of the vapor jew.... not even once,

im a vaporjew

What you rockin boy-o? I got a Smok priv8 with redbull jooze atm

stop smoking you fucking idiot

you are shortening your lifespan by 15 years at least

camel filter 99s or get out

The new red ones are vastly inferior to the old blue ones

turkish royals are made with the "Turkish" tobacco, camel filters are a blend of USA and Turkish tobacco

American Spirits

Organics (Turquoise) are the best if you like a strong cigarette. Standard light blues are good. Blacks are good but too rich for regular smoking imo. I smoked Camels for a very very long time and switched and can't go back-- Camels taste nasty to me now. AS are just so much better. More expensive, too of course.

Natural American Spirits are the only
Cigarettes worth smoking if you’re going to smoke. Best flavor, smoke, and value.

Exactly this.

red marlboros long

I roll my own because of taxes.


Anyone have any MLG tips/tricks on how to kick to nicotine jew


>smoking sigarettes
>making a thread about


Marlboro Gold


So smooth


>posting a shqip meme

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

I love a rolled fag but they are such a pain in the ass when you just want a quick one.

Mine is Camel Crush. I like the thought of middle-astern things burning.


please remove your country


Cancercancercancer cancer cancercancercancer cancercancer cnacer cancer cancercancercancer cnacer cancer

If you must have a Turkish-American blend buy some Peter Stokkebye no. 84 and roll your own. It's like a Patrician Camel without any of the shit in it.

vape naysh yall

Exports been my go to for the last 10 years
Lmao at the chinklet on the pack
Very canadian

Turkish Royals! The new red box ones suck though. Always a disappointment when they only have those.

I think they're trying to compete with Marb. reds, but that's not why people buy Turkish Royals. Dumb aggressive marketing to be honest.

>smoking cigarettes like a good goy
>not a pipe like your white ancestors smoked

Might as well skip the cigs and go straight to cock, OP

newport reds, menthol cigs are for niggers, women and fags

I love cancer guys, exspecially cancer of the intestines, lungs, throat, tounge & mouth

morleys obv

Pall Mall Red 100's

american spirits give me a headache

>smoking pauls balls

I make my own with a machine. Basically stuffs a filtered tube. .88 a pack and i can make a weeks worth in 45 mins.

I prefer the short ones, I find the drag from the 100's to be a bit weird.

I smoke DIY cigs.

Unflitered Lucky Strikes or English Ovals if I'm feeling fancy

What color? The Turqoise and Blacks have the most nicotine of any cigarette produced. Maybe the Light blue too. Not sure. But there's a whole bunch of mediums and lights they make although their color coding system doesn't exactly make it easy to figure out wtf which is which.

Where did you get that case, its pretty fucking nice.

Light blues here.

Yes goy, smoke water with a bunch of chemicals

Used to do that and rolling your own or using a machine is the best way to go and the cheapest but I'm too lazy nowadays


Newports are my favorite but I’m smoking Indian reservation crap now because it’s 25 dollars a carton.

Something has got to kill you-- like car accidents or dangerous wildlife. Plus, do you really want to live be a sexless smelly frail 80 year old lying in a hospital bed waiting to die?

I vapped instead of smoking several times. Twice i got sores in the corner of my mouth repeatedly. I also got pnuemonia as did two other vapers i know.

Turkish Blend is one of the better ones ive tried. I like American Spirit in the light blue pack, but they get tiresome to smoke after a while.

my nigga

Im almost certainly going to get parkinsons in my mid sixties. I had kids young enough that i should get to spend time with my grandkids. So I am not too woried about smoking.

isnt that a nazi solider case?

Quit cold turkey and chew some sunflower seeds whenever you get a serious craving for a cigarette. Worked for me after about a decade of smoking. I was irritable as hell for a week or two but otherwise wasn't that bad.

American tobacco is shit

I remember when I went to my local gas station and saw loose leaf American Spirit tobacco. It was the black package. They weren't able to sell more than one package for some time, so they marked each pack down to five dollars and me and my friend bought four or five of them. Good times that lasted a while.

In my local tobacco store. I asked for a something oldschool looking and the shop assistant gave me this, kek.

Camel is the übermenschen cigarrete. If you smoke other brand, you are a nigger or broke.

The wape is worse. At least with cancersticks we know what's going on.


T Royals and Camel Unfiltered are runners up. NAS gets a honorable mention. The rest is trash for white trash.

Also to the OP, thanks for posting this thread. Tobacco threads reminds me of how much soy has infested this board. A bunch of nanny state faggots.

I'd buy that AS RYO again but it's too expensive now since they raised my states loose tobacco tax by like %1500. 1.5 ounce pouch used to be like $5 but is now $15.

That's pretty funny, but its still got the style.

Peter Stokkebye Danish shag rolling tobacco literally the only cig worth smoking. Muh Marlboro, Camel, Merican spirit fags might as well be vapin

I smoke Turkish Jades. (yes menthol, no I'm not ghetto trash) if I can't find those I smoke Marlboro 72s. Maybe try those out, especially if you find yourself extinguishing your fag a little early

um, no sweaty, our tobacco has been great since the British colonial days

Marb 27s but I need to fucking stop.

>Cyrillic cigarrette

nice heavy smoke huh? thanks user. I'll check this out

Danish PS

Yo, this but Norwegian shag is better.

>Being this faggot


Either these or lucky strikes, anything filtered might as well be air to me.

My granddad and aunt both had ALS, which means if my mother ends up with it that I have a 50% chance. She's older now and I'm probably in the clear for that but you never know.

Sobranie black russian(more expensive,not that ususal), Davidoff red

Manitou organic

by far the healthiest option and in my opinion the most enjoyable. It's basically what tobacco was a hundred years ago.

Marlboro special blend regular red master race

marlboro are garbage these days

Amber leaf rollies anyone?

Only the most a e s t h e t i c.

Marlboro is the patricians choice for slow suicide

The day they got rid of the 12.5g box over here was a dark one.

I see I'm never going out of business.

Coronary Artery Disease, COPD, and Cancer are here to stay!

Im in the north, whyd they get rid of it? Think we still have it up here

Red Newports for me. The only cheap cigarette that doesn't taste like shit nor burn up in 3 puffs. Beats the hell out of poorfag brands like L&M, Pyramids, Pall Mall Filters, and Doral

cigarettes are good for you if you smoke between 1 and 7 a day

desu newports burn faster than anything, you should try paul malls, or pack your cigarettes and smoke L&M's

Just plant some tobbaco in your yard bro. 8 plants will give you 2 cartons in 3 months bro.