Any advice, guys? Its gonna be open season on muslims!
I have an interview with a usmc recruiter soon
Join the air force and end up with a real career
Join the Marines and end up another "homeless vet"
>Any advice, guys?
Yeah, there are easier ways to come out to your parents
Reminder to disregard all posts from users with troll flags.
>be me
>enter AF as linguist
>$14k bonus
>get taught new language and get payed extra for knowing language
>accelerated promotion because linguists are in demand
>16 months in Monterey, CA on the beach for language training
>people still joining marines
Reminder to kys
good luck, and yes open season but only in their countreys ofcourse given it's not legal here yet and the law is thelaw.
You're joining for the wrong reasons. It's not going to go the way you think it is.
>be me
>enter AF as linguist
>$14k bonus
>get taught new language and get payed extra for knowing language
>accelerated promotion because linguists are in demand
>16 months in Monterey, CA on the beach for language training
>people still joining marines
Not everyone is a faggot. I bet you run around the civilian world calling yourself a "vet"( but never mention air force) for free shit and discounts too.
>Its gonna be open season on muslims!
More likely gonna be open season on Norks, user. [spoiler]Maybe Chinks and Ruskies, too, depending how things escalate[/spoiler]
Make us proud OP.
I'm 4 years into service, getting my degree at the end of the month, Aviation operation studies major Russian minor. Going to be commissioning from a Staff Sgt. to a 2nd Lt., then going to go for a pilot slot.
I basically got payed to get my degree. My CCAF associates took care of all my gen eds 1 year into my service so college was a breeze. You can call me a faggot, but I'm still way ahead of any marine infantry.
Forgot smug reaction image
just walk right into the recruiter and tell him directly and plainly that you want to kill muzzie raghead hajiis and you feel that the united states marine corps is the proper place to do that.
I got an AS in Criminal Justice while I was in and Network Engineer after I got out. Your point is what exactly? You're not an officer yet, nor are you a pilot.
Nobody cares or respects you, Airman.
you are about to hate life. look up terminal lance
What age you going in at?
>you are about to hate life. look up terminal lance
But keep in mind that he came out as a lefty. While his cartoons are funny to most, it makes one think why he has such a shit attitude and why he remained a lance coolie.
Peacetime Marines and wartime Marines are two very different Marine Corps.
03 or gtfo boot. Thinking any mos other than infantry would do anything you fucking boot
>Nazi memeflagger
>Wants to die for Jews and Israel's supremacy over the US
>mfw based christinity keep us away from sin
I hope you like crayons.
remember to take ur torah
>putting your life on the line for Israel
Top Kuk
I just want to know how common it is to go from the Army into the NG, to back in the Army. My cousin did this and I'm formulating a conspiracy theory on it. Yes, I know going into the NG after the Army is common enough, just not going back into the Army later. Right?
Just go crazy and kill anything that's brown.
The blue ones are the best. The orange ones kind of icky but ok when you get hungry
That depends are you stupid or did you score highest marks and the ASVAB (not hard to do)
Thanks for serving the (((USA))) !!!
You are a hero :)
Have fun potentially dying for the interests of international Jewish bankers user. My advice is to soak up the training and put yourself in a favorable position when you get out in 4 years. Save your money and study instead of getting shitfaced with the normies.
he will ask you if you are a goy
say yes, but that you love israel. Because that's who you are fighting for
>implying americans have better things to do
wew lad
Welp I googled my question more deeply and 'prior service rules' answered my question. Its apparently quite a common thing to do.
WRT prior drug use: lie about *everything*.
Do strength training and sprint training to prepare for basic. Don't do long runs. Do 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m time trials.
Did 4 years USMC infantry. Wouldn't do it again, but it was a good life experience and the school benefits were nice.
>Chair force