

I personally rate it a 9.7/10.

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I personally rate your taste shit/10.

well what do you find good you stupid Sup Forums user

I watched this when it was airing and it was decent until the white hair girl showed up kill uself

How did you end up at that score.

Anything you don't like, Sup Forumsermin.

>Sup Forumsermin

i will admit she's slightly autistic but other than that the show has great animation AND great music


Its alright

It's pretentious melodramatic mess, too many plot holes and inconsistencies to count, espcially since it takes place in a realistic setting.

Half the time watching the viewer would think "lol that would never happen"

It's kind of amusing how they tried to turn terrorism into a girly romance with the two guys, the serious one and the genki one, it's just silly.

The writing was absolute shit, but the ost had 1 good song, and the animation was pretty solid for 1 scene in episode 1.

I give it a 9/11


I know it gets a lot of hate on Sup Forums but I actually liked it
its true that it would have been better without Five tho

yeah i did the same

Still it was borring as hell i remember all the hype about how it was going to be the gritty dark anyme of the year. Kek


I liked it. There were a few great scenes like the motorbike, and the ferris wheel. The soundtrack was fantastic, and the finale broke me. They should have made it longer and fleshed out the characters more.


3/10 you mean.


Total shit, especially when compared to old Watanabe works.

Kill yourself Sup Forumsermin scum.



Who the fuck ever heard of blowing shit up without casualties?


Fuck off to your waifu thread Sup Forumsutist


Holy shit wow crossboarders Should get the fuck out.

The OST is GOAT.




I enjoyed the show, but it wasn't good my any means. It had some great scenes (I'm lookinh at you motorcycle ride through the city at night), but it was really poorly written.

5/10 music was okay I guess

On a scale of what?
1 being good and 10 complete shit?

I've never been so disappointed in a Shinichirō Watanabe directed show. characters and story were horrendous.

>OP starts a thread using cheap bait to guarantee posts
>revealed to be a crossboarder from one of the worst boards

So was getting caught apart of your plan?