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What the fuck ?
Shopp a huge anaconda over Sweden head
Look how triggered you fags are...
The left can't mem....
This is a pissing in an ocean of piss thread, replying to OP is cancer and you should know better.
>color coding it so we know her mouth was on his cock
jesus christ sweden
Drumpfaggots blown the fuck out
Shits fucked mang
new fags
A German calling others fags.. It's like me calling a burger white.
Of course it will be Sweden.
I looked at the picture first then the text.
Honestly thought the message would be the opposite...
56% is white faggot im more white than i am not
This is the best one, it's like they were catering to pol memes
The Norway Belgium one is a close second
who is that Lauren Southern, sucking off her BASED BLACK MAN?
>im more white than i am not
>there really is more
Was that the one that the faggots ass was purple?
someone post Iceland and Belgium
How is a swede woman sucking nigger dick a meme that makes the left look good?
There was like 5 of them iirc, hilarious stuff
das it meng
the fuck you doin
"Make love not war! :)"
Oh yeah that's it.
>Belgians getting buttfucked
Wouldn't be the first time.
Miscer confirmed
Yepp, keep repeating that to yourself muttie
I don't think I've seen this one
Girl's ugly
My favorite part of the ad is "blend together" - these people are so sick and depraved they will use anything under the sun including AIDS to push the racemixing and open borders Europe agenda.
>This much degeneracy
Yep because portraying lady Sweeden with purple cum all over her face after just sucking nigger Germany should win the people over nicely.
Convincing argument. Really.
I mean sure if you just wanted to troll, well done.
But if you wanted to make a valid point, horribly done.
in b4 belgium
Check the fag one out it's literally b+ grade meme magiker. Belgium jihadist boyz molenbeek on suicide watch.
WHAT IS WRONG? Nothing everthing is ok fuck it ;I can not take it anymore
Quintessentially white genocide
wow this is disgusting
Its like, they know the goyim know at this point and they're basically just like 'okay what are you gonna do about it'
Just looks like a bunch of rashes.
That's not near as disgusting as this
i have this fantasy where trump gathers all the white bongfags in scotland, and then marches southward, filtering out all the pakis dotheads sand niggers "Asians", and forces them all into continental europe. that should be britain's payment for brexit
Belgium and Iceland is always my favorite
"oh god why did it have to be Belgium"-Belgium poster
You are also 44% not white, that's too fucking close to not even being 50% white.
>make love not war
>blend together
>gay propaganda
btw does someone have that wikipedia page of some kind of love revolution, can't remember exactly what it was and which country it was but I thought it was germany and some kind of communist thing which was all about love
That's like 3 years old bro
Do you mean him as a person or America as a country
Shhhh, europoors don't understand that concept. They prefer to have dictators forcing Mohammed to impregnate their wives and daughters.
Da fuq!?
>Fucking Sweden...
I can't believe my eyes. Am I out of my mind, or am I going blind? I don't know what to think anymore, keeping up with these things feels like a chore. My mind is full of dirt, I can't stand it, it's as if every new campaign tries to destroy the Earth. When will this madness stop, when will people say enough? I'm tired of this shit, it's as if there's a lock, we can't get out of this madhouse, but we can't call it quits, we've gotta go till the end and gas the kikes race war now.
This is something Sup Forums would do ironically, what the fuck?
I actually thought this was fake and then looked it up archive.is
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
If you are Swedish and you haven't gone full Brevik yet what the fuck are you doing?
Just mutt my shit up.
>Huh that's actually a really good Photosh-
Yeah, that's what triggers me the most.
Why we black tho?
Top kek.
Sweden completely fucked.
Who did this? Be honest.
The logo is in the picture.
The saddest and most disgusting part is that this passes for a "model" amongst blacks. That creature looks like an escapee from the circus.
Seriously? For real?
An organization that's supposedly fighting AIDS is advertising unsafe sex with immigrants?
I hardly believe it. If so, I'll just hang my hat and give up now. Why bother if they're going to do our work for us?
If everyone has AIDS, nobody does.
I thought windmillfags loved stirring the belgique porridge...?
Jesus fucking christ. Somebody nuke Europe. We need to restart.
>russian giving a female personification of my country cunnilingus
feels good man
this shit was all imported from your degenerate 52% shithole, if there's anyone deserving to get nuked is your whole continent
>EU flag
Iceland's smug smile at the camera really tops the cake/Belgium here.
I love the dead look in all their eyes. You would think an organization encouraging sex would make it seem fun and exciting but all the models look like the photographers are ready to snuff them at any moment if they mess up.
Stuff like this is why Onion can not longer exist.
>tfw you have Belgian heritage
What the fuck is this bullshit .. down here from my Mexican culture we would rather be native or Spanish then have any negro tainted in our blood , this is taboo in our culture and not accepted by anyone, fucking dumbass white people are letting this happend to their culture .
>AIDES is a French community-based non-profit organization that was founded in 1984 by Daniel Defert, following the death of his partner Michel Foucault. The name is a word play on aides (the plural for help in French) and AIDS hence the name.
Pic related are the people involved, let's see if there are any who (((they))) are.
They forgot to paint his top half.
make r not K you mean
idk i'm just an american but can giving guns to people fix this problem?