ITT: Heterosexual Male Characters





Is it time?











I miss this show






I want to make a friendship like this one.

So you want to be a teenage girl?

Bunny needs to keep his paws off Tiger!

Lotta faggots here, let me post the first actual heteros ITT

Oh, its you again, tit-flashing fujo? Fuck off, I tell you once again, your husbando is a pure cock slave, go spam your headcanon somewhere else, stupid bitch.

Are you mentally retarded?

You know he loves it.

SamuFlamenco fags would be posted in this thread already if it wasn't for Kurata


The script writer said the same shit.




Never thought about dick in his life.

>cock slave

You realize it's bestiality right? He's not human, he has no gender, he has limited free will.

He's a very good simulacrum of a human being, which was the point: Shinji was surrounded by real, broken humans and he got to experience the platonic ideal of humanity.

And then kill him, because he's a broken human too, and Kaworu let it happen because of his unconditional compassion for Shinji.

They even retread it in the Rebuild: Kaworu does very poorly when there's a discrepancy between his intent and reality.


Already been posted

>responding to shitposters



This is a japanese heterosexual male.

>your senpai will never ask you this
Why live?



a dream come true


He's the angel of free will

But that's exactly why I posted them, m8
Because they are officially confirmed straight

That name is supposed to be ironic, because Kaworu says his only free will is how he chooses to die.


>when you don't give your semen to a bitch and she turns into a bee

Chapter number or something?



That's plenty of free will already.

Not really, when he's only given two choices to choose from.