Black Lives Matters is an anti-whi-
Black Lives Matters is an anti-whi-
There's only one logical solution: more guns.
republicucks btfo
explain how?
black lives do not matter and they never will.
no explanation required?
it's self-explanatory, republickek
IF black lives mattered northern liberals would integrate their communities and schools with black lives. Instead white liberals hide in their walled gardens built by white flight.
I wonder how things would be like if they made things race neutral from the beginning and admitted the black crime rate exists.
redpill me on hamtramck
>Black Lives Matters is an anti-whi-
Sorry, but I really think they made a good move there. As organisation they should be clever enough, to not sight the side of the police force. They don't want to say they respect white man, they want to that they hate the police. #bluelifesmatter
Unironically this is true. And I say this not as a shitbrained low IQ rightist but as someone far left of Chomsky. Shit's getting out of fucking control in this barbaric shithole.
>Unironically this is true. And I say this not as a shitbrained low IQ rightist but as someone far left of Chomsky. Shit's getting out of fucking control in this barbaric shithole.
It is a bait, they want us to support the police, so they don't get their demilitarysation of the police forces.
It's a small working class city with lots of muslims and pollocks, so everyone's either not drinking at all, or drinking a lot. It's kind of poor with a good deal of petty crime (drugs, vandalism, theft), and safer than black Detroit neighborhoods generally, but still kind of sketchy to be out at night around the industrial areas. Hamtramck also has a muslim mayor iirc, cool dive bars with an active music scene.
tl;dr home to poor whites that don't want to live around blacks and poor muslims that can't afford to live in Dearborn.
"""Black Lives Matter""" is a Soros funded Jew campaign.
i like Sup Forums but saying shit like this just makes us look bad
equivalent of a kekistani edgy faggot child
Kekistani turned into a Civ/Nat cuck group.
If you gladbags are claiming not to be anti-whi-
When is your community going to get the memo and stop committing crimes against whites as part of your crime epidemic?
6% of the population yet black on white homicide is almost equal to white on white.
explain that.
good. I hope BLM realizes that a white guy got shot for the most retarded reasons and they begin to have a more critical view of some of the shit they normally defend.
if we all hate bad cops together then the bad cops lose, otherwise chingchong gets his business burned down because tyrone dindu nuffin and good cops get taken off the street.
>the chad civilian
>the virgin cop
cool, when are they rioting and burning cities to the ground?
oh, they're not?
but wait, they did for a guy that tried to steal a gun and charged at a cop?
oh, they're hypocrites...okay
They don't hate bad cops they hate all cops.
One of there demands was that cops stop patrolling Baltimore and like idiots they did.
If you can't guess it turned out poorly and many with many innocents being killed day after day.
please don't feel solidarity with the niggers
please don't wake up to the boot of ZOG stepping on all of your faces
so cute
BLM trying to get white people on their side by shill this white nigger being shot by the police.
Black Lives Matter doesn't give a shit about Shaver. They only care because all of their cited examples of police brutality were justified. Finally one comes out that's actually controversial as fuck to non-retarded BLM niggers just gives them a chance to try and say, "SEE?! We TOLD you! We wuz right!"
Get in the gas chamber, leaf.
and then we have a powerful ally against the boot of ZOG
What's the problem here? Niggers smell, I know, but they're slaves just like us.
any of you fuckheads even saw what happened? the video from his bodycam?
I would have shot the guy. fairly quickly put his hand in his ass crack and was coming from behind his back
They aren't they're just being opportunistic and trying to co-opt the incident because it's up there as one of the most egregious examples most of us have seen yet
BLM is a joke
Whites start things like cop watch and police the police
BLM riots, loots, and promotes lawlessness and violence
Shaver was retarded, he reached for his ass. We don't need people like him raising children.
OP is a leaf or other foreign trash or he'd have posted a legit flag.
Fuck off Jewnigger. You just make us want to butcher you even more. IDGAF about some dead drunk faggot.
I want cops to kill niggers and would be delighted if there were no bag limit.
Philando Castille
Prepare yourselves Sup Forums. Scott Adams called it months ago. BLM are now literally /ourguys/.
>t. supreme gentleman
He was crawling so he wouldn't be able to shoot well. He was also previously on his stomach and you could clearly see, even with the low camera resolution, the guy had no bulge back there. When he put his hand back before the shooting you can see his hand is empty as well.
He should have been cuffed when he had his hands in the air though, but the orders were terrible and the cop just wanted to kill someone, literally no excuse for what happened.
>you're a jewnigger if you don't want cops to kill innocent people
and you're a circumcised kike slave who is going to spend an eternity in hell, if it exists. Enjoy!
