ITT your favorite anime related youtubers.
ITT your favorite anime related youtubers
Fuck off and kill yourself.
Check 'em.
Fuck, again.
Fuck off.
This, so much
Our boy, the "brobni faegit" Digibro
Shit thread, everyone knows that Digibro is the only Sup Forums approved youtuber. Go back to r/anime/fb
grumpy jii-san and that guy that killed his family
Kill yourself you waste of space
epic post senpai
Let's go.
>favorite youtuber
headbutt the nearest train immediately
Finish me
Christian Rollando
I really like this pic, it shows that both of those people are newcancer.
Please remember to sage and report.
>grumpy jii-san
Gonna Gigguk give a shout out to him.
>waifu is actually on that image
I have to try.
honoka pls
no thanks
Let's roll
Lets go nigga gimme somthin good
rollin for Ayase
>Roommate has the bubonic fucking plague
>Coughs every 0.5 seconds
>Literally retching out his lungs like it's the Victorian era
>Our room is just an incubator of bacteria and disease now
>Can already feel myself being infected by his filth
Why the fuck do they even put two people in one room anyway? Christ I hate having a fucking roommate.
I just want an idol
Geez roll
>sign up for STEM dorm
>think it will be cool, we can do big projects together
>a bunch of Chads sign up (maybe they think it's easy pussy? I don't know.)
>it basically turns into "Welcome to the dorms, Chad! Here's your room, and here's your nerd you get to bully for the next 8 months!"
>Last two roommates were soccer players
>This roommate is a football player
>living in a STEM dorm