What's the best way to watch Haruhi, chronological or broadcast?
What's the best way to watch Haruhi, chronological or broadcast?
Don't. They'll never adapt it all.
I watched chonologically and I quess they play the finale in like the episode 6?
Broadcast. Chronological is a snorefest.
Literally one google search away. Saged.
Chronological. There's no point in watching in broadcast order
Not watching it
Broadcast order is the superior way to experience S1. But if you plan to watch everything then you should go with chronological.
Broadcast only works for the first season. If you want to watch the first season broadcast then the entire thing chronologically that's the best way.
There's no easy answer to this.
Season 1 is beautifully balanced in broadcast order, with a terrific season finale (Harihi VI, episode 6 chronologically). Everything works perfectly, even if the time skips feel strange at first. It's part of the overall conception, though.
Season 1 is one of the greatest achievements in anime history, the fact that it's eclipsed by the movie and the art style has dated a bit makes us forget how groundbreaking is was in 2006.
So you have season 1 completed in broadcast order. Good for you. What next?
Problem is that the season 2 episodes were meant to be watched in chronological order, with the season 1 episodes interspersed.
Just watching all the season 2 episodes without the season 1 ones makes for a pretty disappointing continuation of the series, since the balance is completely off: most of season 2 is glorified filler, with only a few episodes that are essential for the plot.
Chronological order for the whole series has the severe disadvantage that the balance is completely off. Most of the plot-heavy episodes are in the first half, which makes it look like the series ran out of energy in the second half and became a boring SoL show.
And then there's the constant and aggravating switches in art style caused by the 3 years production gap.
The solution:
1. watch season 1 in broadcast order.
2. lay it aside for a while.
3. watch the entire series in chronological order, so season 1 and 2 together. Still not ideal, and I can understand people just watching everything from season 2 to get it out of the way before the movie. By NO means watch the series in chronological order BEFORE broadcast order!
4. watch the movie directly afterwards.
That way you're watching the show the way it was supposed to be watched.
btw, only faggots skip E8.
Only a retard suggests chronological for a first watch.
The 2nd half has a lot of plot heavy episodes too though, like the end of Endless Eight, Sigh, Live Alive, and Day of Sagittarius
Chrono if you plan on watching the whole series + movie, but don't forget to insert the "S2" episodes in between S1 episodes - so that you finish with Live Alive, Day of Sagittarius and Someday in the Rain. Then watch the movie.
Broadcast if you want to watch only S1 for some reason
That's true, the only problem is having 6 (6) plot episodes in a row at the very beginning rather than spread throughout the first half. So you'd most likely want to watch S1 in Broadcast order then the S2-only episodes. But even then there's one problem, it's that watching them last puts little to no emphasis on Live Alive, Someday in the Rain and some other S1 episodes.
A solution would be a custom watching order that takes S1 broadcast, S2 originals and that change one or two S1 episode to put them at the end of the whole chunk. But it's complicated, so broadcast S1 + original S2 does it well enough.
After the movie you'll probably want to rewatch some of the important episodes anyway since you'll have missed things there.
Broadcast order isn't all that much interesting, it's a gimmick. Chronological is the way to go.
And I mean S1 in chronological order, then S2.
Watching everything in chronological order means you mix episodes from both seasons and the result is weird.
Without a doubt chronological. Anyone who says otherwise is being a pretentious hipster.
The only real excuse not to watch it chronological USED to be because then you'd have a really boring, filler, uncanon ending with "Someday In The Rain", which did at least have some merit to it as an argument,
But ever since Disappearance came out 6(?) years ago, this has been turned into invalid bullshit since the series watching now ends at what is currently the high climax in terms of what's been adapted.
>uncanon ending with "Someday In The Rain"
But this is wrong. Someday in the Rain was written by Tanigawa for the anime.
>a really boring, filler, uncanon ending with "Someday In The Rain"
Kill yourself.
If any of you uneducated dickbags seriously suggest not starting with the 2006 series in broadcast order, I seriously suggest you come here so I can beat you to death. I will buy us both train tickets to wherever you want this to go down, and I will ram a bamboo sapling with anons' wishes tied to the branches so far up your ass that a new Haruhi novel flies out of your mouth.
>I will buy us both train tickets to wherever you want this to go down, and I will ram a bamboo sapling with anons' wishes tied to the branches so far up your ass that a new Haruhi novel flies out of your mouth.
Endless Eight on repeat a couple thousand times