Other urls found in this thread:
>because one time people starved
>one time
how about every time it was ever tried, on a massive scale
>one time
>100 million+
Ever heard of Holodomor you dumb retarded communist?
every communist on earth is exactly this retarded.
>>because one time people starved
Give communism a try I hope you have a small appetite
Does the user know the difference between "long-term widespread hunger" and "short-term small-scale hunger"?
I just, I mean...
What the fuck are people learning in school now?
Capitalism allows for such an abundance of resources, that it's literally shameful to starve when there's a soup-kitchen in every city and a church on every block willing to feed you if you are truly in need and not just virtue signaling on your iPhone.
So yeah, if you starve to death, you deserve it.
It wasn't real communism during the other famines.
If you're such a pathetic human that you'd starve without the assistance of strangers, what on Earth could you possibly provide an employer that would make you worth hiring?
Losers forget that the purpose of your job is to PRODUCE VALUE FOR YOUR EMPLOYER. It isn't charity you filth.
>"because one time people starved"
what was the red terror?
what was the holodomor?
all the eastern euroepans countries that had their wealth stolen, and population murdered?
>one time
So just because a completely free market is shit that means communism suddenly isn't?
>liberterianism is fascism
Jesus, i hope he is trolling. The replies are full of niggers and trannies knowing shit about communism or fascism
>in one competent people die because the state fucked up the food supply giving the farms to incompetent people
>in the other incompetent people die by their own fault
Not seeing contradiction here.
>one time
Capitalism is bad because one time it didn't work
>also communists
There was no food shortage in the Ukraine. There was an abundance of food. It rotted in fields and warehouses while millions were deliberately starved to death.
>Communists: Communism didn't work because I wasn't the Stalin in charge, give me a chance and I'll make the utopia Marx dreamed!
>Also communists: If you don't fucking agree with me I will fucking murder you! Someday! When the Revolution comes and I am the Stalin in charge!
You mean one time 50 million people starved in just one nation over a 30 year period at the orders of the jewish (I mean communist) government so why not let jews (I mean communists) control government again. Is that what you are saying? Jews murdered 50 million non jews in a few years once they gained control so lets put them in charge again. Is that your point?
If you read the Archipelago you'd realize it was much, much worse than that. Church relics melted down, people eating soles of shoes, selling their dead children as food.
We've never tried real Communism though so I wouldn't worry about it.
I hope he's right, I guess Im all ok with fascism now if it means these people get the rope or firing squad
Good news though, you have to look for the silver lining in everything, a small group of jewish bankers got rich from the slaughter of tens of millions of people and used the money to plunge the world into a war where many millions more died and the small group of jews got even richer and then went on to promote suffering across many nations. So its not all bad.
>rich people don't want to give them a job
This is more telling than the rest desu
>one time people starved
whats funny is these people some how don't realize they wouldn't survive communism, oh you make witty twitter remarks and read comics? our tests show you'll be a great factory worker, don't worry about the 60 hour work weeks, because if you complain about our utopia , you'll get to go to an even shitter job and put on a train at night to siberia with nothing but the clothes on your back because you see the motherland owns everything you have, don't worry though you'll get a 2 month vacation every year like everyone else farming beets, its only americans that say this shit because they're literally so out of touch they have never even spoken to people that lived through communism.
Hasn't somebody finally translated 200 Years Together? I know the gist of what happened there but I'd like to know the details. The early Bolshevik Party was quintessentially Jewish, and I think they are the "missing link" between Jews and the modern post-modernist clusterfuck.
The really fun part is that the non jewish intellectuals (the main supporters of communism) are the first to be executed. They donn't even get a factory job, they are shot immediately.
these guys would not survive, also they don't seem to grasp that things like twitter wouldn't exist in this society, its non-existential
>saying "i own that land" will cause genocide
>not letting other people say what the land you live on should be used for is fascism
The left are living memes.
I hope this works, comments disabled can't view outside jewtube
Europa-the last battle part 1.
>one time people starved
>one post by this ID
>one time
Marxism teaches that property is oppressive. They believe the state should be entitled to all property. Both physically and intellectually.
To the gulag
>libertarian: i just want to be left the fuck alone
>everyone else, especially commies: im not leaving you alone give me your rights and/or property
Could someone show the chart of the various genocides that never happened in America because of property rights please?
Actual libertarian: rich jews should fuck off and we'll create our own jobs.
Tbf, he's spot on, except I do realize genocide is necessary and I don't give a fuck that it is.
Posts like these are why people call this place reddit 2.0
Not a pro Marxist, but I don't believe Marxism teaches that property is oppressive. You'll have to cite that
It was only communism when it was working
Socialism is good when it's in an ethnostate and there are values upheld but without fascism to dictate said values , it becomes a mess, libertarians are retarded in the fact that they think their ridiculous ideology would actually fix everything but really and truly it would just create mass amounts of people they truly despise the most.. communists.
I hate this so much all I want is my space where I can do the fuck I want why is it such a hard concept? are other people such selfish assholes that they're not content with having their own space to do as they please they also have to make others do what you want too?
Good luck with achieving that without a majority white population.
You can not dictate values. You need to create them. People will revolt against your fascism. You must be young.
I want the ability to fuck 8 male prostitutes in the ass while high on meth and shooting off fully-automatic AK47s in my moonshine distillery. I only want to do two of those things, but fuck anyone that says I can't do all of them.
All the racebaiting, gibs, and blaming that go in my direction just push myself and people like me closer to gtkrwn status. Getting kind of pissed here.
they starved because people took away their agency to acquire food for themselves
>one time
Wrong, Nazi germany is a good example there, dictated values and became so successful it took practically the entire world to take them down.
Where as look at the USA, created values , and it's a complete fucking disaster just like every other country in the west, degeneracy and gluttony with mass over-consumption everywhere.
You must be a boomer to believe this nonsense, but sure , keep believing your jewish elite give any ounce of a fuck about you or your country, and libertarian or conservative values will be entrenched into your very multi-racial society un-dictated , fuck me; you're reaching here.
Locke's concept of property was used to justify taking the land fro the natives.
>Capitalism allows for such an abundance of resources
Yet most people can't afford to buy a house. And rent cost half the average wage
Central banking is the reason house prices have gone up so much.
Central banking is ANTI-free market.
That's because
>Taking things away from people and leaving them starving
is morally worse than
>People are starving and you don't force others to save them.
>one time
The absolute state of Western Education
>HURR DURR i will just blame all the problems on central banks because shit and giggles
the guy is absolute cancer i dunno why anyone would listen to what he has to say, also pic related
>one time
Because it's literally true.
Sad you're too cucked to redpill yourself.
This is one of his webcomics.
He is not wrong. Apart from the massive cringe.
Jesus, this dude must be over 9000 autistic.
One time. Who let the retard out of its cage?
Dialectical materialism is bullshit though.
These people need to be fucking gassed.
He is wrong.
Do you actually believe in marxist pseudoscience?
Marxists don't even accept human evolution.
Lolbertarians are children who have been spoiled by all government has done for them and think they can achieve the same by themselves.
Will you ever make a real argument?