Tronald drumf murdered a porn star!!!!
Tronald drumf murdered a porn star!!!!
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Trump's america is getting better by the minute. Degenerates are taking themselves out.
Except she was bullied by the fucking LGBTQ+WTFBBQ lobby
But it was faggots who called her homophobic not right wingers
what the fuck
This. Bullied to death, as they'd call it.
>sjws murder a porn star because of faggotry
>this is trumps fault
everything bad that happens now is indirectly trump's fault
Funny how they don't even acknowledge the LGBTBBQTIPXL's role in this
They literally do in the article but still kept the title because they knew 99 of people won't go past it. They say she killed herself because she was called homophobic.
How is it Trump's America when she was bullied by the most leftwing people there are?
Maybe if it wasn't for Trump she wouldn't have been so homophobic in the first place have you thought about that?
>Cyber bullying is now Trump's fault
Welcome to 2017.
>stars in plenty of lesbian videos
She simply didn't want to have sex with a gay (bisexual) man because she didn't want the risk of HIV
She wasn't homophobic, though. Gay porn stars aren't tested for STDs. She literally didn't want to be forced to be fucked by a pozzed faggot.
Its amazing how the left thinks they can have it both ways these days
are you fucking kidding me? it was fucking leftists that killed her.
i mad now
Bronald Chump made America eat nigger ass. Also, shameless whore commits jewicide because she was told to by diseased faggots. More at 11, but first on dancing with the stars, Daniel Shavers corpse does the worm.
>faggots reeeee that a bakery won't bake them a gay wedding cake until their shop gets closed down
>faggots reeeee that a porn actress won't let gay dick in her until her life gets closed down
sounds like LGBT+ are the bullies now, dawg
what will they blame Trump for next? racism against whites?
This is fucking outrageous. She killed herself because SJWs threatened to ruin her career, get her fully fucking blacklsited from the porn industry, unless she fucked someone without her consent.
Progressives fucking demanded that a woman get raped! And Progressives fucking sent her death threats and called on her to kill herself for not wanting to be fucking raped! And Progressives have the fucking balls to blame this on Trump?!
It's like the "thanks Obama" joke, but they actually 100% believe it.
>welcome to trumps america
>the people that told her to kill herself were lefities that got angry because she would not fuck a gay actor
The thing is if she didn't kill herself these same people would be attacking her relentlessly. It's only a tragedy to them when it's more fodder to use to push an agenda.
Probably this. Leftists are the most vile, bigoted, hateful fuckers I have ever came across.
Um your dating preferences are discriminatory, sweetie.
The harassment was over "homophobia" because she refused to fuck a gay man. Convenient they neglect that fact.
>implying anyone against Trump who would defend her would say something like "she offended people"
Nice try OP.
I wish I could kill some faggots I know only by saying "kill yourself"
Please go fucking kys you misleading pos
sageing your shitty ass bait
That is not how it works sweetie
>they blamed trump for this
What does it matter if he had HIV if she's dead anyway? Isn't killing yourself worse than getting HIV on the "preservation of life" scale?
Dumb bitch
...Liberal faggots bullied her because she didn't want to become POZZED.
How the hell can they blame a bunch of Leftists and Queers chimping out at a girl they wanted to rape on Trump?
Holy fuck, these are some advanced tactics.
Your side bullies someone to death and you blame trump.
This rivals Sup Forumss use of the dead coalburning roastie to turn leftys on each other.
they are learning. Legitimately impressed.
>fully fucking blacklsited
Does this term stand for the same thing in porn as it does in other mediums?
>Welcome to Trump's America.
>cock sucking faggots bully cisgendered woman
post pics or didn't happen
>don't worry, I'm not saying you're a horrible person for not dating a transchopper with a baritone voice
Phew, that's a relief. Because that's what keeps me at night, you know... what mentally deranged people with a suicide rate of 60% and who chop their own dicks off think about my dating preferences.
Read the article. He says the left have gone to far and they bullying is ok if marginalised groups do it.
Maybe if you retards actually checked the link you’d see that OP added the part about Trump and it’s not actually in the article
I agree. It's a definite escalation and it's leaning hard on people not reading more than the god damn headline. Some day soon the scales will tip and the Jew comes down. And this time it'll be on a global scale. The lampshades and incinerator roller-coasters will be real this time.
t. Schlomo Shekelburgerstein von Kikencutcock.
Ladies and gentlemen, the tolerant left
Do they realize that it was the SJW's that were giving her shit? Do they also realize that she probably had issues since she was a fucking pornstar and probably didn't kill herself just because a bunch of people made fun of her on the internet? Furthermore do they realize that they are using her life and death to push a political agenda and that in and of itself is worthy of disgust? Where is the fucking self awareness?
Read the article, the guy covers it accurately. He doesn't blame it on other people. He ends it saying Twitter is cancer
Lauren Southern is a jew
Read the article you idiot. That’s what it’s about
Not advanced: its what they're using now.
Dems involved with russia: proclaim that trump is involved with russia!!
Dems assault and rape women: proclaim that trump is assaulting women!!
Same deal here, just different actors on the left.
Pozzed Faggots bully mudshark to death : proclaim Trump killed her!!
One of the tags is Trump's America
wtf I am gay now
week sounds legit
it is though. if you work it out. think about it
trump divides people, and if he wasn't president, these people wouldn't have bullied that woman in the first place since they wouldn't be as triggered
wasn't she murdered by virtue signaling SJWs?
well he did suggest it
"This is the America we live in now"
An America where we cant force people to fuck faggots.
the link....
