Steve King is getting absolutely dragged on twitter because he dared challenge the diversity is our greatest strength bullshit
Steve King is getting absolutely dragged on twitter because he dared challenge the diversity is our greatest strength...
literally who?
Iowa senator, literally /ourguy/
Its tough to tell the truth in today's world. Good luck to him.
You guys know Jews have NGO's to directly combat assimilation?
>read that as Stephen King
well if people dont back him then others will be afraid to speak out
The EJC lists as its primary objectives on its website the following:
To combat the resurgence of anti-Semitism through education, justice and security, in co-operation with governments and European institutions.
To promote a balanced European policy towards Israel and the Middle East, and to assist in the construction of a healthy dialogue between Europeans and Israelis.
To foster inter-religious dialogue and understanding.
To ensure memory and education of the Holocaust.
To contribute to a democratic European society based on peace, understanding and tolerance.
To assist in the revitalisation of the once rich Jewish life in Central and Eastern Europe.
To counteract assimilation of the European Jewish population
He should run for pres. He might not be a Jew cocksucker this round.
The fact "Diversity is our strength" is even an axiom means it needs to be questioned.
People repeat it without thought and dare not doubt it.
He would have to properly lose his mind.
Fuck diversity 1776
literal incorrect use of "literally."
yes... assimilate more
He's the author of many horror books like The Shining or It.
he means to say he actually doesn't know who the guy is rather than implies he's irrelevant
Diversity of what though? I always hear "diversity is our strength" but what are we talking about that's diverse? Diverse is such a broad fucking word that means nothing unless you add something to it
Your thinking of Martin Luther King, famous reformer of the Catholic Church.
Diversity of non-white people.
I wonder who the left will blame when the US is a highly corrupt favela murder state
When the unassimilated masses have no respect for the libertarian foundations of this country, which grants them full rights. When they paint all institutions as a "white supremacy" to be torn down.
Diversity of race
So less white people more brown people
You’re thinking of Martin Luther King Jr. a famous black
US Representative Republican.
Yeah but I think when libcucks use "diverse" they mean a whole range of shit, race is definitely part of it but again, "diverse" is so broad a word, not everything that's diverse is necessarily a good thing. I fucking hate all this water-downed faggot 2 year old tumblr shit phrases. They don't mean a fucking thing, people need to stop doing this fucking shit and have actual debates and discussions instead of fucking going to fucking tumblr and just spamming some gay faggot "feel-good" quotes on twatter or faceberg
>non whites are ok as long as they assimilate
Eternal cuckservative. Fuck him
Who cares. Their argument is brown people teach us how to cook. Or look at this Asian guy that came to the US & benefited from white institutions. It's fucking retarded.
You're thinking of Martin, a black comedian famous for playing Shazam, the wish-granting genie.
Pretty sure King's a White Nationalist. He's just throwing the "assimilate" business around in order to not show his full power level. Pic related.
If diversity were actually a strength, it would simply go unstated. We don't have expensive educational campaigns to teach people that "clean water is a strength" or that "being tuberculosis-free is a strength." Well no fucking shit those are strengths; who the fuck wants filthy water or tuberculosis? It would be inane to even point out such things. But "diversity"... it's a very odd "strength," that's for sure.
They'll just keep blaming whites. Mugabe managed to keep blaming a minuscule single-digit percentage white population for his countries' problems for decades, and it worked.
>Diversity is (((our))) strength. Not the white man's
Steve (((King)))
>barely coherent ranting
what are you, a fucking undercover journalist trying to plant a retard redneck quote? Don't seethe on here, or the plague of idiots who can barely write a coherent sentence will become even worse as you create an echo chamber for sargon of akkad fans. If you want to rant, go to reddit, if even they would tolerate your stupidity.
I thought "stand-by-me" guy
>muh music
>muh food
'Diversity is our strength' is right out of the same deceptive, NWO lexicon much like 'war is peace' and 'freedom is slavery'
How could you even argue against Assimilation? If they aren't assimilating they are invading..
