If shweed became legal what would stop manufacturers from putting additives and addictive shit in a carton of doinks?
If shweed became legal what would stop manufacturers from putting additives and addictive shit in a carton of doinks?
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laced with caffeine
They'll never get away with it. Cannabis isn't tobacco, anyone can grow a plant or two for personal use and cannabis yields WAY more per plant than tobacco.
Not to mention the market is already so saturated with clean, "healthy", pure cannabis.
what stops them from doing that now?
Exactly. You faggots. It would get way gayer than it already is
It would take at least a generation or two for people to actually buy that crap in big numbers. Everybody is used to that homegrown/ fresh shit right now
nothing, i tested some shit back in highschool and it had cocaine in it, i also did coke and din't feel it from the weed becuase it was only enough to get your brain addicted, not to get you coked up or anything
You'll be able to buy the shit corporate weed for cheap and the better weed will cost a little bit more. A bit like buying wine. Personally I wouldn't mind buying 20 shitty weed cigarettes for like 5 bucks but I'd also like to be able to get some nice bud from time to time as well.
What would stop it is the fact that you can grow your own or get it from other people who grow their own. Just like tobacco except you don't have to kill the whole plant to get bud like you do with tobacco. What you get off of a couple plants should last you until the flower grows back.
>what would stop manufacturers from putting additives and addictive shit
They don't have to do anything. It's called a smoke break for a reason. The stress of daily life alone will keep them hooked on smokes.
>needing addictive additives
"all organic" labels?
Does it matter? Marijuana smoke causes cancer anyways.
the additives arent there to kill you they're there to make it better
Flavored weed is already here
I just don't believe it's ever going to be legalized. Have any of you actually smoked marijuana recently? A few hits of the strong stuff and you won't even be able to operate a vehicle. You can't say that about cigarettes. The stuff is too strong to smoke nowadays. Do you really want some low IQ ape to be able to smoke this and drive a car? I've seen these apes on the strong stuff. They can't function.
The strong stuff should be made illegal. Just like moonshine
Yeah, organic obssesed greenpeace fags.
Caffeine and marijuana go pretty well together.
There isn't any of that shit unless you're buying menthols or shit anyway. It's called bleached paper and tobacco. You burn complex hydrocarbons and you get all sorts of complex hydrocarbons out on the other side. Your highschool health teacher was trying to scare you by showing you all the 'chemicals' they found in burning smoke. You find the same shit if you just burn paper.
Protip: Inhaling burning smoke is bad for your lungs.
It would qualify under the current DUI laws with equally harsh punishments.
Hey lightweight, there isn't a strain that can knock me out.
Moonshine kicks my ass though. The 198 proof stuff, not that 151 koolaid they call moonshine
>Have any of you actually smoked marijuana recently? A few hits of the strong stuff and you won't even be able to operate a vehicle. You can't say that about cigarettes. The stuff is too strong to smoke nowadays. Do you really want some low IQ ape to be able to smoke this and drive a car? I've seen these apes on the strong stuff. They can't function.
I love driving high, its great in traffic too. Dont worry, just because you cant handle yourself with drugs doesnt mean other people cant.
>strong weed ain't shit
>need nearly pure ethanol to get a buzz
How does it feel to be so numb to life?
>I love driving high, its great in traffic too. Dont worry, just because you cant handle yourself with drugs doesnt mean other people cant.
I love driving drunk, its great in traffic too. Dont worry, just because you cant handle yourself with alcohol doesn't mean other people cant.
It's never going to be legalized because the CIA makes too much money in the drug/illegal child trade.
Maybe trump could do it as part of dismantling the CIA.
driving drunk is so fun, you should try it
This is so true. If I am high I am sitting the fuck at home. Don't be retarded, people, be responsible.
Right? That sounds awesome. But you know the idiots would load up both so hard that Joey Diaz would panic attack to death and get it banned.
I fully expected a federal legalization decision by now. I lost some money from 5years ago because i really thought king nigger would do it on his way out of office to make millennials love him forever.
Trump won't do it til it's strategically sound. And nobody's playing that game yet. Maybe as a 'win cali' strategy in a couple years.