Should i watch Mondaiji tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?
Should i watch Mondaiji tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?
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Make up your own mind, faggot.
fak you and ur useless comment fagggot
Only if you promise to post best girl in all future Mondaiji threads.
OP, a hundred people could say it's great, and you might end up hating it. No one here can predict whether you'll like it.
Do it for YOU.
I command you to watch it!
it's pretty good
>To Be Continued
>it never continued
Definitely, it's fun and will never get another season.
Izayoi a shit
worse than Kirito and Touma
>based on comment is obviously aware of index franchise and fails to make obvious comparison to accelerator
>he doesn't know
Yes, you should.
>S2 never
>S2 never
Fuck everything.
i see the anime and overall its ok, If someone read the LN it get better or is the same?
RIP in pieces
Are the LN's translated? I remember enjoying this show quite a bit.
I rarely toss this word around, but the LN is epic imo. The anime is decent and very fun, but it pales to the LN. While the plot and direction was fairly faithful to the LN (anime adapted first two volumes) in general, there are a lot of missing details and some things were different, so there's that too.
If you read the manga then start from the beginning. Things start to get really awesome in volume 3, and approaches epic in volume 6, then from onwards becomes epic.
Yes the original series is completely translated and even the newer series is in the process, I have to get around to reading the new one myself.
read the LN*
I meant.
But speaking about the manga, read the manga after reading volume 4 since it takes place between volume 4 and volume 5. And yes, the manga is canon.
It definitely gets better. The worst part about this S2 NEVER shit is that they only animated the intro arc and we didn't get to see the really good shit.
best boy
Easily one of the most fun seasons I've spent here.
Ignoring the gary stu shit.
thanks i like the setting but i feel like there are missing details. im gonna read it.
>having to ask this
Are you okay, user? Can you count to 15 backwards while holding your nose?
The threads of gj-bros and mondai are some of my fondest memories I have had here in the last 10 or so years.
No. No no no.
Why did you remind me?
Imagine if they both got a S2 at the same time.
Mai fellow brother. GJ-bu and MDJ threads were fun and comfy as fuck. They nearly rival Saki threads during its peak.
I miss those times. Not just of having two solidy good shows airing in one season, but also the atmosphere on Sup Forums being a lot more chilled out.
yes I enjoyed it
and I hope you do
might as read it though
cause it'll never get a season two
It helped that people were distracted with Haganai as well, so threads for Mondai-bu, Vividred, Sasami-san and whatever other fun stuff got left alone.
user, you can't dangle a thing like that, just out of reach. It's torture.
why do you type like this
in broken lines with spoilers
and with no punctuation or capitalization
it's really annoying and retarded you know
you should probably fuck off
Living the dream.
is this nigga serious
he must be quite new
i've got a Black Rabbit Lecture
especially for You
This turns me on.
The fanbase enforced the basic rule that keeps shitposting in line. All girls are best.
It helps that it's true. People still had favorites (Mao for me), but they were all great.
Close your eyes. Let the wheel spin a moment. Click-drag it to stop it. The girl in the top is the best girl.
>Shion/Megumi on reroll
I guess common sense is my strong point.
It was the perfect storm of conditions to make the best threads.
Please don't tease my heart like this.
This is beyond the realm of coincidence.
The G in gj-bu means google, and as we all know from the captchas, it's gotten quite scary lately.
Useless bunny, only good for bullying
Stupid bunny, only good for her sex appeal.
it's pretty great
uhh no?
It was ok to me. The main characters were a bit overpowered tho. Watch it.
Lewd bunny.
The best. True Art is the UNIVERSE.
So I read the spoilers for later volumes and found out that Izayoi is strong because of pic related.
How the fuck do they even cancel out powers? Someone explain this shit to me.
sufficiently advanced technology, etc
Nothing nanomachines can't do.