Give me some good and funny stuff about this sacred group that nobody can even joke about in public or else muh
Nigger hate thread
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Look at his nose...
Why would I hate people I don't know...
I wonder if having a Brillo pad in your armpit is uncomfortable. Maybe that's why they're always so angry.
what is happening?
South Africa
some niggers are about to try and rob a white lady so she floors it in reverse
What happened in the video? Is this in USA?
its in africa, a nigger tried to steal some copper so he could sell it for money but i dont think he realises that copper conducts electricity. since electricity fucks with your muscles he cant let go of the copper no matter how hard he tries, he is stuck getting burned until he dies or if his arms falls off
>the bucket
made me chuckle
What am I looking at?
boy, buckethead has sure let himself go
All they do is collect welfare, and STEAL MY DAMN DIRTBIKE.
Still holding hope for ebolachan
You should not polarize the thread using shocking videos like that. Keep yourself grounded over the current human tragedy or you will be charged.
>Am I Next?
>a nigger dying a painful death is a tragedy
Is he okay?
>I-I want t-to belittle others who have more melanin in their skin than me because they are supposedly dumber than me because of said melanin
>t. high school dropout basement dwelling virgin
You dumb losers never fail to make me laugh.
>being this edgy
What you really don't have compassion? I have compassion for all animals. I don't like seeing things die.
this woman has got excellent instincts and reaction time. i guess you have to always be on your toes to survive around blacks
Fuck off nigger lover
Liqor store break in fail
well, you know as they say: around blacks, never relax.
Stop electrifying the thread, you negative pole.
Black people actually are on average stupider than whites. Nothing to do with melanin, and melanin has nothing to do with the negative feelings people have towards them. It's because of the terrible things many of them do. But I am not against blacks as a rule just their shit mainstream culture.
Hey man, we are all equal in this world.
Wow, you sure told me off, you low-iq nazi. I hope a black doctor saves your life one day.
its a fucking leaf
>he laughed, while his wife continued to moan from the other room as the bull he prepped earlier that day filled her again with his swarthy semen.
"Surely I am better than those lowly dogs on Sup Forums, hah.">But he suddenly was stricken with grief, for he used the term dog as a pejorative. The flimsy Canadian began whipping himself with his flaggelation belt while his new great Dane continued to lap peanut butter off his still chastised two and a half inch penis. He loved the pink cage and lock Jamal kept his penis confined in.
"Once more to talk shit about racists on this thread, then I will go help Jamal clean up."
>and off he went, marching happily to his own grave.
Are you pretending that the black race is as good as the white race? You're adorable.
Quality quads
Actually, the conditions in which someone grows up in are a much better way to predict how "stupid" a person will be. However, there will always be exceptions, such as yourself, who despite growing up in a well-off white family turned to be a non-college going loser with no future who has to troll on websites filled with other dumb racists such as yourself. Sad!
more like black witch doctor amirite kek lol
>I hope a black doctor saves your life one day.
maybe some witch-doctor will bring him back from the dead with juju magic
There's more to race than "melanin" you retard coon.
Put down the crackpipe, Ahmed.
LOL! Someone clearly hasn't been to medical school (or to any school at all, probably. LOL!). In the one I'm in, there are many, many black people, I can assure you that.
>I have nothing to say so I have to resort to memes because I am 12 and need to rebel against my parents by being racist on the internet
Does this pass as comedy in this cringe-filled website? No wonder you don't have any friends in real life.
>white basement dweller taking credit for the achievements of other people because they have the same amount of melanin in their skin
Why am I not surprised?
At first I thought they were trying to rape her, but now I don't know what the fuck they're doing. Why the hell do they keep jumping on her?
Shame. She looks kinda cute. Look at those fucking niglets. Why would any woman do this.
Sorry, I didn't have enough resistance. I'll try alternating my current mood.
>white basement dweller taking credit for the achievements of other people because they have the same amount of melanin in their skin
Are you pretending that it's just some huge coincidence that the White race has far surpassed every other in nearly every aspect? Not even the Asians with their slightly higher average IQs have been able to build the modern world that the White man has created.
I cannot say for certain why it is, but if you're ignoring the racial differences, you're showing severe ignorance and bias.
>LOL! Someone clearly hasn't been to medical school (or to any school at all, probably. LOL!). In the one I'm in, there are many, many black people, I can assure you that.
Yeah, but How many actually graduate and get licensed to practice?
"Races" don't exist. Try leaving mommy's basement and talking with people sometimes.
There are no racial quotas in admissions for medical canadian schools, silly drumpftard.
i'll side with justin here
stop this online harassment you shitlords
I hope a black migrant rapes you
If you weren't a basement dwelling loser, you'd know that degree completion is very high for all medical students, since they have put in much effort to get high enough grades to get into medical school in the first place. But I guess a racist uneducated loser wouldn't know what "putting in effort" is. LOL!
Are you for real? Innovations and scientific discoveries are coming from all over the world, and are absolutely not limited to the "western world". Not like a non-college going dropout like you would know, anyways. LOL!
Statistically speaking, I'm much more likely to get raped by some racist redneck loser. Cry some more.
shit tier bait
Except white people are more likely to graduate high school than niggers.
>black doctor
The fact that you're here doesn't bode well for you user. The ones that can stay in the Prog cult immunize themselves completely by simply never pokling their heads in. Engaging with us requires you to at least pretend to use logic, and if you ever so much as begin to think logically about race you're completely fucked, you can never come back.
Believe me I was you 5 years ago. Seriously even just the slghtest application of doubt will fuck you forever.
>everything that I disagree with is bait
Am I invading your safe space? LOL!
See above replies
Go to any poor white rural town and tell me about the high school graduation rate, basement-dwelling virgin
She's not the driver
>black doctor
>Go to any poor white rural town and tell me about the high school graduation rate, basement-dwelling virgin
At least some of them graduate faggot. Go to a nigger school and look at graduation rates.
Well you know the saying, around blacks never relax.
This is why whites in black areas HAVE to arm themselves. Over here, we're turning into South Africa.
In b4 56
>black security guard standing and watching
You don't know Hitler yet you hate him because some kike teacher told you to.
Why does Ah-ha start playing in my head when looking at this pic?
and even coming from the same or worse situation than niggers whites will still be better
>crime isnt a racial issue, its an economic issue :(
>muh melanin meme
>not because 12% of a population is responsible for 70% of all violence
Poor whites do better on standardized testing than poor blacks dumb leaf poster
Nerve gas
>no sources cited
Why am I not surprised that low-iq losers like you believe whatever feeds their ego and their prejudice? I've lived in poor white rural towns and multi-racial cities myself, and let me tell you, there was much, much more crime in white rural towns. That's what lack of education does. And you're part of the problem.
>"Am I next?"
it's not even the same guy
I love how you people just keep showing how stupid you are by continuing to pass on memes that I've already refuted. LOL!
It's so hard to imagine how great the world would be if africa never existed
>no source cited
wew lad
>hurts my feelings so it's wrong
ok leaf
You're a terrible memester young one. Don't worry, growing up will cure that edge of yours.
Well your country would most likely be heavily depopulated, for one
Beattyville, KY only has a population of 1241
View Park-Windsor Hills, CA has a pop of 11,075
Problem is the one in California has 10 times the population.
I agree with your premise but at least pick towns of roughly the same size.
Clear, concise and believable. Thanks aussie.