>episode just aired
>no threads
people are too busy watching the ecchi comedies that air today to care
Not surprising considering even the sales are expected to be dead.
And God bless them
Patch soon™ I was originally planning on finishing today, but various things delayed it. I am sorry for that. But don't worry. Everything will be fine.
How it was?
I'm on chapter 3. Do I need to restart everything when the new patch is released?
Looking forward to it!
You don't need to, but I would advise you to do it.
In chapter 3 there is a bug in the english version, that stops the letters "Ri" and "mi" from floating up in Takumi's mind during Delusion Trigger 12 when selecting either green or red.
Pic related is how it should look like, but in the current patch the screen is simply blank.
Also, you shouldn't read further than chapter 5 as the O-Front scene in chapter 6 is bugged.
Normally, when selecting a trigger you should still get the questions, but in the current english patch, you don't get them.
And of course there is the chapter 7 bug with a skipped scene and the inability to load a save.
In chapter 9 there are also texts that get skipped which messes up the sprites displayed.
Have patience and stop reading for now, we will be finished by the weekend (hopefully).
Rimi a CUTE
I'll wait.
rushed as you would expect, they skipped and made a summary of a lot of stuff including watabe who only got one scene, so you don't know he was an actual ass
nono was quite annoying this episode, in the novel that scene was touching, them again once you finish the true end lots of stuff start to make sense and you realize she is more selfish than anything else
as for the other scenes, it was quite good mio's VA is trying to reach that god tier voice but you know she can't reach the heavens we got more of 思考盗撮 and serika being cute
ah and kawahara didn't actually punch takuru like he did in the novel
Oh well.
Most of the bugs are just careless mistakes made by those who translated it.
Especially the bug in chapter 3 is something that made my blood boil when I discovered it.
Who in their right mind puts escaping characters in front of the commas inside a fucking function?
What it should look like:
>CreateText("テキスト14", 100, center, middle, Auto, Auto, "Ri");
>CreateText("テキスト15", 100, center, middle, Auto, Auto, "mi");
What it looked like before I got to it:
>CreateText("テキスト14"&, 100&, center&, middle&, Auto&, Auto, "リ");
>CreateText("テキスト15"&, 100&, center&, middle&, Auto&, Auto, "ミ");
Of course those ampersands kill the function and even worse, it was left untranslated.
Makes me want to appear with a Darth Spider helmet in front of the one responsible, if you understand what I am implying.
So how's the episode? Not expecting much
Is Noah's white light the Divine Light of the Cosmic Church of Divine Light? Is it the divine light that may save us?
Subs take too long
>Makes me want to appear with a Darth Spider helmet in front of the one responsible, if you understand what I am implying.
Not yet since I'm just catching up with the VN.
Well after reading our fixed B Ending, you will understand.
Damn the OP is good I wished this was 2 cour for the hundredth time
>tfw no Seira-tan porn
We live in the wrong timeline.
Subs are out
This show had less people in the threads than Occultic;Nine
Wait what the hell??
The previous week I did some research about the VN and shit, also some spoilers coming from anons saying Nono was fucking dead and we will see her with a baby inside her.
Now nothing of that happened, what the fuck is going on?
I'm waiting for VN before watching.
I still remember Chaos;Head anime, so not watching this one.
It's called shitposting, user
It's nowhere near Chaos;Head levels
The recap made me want to read the VN.
But yeah this is a secuel of an unpopular anime no wonder nobody is watching it.
Dude, in the VN summaries is being told that Kurusu dies pretty soon and the truth behind her is that she was fucking dead since the beginning.
I dunno what to believe.
How about reading the VN yourself?
Not the same user but it doesn't matter when we don't know what route is the adaptation going to offer, the common ending or the true ending which is btw sad as fuck.
True End is just a continuation of the common ending, you know?
Yeah but the pain in the ass is finishing all the fucking routes to reach that true ending. Still that doesn't change the fact that common end is okay while true ending is literally WHY THE FUCK YOU DO THIS TO ME REEEEEEEEEEE tier.
>the entirety of the school festival in one episode
This is so rushed. The anime isn't bad, it is just really rushed. A lot of the Takuru and Nono interaction had little impact, hopefully they don't skimp out on them actually exploring the hospital since they already skipped the first time Takuru goes to visit.
Yeah but the common route without it is a satisfying enough end.
Waking from a dream is never nice.
You can delude yourself all you want, but reality isn't that forgiving.
I agree.
Chaos;Child getting translated when I'm super busy with real life. I hate you all!
>You can delude yourself all you want, but reality isn't that forgiving.
>This self insert
Are you real nigga? holy shit this is hilarious. Stop comparing a shitty VN with reality you dumb virgin fuck.
How about you fuck off and go back to where you came from?
Best girl
Indeed, the show doesn't feel wrong but it feels pretty damn rushed, like I'm missing a ton of the characters interactions and stuff like that.