>Hasn't had sex for 2 weeks
What a fag
Clearly it's trumps fault that all these SJWs are so angry and they had to let their anger out on this pornstar.
Remember when THANKS OBAMA was a big joke to these shitheads?
> it currently seems that Ames took her own life due to cyberbullying
Okay, looks like you can fuck off.
It was @JaxtonWheeler who told her to kill herself. He's on Twitter still but he's hidden his account because he's lost his nerve. Also @brucebeckham, another who abused her online.
stop bothering us with facts
Trump is on record for supporting them!
My sources confirm that this will undo the orange drumpf
>To summarize the whole story: August Ames released a series of tweets. In those tweets, she expressed her misguided disinterest in doing scenes with gay male performers
Not wanting to have sex with gay pornstars is misguided
It's true, Trump has always stuck up for fags, which murdered this innocent slut. When will he disavow this right-wing hate group? Drag the fag!
I'd bet 6 gorrillion dollars that the source of incest pron searches comes from POC. I think it's a funny stereotype sometimes that rural and suburban retards are imbred, but I've seen actual studies that show America and Europe are less inbred than even Canada, and that actual inbreeding tends to be concentrated to urban areas. The worst were Muslim and Sub-Saharan African counties. 6 gorillion shekels also says that said inbreeding which takes place in 'murica is at an absurdly high % in government housing projects.
Trump didn't divide anything.
The media kikes did all the dividing.
>hating on mexicans
>hating on gays
>hating on muslims
>hating on blacks
>hating on women
>hating on sweden
>hating on climate
>hating on disabled man
>hating on europe
>now recently hating on UK
and hillary wasn't perfect, but she only hated on the so called ''alt right''
Lol is is some of the most cucked shit I've ever read:
>My girlfriend and I haven't had sex in two weeks. It's not that we've been fighting or anything like that. It's just that she's been busy focusing on her career and I… well, I've been pretty available. But what can you do? When the woman you love comes home and says, "I had a rough day at work and I really need a hot cup of tea and some sleep," you can't respond by shouting, "Yeah woman, well we both got needs!" After all, we're in love. And sometimes being in love means pouring your partner a cup of chamomile before locking yourself in the bathroom to masturbate silently.
Lol she's not 'focusing on her career', pal. She's fucking Tyrone. And if you were really in love no way in hell would she be preferring you to watch porn over at least giving you tug job. Thing is the writer can't satisfy his girl, or else she'd be begging for an orgasm to ease the stress. Sad this cuck is so naive he doesn't understand any of this.
>Well I've been pretty available
He's an unemployed loser. A "writer" and a "standup comedian" lol he writes for shitty unknown webblogs and does shitty standup at open mic. His girl went through that phase where she thought she wants a sweet nice guy who makes her laugh, and she wanted that so she wouldn't envision herself as a goldchasing slutty size queen. In a few months she'll admit what she really wants and dump him for Tyrone. I bet this cuck even finds out she's cheating on him before then and actually cucks himself telling her to fuck whoever she wants if it makes her happy because he loves her and it will help her career lol so pathetic.
>Straight men that are not sexually attracted to dicks are bigots.
And my hatred for the left continues.
stop tha h8 we gotta do better s m h
>indirectly Trump's fault
Not so fast, cis-boy. Your Dear Donald isn't getting away that easy.
It's all DIRECTLY his fault
>It's Trumps fault that liberals tormented a whore until she an hero.
I'm glad this nigger coal burning Jew is dead. Are faggots /ourguys/? (No, they're next.)
>literally a coalburning whore
>bullied to suicide by faggots instead of us
what is this world coming to
>implying trump hates all of those
that's what you believe when you only get your news from the media kikes
and thus the jews divided america
This is fucking insane. SJWs are to blame for her death, and none of them feel the least bit remorseful, as this article explains:
based spic
>My girlfriend and I haven't had sex in two weeks.
Stopped reading right there fucking weak cucks
She killed herself because she probably hated herself for being a whore. End of strory.
>My girlfriend and I haven't had sex in two weeks
>t. Curtis Cuck
>SJWs bully woman to death
>"this is trump's fault!" cries the SJWs
kek maybe new beginnings user
Tech ruined america, not trump. If you want to blame someone, blame youtube. No, it's not the parents fault. Youtube could have put their service behind barriers so kids can't get into garbage. They didn't. Now we have 8 year old cultists gathering outside Jake Paul's house while he makes millions from doing not much at all except being a bad influence. Just wait till 2020 when when all the kids who were teenagers around 2013 (which is when all these terrible humans took over youtube and started mind fucking kids) hit the streets. Youtube, twitter, twitch, instagram, google. All should be fined out of business, with executives serving life sentences.
The very people who wouldn't watch or care about her porn.
August was a bimbo with nice bolt ons. Very sad to see that slut is gone. Why didn't she focus on the attention from her straight fans
Her tits were 100% real and amazing.
Facts are irrelevant to libtards otherwise they wouldn't have let terrorists and rapist flood into Europe after we surprisingly said terrorists and rapist murderers are mudslide shitskins
If the LGBTQPZGQTR named her as an outcast then she deserved to be shamed and bullied to death. Thats the essence of tolerance, not tolerating dissent. It enforces group think which is the foundation of free expression within approved guidelines so you can avoid prison for wrong think,
In the leftists mind, stubbing his his toe is somehow dronald fumps fault