It will always be whitey. They'll all be in their plywood shacks in 3000 eating monkey soup still blaming whitey who is long gone
It's a meme you dip
Fake News. Here's the thing that's supposedly nowhere:
Emma Lazarus towed the standard Jewish complaint about MUH JEWS KICKED OUT OF EVERYWHERE AND IT'S EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS THE PROBLEM.
You're thinking of marty, a zebra in new york that is sent to madagascar.
we need more Steve Kings in congress
Based teddy bear
I redd it
you're thinking of chris rock. shrek's donkey friend in the swamp
Holy shit the comment section is literally KEKED
Either he or one of his staffers definitely watch Black Pigeon Speaks
Truer words were never spoken.
Nah, that guy is super liberal. And a terrible writer.
Seriously all these dumb fucking libcuck vermin don't even live near niggers. They barely associate with niggers. Most of them are "leaving to Canada" because its MORE WHITE than the shithole 3rd world brazil tier America they fucking built for us. Heres the truth there's going to be blood on the streets there already is. Anytime a white wins the presidency there will be rioting. get used to it. this is the fucking world the "left" built: violence instability self hate destruction and death. thats all they built for us. we can't let it beat us fucking on to victory boys
dropping redpills left and right
Shitlibs and conservacucks get triggered all the time by him in Iowa. This was in Desmoines register today. Apparently this dike is republican and is running against him. Last republican lost by 30% in primaries in 2016 so I'm guessing he will get his 9th term.
You are thinking of Larry King, the black boxing promoter with the crazy tall hair.
Oh fuck i thought it was steven king for a second there. Like damn he switched sides??
>being this new
>loser says something pol likes
>starts slobbering his nuts
Fuck I'm proud to be from Iowa
He's the only big name polititian who openly talks race realism
Im glad Steve King is in congress
You're thinking of Don King, the famous blues singer and guitarist.
Iowa gave America Chuck Grassley and Steve King. /iowaguys/ are /ourguys/
You are thinking of B.B. King, the large ape that climbed the Empire State Building and swatted biplanes.
You're thinking of King Kong, the guy who pushed for civil rights for blacks in the 1960s.
He's almost at 10k likes. Let's give him a hand
Can one fucking person give me a single reason as to why diversity is in any way beneficial to a country?
You are thinking of Martin Luther King, that lesbian tennis player from the 70's.
>White people need to assimilate
>In their own country
Holy fuck race war now
Don't forget Paul "it's okay to be white" Nehlen
Meh, I agree and don't care.
Variety of cultural strengths and weaknesses.
Increase choice and freedom of restaurants, night life, holidays.
Steve king is based as fuck. Shout out to the Iowa anons that elected him
Fucking this. My """Representative""" is some rich liberal shithead from this glorious segregated suburb who panders about diversity while the rest of us actually get enriched.
fuck I did too
when your arguments for something relate to “better” restaurants and night life while the arguments against relate to terrorism, crime, national intelligence and productivity, and economic health, you know you have a fucking problem.
Represent. Our state really does need some fixing though. We've got a seriously fucked meth & incest problem.
Kek. What a solid argument in support for less white people. Pic related.
Diversity of food choices. That's what multiculturalism is.
>be me
>play victoria 2
>try to force assimilation
>when not possible, genocide
years later
>be me
>political views based off fucking vidya
Stephen is too much of a cuck to say that
Look at the top of his head
Oh no no no no
Holy shit it just keeps getting better
>my wife's son
Libs gonna lib. Even Merkel admitted that multiculturalism failed.
No this thread is about Steve Martin the actor who played alongside Queen Latifah. I understand your confusion.
Because it shatters a special snowflake's world view.
Holy shit it's lefty meme central.
>Muh food
>Redneck impersonations
>Why are you afraid?
>I'm Jewish
That last one got me. What do lefties mean by this meme?