Diversity is the US' greatest strength but no one can actually explain why it's so good
Diversity is the US' greatest strength but no one can actually explain why it's so good
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It's good because it lets us eat other's country's foods!
Take that, bigots.
muh ethnic food is our greatest strength
Diversity isn’t a strength though. At best it’s a perk but it isn’t a advantage over natural occurrence of homogeneous culture.
mudslimes raping white girls is a strenght, you bigot
It's a leftist mantra. You have to parrot it, not question it.
[pic related] is what they mean by "diversity"
diversity is (((their))) strength. it just fucks everyone elses day up
Oy vey the antisemitism in this post. Take it down now nazi.
They literally just shout catch phrases without ever analyzing them.
How can real intellectual diversity even exist if we're all the same?
If the only difference between us is skin color, height, predisposition to certain diseases, etc, then diversity is irrelevant.
What these dipshits usually fall back on is
>Where would we be without chinese restaurants? Without mexican restaurants?
But that's clearly retarded. Some of the best mexican food I've had was made by white people.
The liberal mindset is turning itself into a pretzel trying to come to terms with what they want "diversity" to actually mean.
Their current strategy to enforce diversity and come up with some reason we need it is to make mexicans the sole purveyors of mexican food, black people the only ones allowed to wear dreads, braids, corn rows, etc.
Current liberal theory on "diversity" is to pigeonhole every group of people into a stereotype because if we could all do anything, if chinese people could make mexican food, if black people could make chinese food, one of the very core tenets of diversity would crumble.
t. walter shoah
Say the Jew who exploits new brown aliens for cheap labor. So to him, Cheap Brown Laborers really are (((our))) greatest strength. He is their Slave Master and he will tell any amount of lies that he must to protect his slaves.
>it gives us more goyim to control
>whom we breed like cattle
>whom we indoctrinate like children
>whom we send off to war like chess pawns
What do you do when the Jew starts naming all of the lives saved and inventions created by chinks, spics, and nigaboos?
he meant it was the jews greatest strength
Diversity is strength
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Diversity of what
Literally this
they dont need to because as soon as you argue back, you lose because you're racist
We should support our LGBT brothers and sisters and non-binaries!
A nation is strongest when homogeneous
A diverse society is by definition a conflicted society because there are so many more added divisions within the population. Race, ethnicity, and even language are natural dividers.
FFS div- is the root of the word 'diversity', how the fuck do you strengthen something by dividing it?
Diversity isn't a strength. I would rather have 100 soldiers of genetically engineered perfection than 100 random leftists any day of the week.
Yes because when your community cant work together effectively for fear of a fucking race war youre on top of the world! Or until you cry out that the US is a backwards totalitarian fascist state when it suits your argument. Do these people ever stop and think?
Without diversity you wouldn't have tacos anymore. Let that sink in buddy. Life with no tacos because only Mecians can make tacos. Checkmate Adolf.
Diversity isn't good, unity is. Just like all Jewish tricks it is the exact opposite of reality
They aren't Jews by the way
Find the Black Sun
Diversity is STRENGTH! Just look at Yugoslavia.
Because it gives us an advantage over other countries. Can't you read?
Intellectual diversity is a strength. Ethnic diversity is a horrific weakness for any nation, as different people naturally form collective groups to pursue their self interests. Factions are formed, and as individuals become more loyal to their faction than to their nation, the nation falls apart.
I believe in multi culturalism.
First, It promotes the free market of ideas, from professional attitudes in the workplace to entrepreneurialism to philosophy to religion (Am Buddhist) . Which leads to evolution selecting the best ones.
It’s also a quality of life issue. Bilingual kids regularly test higher and it expands the way you can describe the world. And also the typical cultural aspects from music, food, clothing, and holidays.
The US won WWII because Hitler and the Fascists scared away dozens of crucial scientists. If the fascists held onto Bohr, Fermi, Einstein and many others, they would dominate the world right now.
And remember this is all a necessity, as globalization is inevitable. Globalization been 600 years ago when the Portuguese Empire sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and landed in India, establishing an Asian trading route that bypassed the Muslims
The world has only gotten smaller, it is getting exponentially smaller as time goes on, you have no choice. The past is never coming back, you can only surf into the future
Anti-whites are silly!
>If the fascists held onto Bohr, Fermi, Einstein and many others, they would have been enslaved by Israel too
Because of all the delicious food, bigot.
Japanese, for instance, have to eat sushi everyday and can never import sausages, wine or pizza.
Leftists don't want diversity though. They want everyone mixed into the exact same brown skin easily controllable pleb. They want all of europe to lose it's diversity, and become one bit brown culturaless thing.
>Bilingual kids regularly test higher and it expands the way you can describe the world.
This doesn't make sense. Learning a second language, they arent given more options to articulate themselves in complex new ways, they're given options to express themselves in the same way to different people. Generally with the lack of proficiency that comes from speaking your non native tounge.
I guess you're imagining special circumstances.
Re: Everything else you have to say, I cant comment. I stopped reading after that first stupid part.
what a fucking meme!
Different languages can have different concepts of many different things, even moods.
But what about all the lost efficiency due to the different factions that necessarily form fighting each other? If they were just separate they could still output the same work, but with no efficiency lost to working against each other.
Oui oui sempai. Have fun trying to turn that into an actual conversation with random people you meet on the street. Bonus points if you expect to pull it off with someone below IQ 100.
>It promotes the free market of ideas
Except it doesn't, because dissent against multiculturalism must be ruthlessly quashed or the multicultural society falls apart.
