Janky animation and character art from the early 2000s is starting to look nostalgic and charming

>janky animation and character art from the early 2000s is starting to look nostalgic and charming
We're getting old.

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Why are you using majestic plural? Are you royalty?


It feels good.

Nah. It looked like shit then it still looks like shit.
What I miss from the 00s is the variety - now we get the same couple of stories repeated ad nauseum - cute girls do cute things, japanese male gets transported to another universe, etc.

And the soundtracks. A philharmonic orchestra did the OST for Gundam SEED. That shit won't happen again in a hurry. I listened to the BnHA OST recently, it's garbo, there's like one or two tracks worth shit the rest is generic as fuck.
Even budget shit anime used to make fat weeabs do piano covers back in the days. youtube.com/watch?v=zLFQjTvW-cI

The animation has deteriorated.
The style has deteriorated.
The narrative has deteriorated.
Anime is dead. Thank virginal otaku.

/r/ing the anime OST chart
Probably pretty old at this point, think it's from 2013.

there hasn't been any anime with a memorable soundtrack in ages. I used to think Unicorn would be one, but looking at it now, Unicorn's themes are goddamned repeated too much.

Yuuri on Ice aired just last season.

80% of that soundtrack is classical music you dumb pleb. We're talking about OSTs - Oh Es Tee. The Oh is for ORIGINAL.

Fucking low IQ retard.

Nah there have been some great soundtracks recently: IBO, Haikyuu, fucking Syakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume had a great soundtrack, Occultic;Nine. Those are all from last season.