The character routes were okay. Uki's was meh but Hana's was so crazy it was fun, Hinae's was brutal, and Nono's had really good background on the characters. In fact the only time Serika murders someone when it has nothing to do with Takuru is only mentioned in Nono's route.
The true end is the that fits the best.
Takuru's story isn't over just by the common route.
Judging by the pace the anime is going for the true end.
The VN is a good analogy on why escapism is bad. You knew this if you were able to read Japanese.
Mia a shit.
user what's the difference between the common route and the true ending?
Spoiler please.
Common route is inside the Chaos World.
True route is reality and a continuation of the common route's ending.
I see, so basically what are we watching here in the anime is all in this chaos world which can change at any time and the true ending is 100% real
By the way, is there any serious development between Takuru and Kurusu?
Hinae's character has been gutted a little.
Hana's 10 minutes of VN common route screen time has been reduced to 10 seconds.
Nono has been declawed a bit and they are only showing the side of her that wants to protect Takuru and not the desperate half delusional side.
>is there any serious development between Takuru and Kurusu?
Not romantically, sometimes implied though but I doubt the anime will show that. She loves him but some shit happens which makes everything plot focused between them.
What a shame, I mean, I'm gonna play the novel after the anime ends but still, it's bad how they're treating the characters then.
How related is the committee of 300 to this anime?
>Nono has been declawed
Was this intentional? If so, you are a genius.
Without Rimi it is boring!!!
You get to see a member of the committee walking around.
Nono is fucking irritating. Why didn't she die?
Serika pls
Yeah, I meant what I said but I don't see how ingenious it is.
The VN is superior. You care a lot more about the characters, the anime just has them doing things and stating things.
The way they are handling the anime makes me feel like they would actually do a good job with 24 episodes.
>cant watch it because interim reports due tomorrow and ive deliverables to get done before then
send help
>The source is better than the adaption
Who would have guessed
Were the episodes for Chaos;Head Radio Delusion Channel ever translated?
>What was the number for police again?
bravo takuru
He's just that kind of dumb guy.
Takumi is funnier so far.
From what I hear in the VN Takuru is sort of funny what with the cool cat shit, but nothing can beat Takumi. He's just an unrepentant asshole most of the time and it's great.
Takuru is hilarious though.
Takuru's delusions are so good though. Takumi's are so tame in comparison.
It's a trade off. Takuru's got the better delusions, while Takumi's pretty great outside of his delusions.
Really wish there was some kind of gag 4koma manga or fan disc that showed the two of them meeting up with each other. I can see them playing off of each other well.
>The main heroine is a yandere
Picked up.
Specially when the source is as long as S;G if not longer, but the adaptation is given only half the runtime S;G had. Seriously, why couldn't they give this show 2 cours?
Anime was a mistake. I can see this selling a lot better if everything wasn't so crammed together.
Semi regular reminder that R;N got 2 cours
Takumi is based.
He doesn't hace that stupid rule about not faping to your waifu.
Shit right, I always forget about the Robotics;note anime.
It helps that Seira was practically made for fapping.
And Seira-tan it's okay with it.
But that didn't work in its favor either, like with S;G
I find C;C fine but I'm an anime only.
How could he have his phone if he was supposed to have lost it in AH Tokyo General hospital by Gottsan Death?
He lost it after wards. He visits the facility once with Serika, one with Serika and Iroha (loses his phone here), and one last time with Nono.
Itou, I meant.
Posting best sister.
Who else thinks Kurusu Nono is a clingy whore and the plot would move better without her.
Almost everybody dislikes Nono.
Go to bed Serika
I like her, if this were a harem I'd cheer for her.
and get himself in the jail
Wait for C;C love Chu chu. Then you can have your Nono end.
Im still waiting for chaos;head love chu chu will I get this one in 2030
Is this for noah?
You wish. It's a fixed patch of the PC version. It fixes a lot of the bugs and issues plaguing it.
Is C;C ever coming out in english?
Probably, just give it a few years.
Still people asking this? How under a rock have you been? Where have you been? It's coming out this year. Soft confirmed by Steiner and teased by PQube repeatedly. Gonna be translated by the guy who did Zero.
Was tehre ever a rule? For me I've just never felt like fapping to my waifu.
I like Takuru more than Takumi whether he's delusional or not. Takumi was too moody and sometimes even dumb, I couldn't stomach him for most of the story.
Not all of us check Steiner's site frequently, even less PQube's announcements.
Also without C;H Noah there isn't much point to bringing it over, so it's a valid question.
Sad this Wooser guy has a monopoly on SciADV translations now. He's not very good. He even defended the CR subber's usage of "KnightHeart" and "Whose eyes those eyes" in episode 1.
>Was tehre ever a rule? For me I've just never felt like fapping to my waifu.
I fap to my waifu like a horny monkey every once in a while.
There isn't going to be ends that satisfy. All of it takes place in the chaos world. The true end is set in stone. I don't think it will be the canon ending to the series like C;H love chu chu was.
Spoil me the canon end of C;H
...They literally tell you it in the first 20 minutes of Chaos;Child.