This is the cringiest attention whore on youtube

This is the cringiest attention whore on youtube.

It's like watching a 16 year old trapped in the body of someone in their late 20s

How can you spend 2 years bitching about how much you hate SJWs and then become one and no one notices?

Women should not be allowed to have youtube channels

>Women should not be allowed to have youtube channels
Why? You can watch whatever the fuck you want on youtube, but you seem to watch her for 2 years and bitch about it at the same time!

Her "boy"friend is much much worse.

*her pet ogre is much, much worse

Just dont watch it then. sage

Also I believe she browses Sup Forums, since she's been using a lot of Sup Forums vocabulario and memes, especially in her tweets

isn't this her?

I hope so. I have new fap material

defo her
very nice desu

Because they just attention whore and suck people's money up. They offer nothing original and just mimick whatever men are saying.

Wow what a beautiful body

who has cell phone shots?

Congratulations, you have discovered women being allowed to have opinions and how horrible it is

fake tits and pulls her hair out so she has to wear a wig. lives with her parents.

Oh look, it's another MGTOW faggot attacking another white female.

Don't care. Like, don't like, hate, love. Until this MGTOW infestation is cured I'm 100% pro all white female youtubers.

KYS MGTOW faggots!!

take this shit back to Sup Forums fagit

Shut the FUCK up

she isn't pro white, she fucked a black guy.


*Italian tranny loving coal burner

Damn you guys love white knighting for an attention whore SJW who hates right wingers and thinks trannys and niggers are super, sper cool. Top kek.

Fuck off, faggot. Don't care. If she's so bad, then why are you niggers talking about her. Go live your life. MGTOWs are mutt mixed niggers who hate white females with a passion. Die in a fire.

her voice is giving me blowjobs, anyone else?

jack off to boxxy not this wiggy coal burning whore with no skills beyond getting plowed by her fatass leaf divorced boyfriend

you fucking faggot
whos whitekniting?
i told this other faggot to get this trash back to where it belongs
and it belongs on Sup Forums where fucking retards give a shit about this outdated whore and traps and spiderman bullshit
kill yourself

God damn those perfect tits


are you 14? those are fake tits. Gross!

Please provide proof. Wait don't answer, I knos it's bullshit already.

>A SJW that hates right wingersand thinks trannies and niggers are cool
Not only you don't ave any evidence of this, but you don't even know what a SJW is or a what a right winger stands for.

Fuck off, you niggers will never have any influence here. Don't ever tell me what to do. KYS

>spend 2 years bitching about how much you hate SJWs and then become one
Explain. How did she become an SJW?

>t. complete degenerate.

Just a reminder. Spencer will still have less subs than 10 year old girl make up channels years from now.

Anglin will be forced on North Korea server hosting.

Peterson, and all centrists will be making 100+k a year minimum effectively destroying the radical right and left.

I don't see any reason for this recent psyops other than a scramble to tear away patreon/youtube bucks.

Anti-white-female is anti-white.

She didn't

Because you're so desperate for any woman to affirm your worldview that smart enterprising women repeatedly appeal to right wing losers who will worship them until they have enough notoriety to do litreally anything else

your a retard. find a real girlfriend you homosexual loner

Her political statements are lacking rationality and are mostly based on fee fees, but that's not rare for e celebs.

she has a deep voice for a 105lb woman

lads, just sage in Options field.
Don't click the youtube link. Don't feed the beast.
I'm sure she'll settle the fuck down if ya'll stop giving her attention.

>effectively destroying the radical right and left.

Telling people to clean their room and being a surrogate father to beta males is not going to have much political impact long term

Great. Tell me again in a week or two. But right now this board is being raided, so if you're legit, then take it up later. Until then: I'm 100% pro any white female that's being slandered by anything that even slightly looks like MGTOW or PUA or leftpol or whatever.

(all e-celebs should die in a fire, but not until these anti-white-female niggerfaggots are hung)

"Hi, I'm not an SJW, but unless you agree that my friend with a penis is a woman you are a fucking bigot and if you have a problem with non-binary people you need to GROW UP CONSERVITARD! But TERFS are funny. See? Told you I'm not an SJW!"



she is an actual whore



Shut the fuck up retard, go join your cunts in the marxist camp, we don't fucking need you piece of shit.

Online neckbeard virgin making threats behind your computer screen, go eat a black dick.