>from professional attitudes in the workplace to entrepreneurialism to philosophy to religion
It dumbs down all of these things, brings them to lowest common denominator tripe.
>(Am Buddhist)
Oh, you're a Buddhist, are you? So you're opposed to abortion and think women are morally inferior to men? Or are you typical white Westerner who thinks Buddhism is what ever you want it to be so long as you pretend to meditate?
>And remember this is all a necessity, as globalization is inevitable.
Nothing is inevitable.
>you have no choice.
We always have a choice.
>The past is never coming back
History follows a cyclical pattern.
one could say... it's a privilege
Because the Jews say so!
Because it allows the Jews to hide and rent seek.
who is this semen demon
>Which leads to evolution selecting the best ones.
If that is the case, why do you have millions of useless niggers and spics on wellfare? Why is anyone besides asians and white men a drag on society? Why is nepotism a huge thing in your country? Why do you have to have a whole ideology in place to keep people working together with some kind of dystopic police state and massive government surveillance to keep these people from tearing each other apart?
You really think the US would be worse off with only whites and asians?
All religions are full of contradicting passages. They say a little bit of everything. What you say your religious text dictates says more about you than the religion.
Buddhism doesn’t have a fundamental Bible, that’s not the point. It’s important to study the guides but it’s your own journey to your destination.
I think not drinking is more important to being happy than hating women
Nobody is “tearing each other apart”. People go to work to get a job done, if they don’t, they get fired and everyone goes on with there life.
Nobody is staying home from work to fight Mexicans
America’s race issues are complicated, but it’s all just politics, nobody is at war with anyone here, everyone is just melodramatic
That's because you scrambled your brain trying to think in two languages at once, you pretentious prat.
>Impossible mode
Describe why diversity is good without talking about food.
Well, stop paying wellfare. Let's find out what happens then.
They'd eat their own. You have no idea how lazy true ghetto folk are. They would not leave their areas if hungry. It wouldn't even be hard to keep them pinned in.
They don't throw away trash. They don't do anything. They are completely useless. It wouldn't be planet of the apes. It wouldn't even be black hawk down.
I can.
But I won't.
omg this racist bigot is putting America first!?!?
helloooo colonialism and nationalism
ugh what a racist bigot
diversity is going to bankrupt us but I guess if strength he means being destroyed then yes
Why do you keep paying wellfare then?
Has anyone ever heard them explain WHY diversity in itself is good for a country or why it makes a country 'more competitive'?
I don't think I ever have. It seems that they just take it as an axiom.
I have never once heard a supporting point for increased diversity aside from having different cuisines. It's like a slogan they came up with and just expected no one to ever question it.
Diversity of experience, thought, ideas, etc. There was that so fucking hard?
The street screechers that say this while also hating on corporations are useful idiots, very lost individuals. Diversity is only a strength if you want to steal the top people from other countries to make yours stronger. Being pro diversity means you’re ok with holding people from other countries down while enriching corporations at the same time. It causes a lot of problems in the world.
The other one they use is music using musical styles like blues, jazz and rock that were developed in America by Americans (no matter whether or not you hate groids).
it's bullshit, it destroys civic life and creates a distrustful society. liberals ignore the data though. they'd would never admit that importing millions of shitskins was a good thing
You get all those within a racially homogeneous society
>my society says women must cover their hair or they will offend our God
>my culture says we should kill those who don't agree that Mohammed was the last prophet and that the Qu'ran was the final word of Allah
The good news is that I'd have you hung before any Muslim.
It’s got what countries crave
Refute this, Sup Forums
>muh shishkebabs
Ask Europe how strong it is.
this always seemed like one of those forced memes you learn in community colleges
>it gives us an advantage over other countries
Imagine how incredibly strong we would be if we started next week with removed borders worldwide.
Let me guess, they hate le 1% too...
Brain drain. The only diversity that works.
Diversity is good!
Diversity is strength!
Diversity is what makes the middle east so peaceful!
Bro the rapes, murders and terrorist attacks are worth it cause I just had the BEST kebab ever!
new perspectives = also new problems
new foods = my kebab shop is run by koreans thank god (greeks do it better anyway fuck off)
new art = tearing down traditional architecture and churches / building post modern jew trash and mosques
new entrepreneurs (special treatment) = at the expense of less opportunities for the native populations children
new consumers = also new crime
communities are less safe
communities are less homogeneous
communities socialize less
alienated in their own country
crime goes up, riots go up
everyone wants different thing politically and culturally basically a pot of shit
minorities used at best as a political wedge and at worst as a political weapon against native population
almost forgot the worst part
multiculturalism brings you
"turrdurrism is part and parcel for living in a hurrdurrdurrr"
nu-pol is slipping
There we go
Diversity is divisive. That’s literally what it means.
Nothing was ever made ‘stronger’ by dividing it, because division destroys the structural integrity.
Division is weakness.
that video is great. another good one is how whites conquered america.
"we'll just dress our trucks of peace barriers up in Christian holiday symbols--that'll solve our problem!"
Multiculturalism also change the political landscape and fight against your interest. I'm convinced it will destroy democracy eventually and usher in some sort of leftist authoritarian state if not the entire west with some fucking global cabal that answering to no one.
fuck mega corps
fuck globalism
fuck multiculturalism
fuck your browning of the west
shove your melting pot up your ass
fuck your racial hostile takeover
fuck your "demographic change" with no end in sight
fuck your planned genocide which you scoff at while you gladly partake
fuck your "cultural" Marxism
fuck Democrats
fuck your "Utopia"
fuck your Hell
and fuck you.
Food and music.