I want to assfuck this two girls with Sup Forums!
I want to assfuck this two girls with Sup Forums!
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Me on the left.
Me on the right
>two girls
That aside, Jannu is a pure saint who is too holy for such foul acts.
Good news, OP, you can engage in anal sex with them both at the same time!
I'm in love wih left
He's cute
>too holy
>wants to bear the children of a fucking dragon
>crossdresses because he thinks girl clothes are cuter and he likes cute things
Literally the cutest
He crossdresses because he's a lewd sow.
Don't be fooled.
I want to be assfucked by this two girls(male) Sup Forums!
Sounds like my kinda guy.
Too bad, I'm already Jeanne so you have to wait your turn.
It's okay If I tame him with my dick
His ass is known to be insatiable so you'll have to work hard.
That's gay
Damn imagine looking like this.
Just imagine that one day you wake up and you look like this.
What would you do?
I need this translated
Can they buttfuck me though?
I don't think any human language could possibly describe how happy I'd feel if it happened.
Have there been any news on the Apocrypha anime since the announcement? I'm thinking they'll have to start adapting it in the summer if they want to finish before F/E starts airing, but they could also do alternating split cours or something.
I would become the most narcissistic man on the planet.
I hate how in trap doujins the guys who fuck the trap always knows that he's fucking a boy. I wish there was some doujin where the guy fucks the trap thinking he's fucking a girl and never knowing the truth
Literally trap Tamamo
You'd kinda realize once you see the dick, though.
>not want to assfuck these two girls with Sup Forums
What if it's a really feminine dick?
The moment you start dressing like a girl you lose the right to call yourself a man.
You become a girl (male).
There is no need to expose dick in case of anal
Unless you tear a hole through clothes you'll notice the dick eventually, and even then you'll see an obvious bulge that gets hard.
And what happens when the trap cums?
Nigga, there must be a way
Only if you're denser than even Shirou.
It would be possible if you make a doujin about a trap that you meet in a dark alley. The artist would have to play a lot with shadows, but it's no Picasso shit.
Besides, it's logistically possible if you get an MC that is way into doggy-style and ass (like I am) who would just fuck "her" from behind.
I'll find a way, nigga. You just wait.
Just hit your head against a concrete wall a few times and you'll be good to go
Jokes on you, there are no concrete walls near me.
Even if all the sex happens in doggystyle, there must be a prelude and an aftermath to the sex, odds of the dick not being spotted in either of those (but especially on the aftermath, since at that point he already came) are low.
Yeah it's hard for it not to happen. I was thinking a possible scenario is a wink and a quickie near a public stall or something.
On the other hand, if a virgin is offered sex on the condition of only doing anal and not touching her vagoo, he might accept. And the stereotype of virgin hunters seems popular.
Joke's on you. They both want dragon dick.
>You become a girl (male)
You become a fucking faggot*
You say that as if everyone on this board isn't already a faggot.
I'm guessing alot of us already have homosexual tendencies.
Being on this board only reinforces them.
How can Nasu make such great waifu even if some of them are male?
>Servant class is "rider"
>is also a trap
What did they mean by this?
Just because I'm the sexiest man ever doesn't mean I have to dress like a girl you know.
He rides (You)
kys fucking faggot degenerates
It should be a crime to look like this and dress like a male.
If I looked like that, why would I wear anything at all? The clothes would just get in the way.
I want to suck her (his) nipples.
Then his dick.
Suggestive clothing trumps being naked.
Stockings in particular are supreme.
I mostly agree. But at the same time I'd want to retain the sexiest man title.
>Wanting to fuck anything with neckbeard at your sides
She wears slutty underwear in Extella.
Is that a trap???
Very misleading thumbnail
It's not a trap as long as you fall on it knowingly.
Has fate gone to far?
We need to go lewder.
You can't say you love your waifu(male) until you've gulped down each others semen