
Utaha has the best thighs. Will Utaha be more relevant in season 2?

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Utaha a best. A BEST.

She will BTFO of worst girl Eriri.

Yes. But she won't have the best scene in S2. That goes to the best girl.

Megumi > Eriri > Michiru > Izumi > Irrelevant > Utaha

>losing in her own spin-off to a heroine modeled after Megumi+Eriri combo
Geez, it's like the author hates Utaha or something.

She'll be relevant for the first three or so episodes, and then it's the Megumi and Eriri show.


Reminder that Megumi won.

Utaha is not even relevant in her own spinoff.

Hot brunettes, my only weakness.

Thank God.

New raw KM chapter is out.

Eriri sucks, Utaha should have those scenes and go against Megumi. At least Utaha would have a chance unlike Eriritrash.

Mayu a best, a best!

>Will Utaha be more relevant in season 2?
Hopefully no. Generic slutty senpai kuudere are terrible.

But Utaha never had a chance.

This will be the best scene.

I just need adequate amounts of Utahaservice. There's never enough.
If you're reading it to see who 'wins' and even that's not true.

KM needs more focus on romance. The way it is is kind of boring.

Everything in good time.

Since when did the Saekano franchise become about romance? I thought it was about making games and anime and the world of the creators behind it.

Focusing on romance is what ruined the second part of the main series. Maruto needs to learn better tricks than love triangles as sources of conflict.

Because plot. Its the same reason everyone acts as if Eriri deserves to be forgiven all the shit she pulls just because she is good at drawing. She is the least popular character of the 3 main heroines in the franchise and has ruined all scenes she has been in. Utaha versus Megumi would at least make the love triangle entertaining to watch.

What ruined the second part of the main series was the excessive focus on Eriri and Utaha. When it actually returned to focusing romance it was amazing.

Utaha is too mature, her losing wouldn't be entertaining. Eriri's childish side is a good contrast and makes the love triangle more interesting. Also, Megumi doesn't care for Utaha much and wouldn't hesitate to crush her to get Tomoya.

Could they just ditch Tomoya? It would be cool to have a Utaha/Mayu ending instead of a goddess like Utaha ending with such a fag.

I don't see Utaha being rival to a main heroine. Eriri works because her kind of character works for conflict.

This. If they had ditched them and focused on developing the new circle and Megumi's romance with Tomoya the story would have been good. Maybe not WA2 levels of goodness but at least better than what we got now.

No, this will be the best scene.

>no hug

She isn't interesting, just hot.

It would be boring as hell the new girls aren't as good as Utaha and Eriri.

It can still get to WA2 levels if the rest of the volumes are as good as Volume 11 and Utaha stays out of the story.


She is a good antagonist.

Excuse me, Micchan is better than Eriri.

No she is not. We all know she doesn't have a chance with Tomoya unless there was some asspull that ruined it and that Tomoya and Eriri are toxic to one another. Also all problems she introduces are reduced to her whining and being a bitch, there isn't anything charming in her tsundere act.

>Being this retarded
The second part is shit because of Utaha and Eriri. They overstayed their welcome long ago.

Eriri does have charm though.

GS2 was great because of Eriri. But I admit Utaha is irrelevant as hell.

It was great because of Eriri and Megumi. Can't have one without the other in that novel.

Well the point is that Eriri is relevant to the plot and the drama she add it's interesting.

>caring about the inferior main story when a superior spin off exists


KM doesn't have as many memorable moments.

Of course, she's not a cheap knockoff.

Fix the main series's second part. Hard mode: no erasing Utaha.

She's definitely sexier.

This, delete the Eriri.

>best thighs

Think Megumi wins that one.


Is she as flat as Eriri?

stay delusional though, megumicucks

Dat DFC.

Pretty much.

Mayu is truly superior. I'll praise Maruto if Utaha loses to Mayu.

I sure hope so. Because Utaha a best

That's just too flat.


Utaha is the only saving grace in this terrible show.

No such thing.

No such thing. The smaller, the better.


Where is this going? Are the mains a couple yet?


Cool. Now what?

Sex. They're planning to do it after their date on Megumi's birthday.


Not like they will do anything. Sure thing Eriri will show up to ruin everything like always.

But Tomoya doesn't love Eriri anymore.

Why don't you read the summaries. They don't even take long to read up. Tomoya did Eriri, then Utaha, and now Megumi's scenario. It was time for Tomoya to put his ideas and feelings into writing and narrating how he built up Megumi's scenario. Since Megumi is the main, she's destined to win and got extensive focus in volume 11 after being put on the side in the past few volumes. But this is still just the beginning. Tomoya and Megumi aren't a real couple yet. Tomoya needs to tie up loose ends first, specifically his feelings for Eriri and where they stand before he can commit to Megumi route. And Megumi herself still needs to settle things with Eriri, her best friend as well.


>she's destined to win

What the fuck, I love Mayu now. Utaha a worst KM.

>Sundress hat
>Camisole blouse with shoulders exposed.
Something about her outfit just fits her so perfectly.
It adds a rather blooming youth and blissfulness to her appearance.
Fitting hairstyle as well.

Overall Mayu is extremely beautiful.

I love them all equally as much

Except boring Megumi