The guy was an idiot and acted like a dumb nigger, thus he got shot. End of story. You know the saying... play stupid games win stupid prizes. Now fuck off.
Except BLM have always been open about their belief that whites don't get killed by police and that they don't matter anyway. That's why they are called BLACK LIVES MATTER and not "cops should stop killing innocent people"
They are *only* interested in blacks and give zero fucks about anyone else, especially white people who are wrongly killed by blacks.
And common dreams is a leftist propaganda site, they didn't even bother referencing the specific "BLM leaders" they were referring to.
I heard ingesting boot polish made you retarded, like eating lead paint chips, but never experienced the aftereffects until now. Fascinating.
Hur der....
incoming "bootlicker bootlicker bootlicker" responses because people don't know how to argue anymore
It's worth mentioning because it's practically the first time they care about a white man being killed. Notice that Shawn King didn't even mention the race of the guy who got killed.
Sorry faggot shit happens and I dont sperg out everytime it does.
If they are suggesting dismantling the police force and going back to mob justice cool. But I hope they will be willing to accept that black will ironically be killed at a higher rate than if the police were doing it. To the point of near genocide.
There is nothing to argue about.
We're making fun of you LOL
Who the fuck is going to argue with a circumcised kike slave?
sure there is
>hurr recite the thermodynamic Lagrangian formula backwards and then do a solo rendition of the HMS Pinafore or I'll shoot you
t. retard
Not a single BLM leader has said anything, certainly not Shawn Kang who thinks all whites deserve to die anyway.
I am pretty sure I am making fun of you.
bootlicker posts are just /leftypol/ infiltrators trying to dilute and muddy
It's okay to be dead on a hotel floor.
It's ok man...
How long until this branch if BLM is disavowed?
They aren't doing this cause they care about whites.
They are doing this because BLM hates cops.
This is entirely visible by their canonizes Assata Shakur.
About how best to execute the pig, aka Officer Simon Stutters?
My vote:
>Rooftop chimney collapse
>or 150K hits of lucy dropped from a drone...
I just feel bad for his kids. Every guy they ever date is going to google their name and see that shit. It'll weird out their relationship from the first step.
>So I hear your dad died playing drunk twister with cops
what if I told you nothing will happen to him?
what if I told you he's going to die from ass cancer?
You ever been to the US? Police here are like a fraternity... Full of retards. Not most or all, but enough that absolute authority over life and death are out of the question.
>tldr Get high iq death squads who can give comprehensible commands, at the least, or gtfo
Except that story was already the biggest story on Reddit, no thanks to blm. And looking at the hashtag, blm isn't even discussing it.
I'll say maybe, but when he's 80 years old
knowing is half the battle
stay safe
Or the nu-pig's poor kids... I heard your dad is a sick evil Twister lord
There's a piggy in need of a lynching.
>call attention to
Pick one (1). Unlike Michael Brown, Shaver really didn't do anything. Holy fuck that was one of the most horrible things I've ever seen. Like a fucking horror movie, not the gore factor but that cop was messing with him bad before slaughtering him.
spotted the republican with no high school diploma
At least be fucking coherent if you're attempting irony.
People argued it already
Cops were clinically retarded and killed the man by their own negligence
Jeez! Look how black Detroit is. Even Chicago is really black. All thos greens areas north of Chicago have all of these red brick homes like in Home Alone.
hmm very unlikely
>ppppllsss whitey see they goin after you too!!! we wuz jus kiddin sayin dey only go fo us niggas
Btw is there any truth to pic related?
>mfw pol is filled with bootlickers going about "muh boys in blue"
forgot pic
>Or the nu-pig's poor kids.
He doesn't have any. Looks sterile, tbqh.
>somehow don't understand that people under stress and prone to panicking aren't the best at following directions
>hurr durr cross your legs, hands on head and crawl towards me, if you are going to fall dont place your hands on the ground because that totally isn't a natural response
okay cuck
socialist rose
It was pretty clear. The retard was playing for the darwin award after being warned multiple times and having a dumb drunk bitch pull the move off just fine.
It was one of the most fucked up things I've ever seen, and I usually side with the police because I know especially over time that it's a hard job to do in such an enriched democracy.
>Look at that giant black stats deep inside those white stats.
I don't give a fuck, I'll eat the backdraft on this one.
Too bad they are doomed to race baiting considering their name
>calvin harris
>supreme gentleman with a badge
>Do the perfect Macarena for 6 minutes straight OR WE FUCKING KILL YOU
>Civ break up in tears and move his hand by reflexe to his pant to pull it back up
>Get murdered on the spot
In any other 1st world country, those cops would be in jail
BLM was created by the government to split the american people on police reform(making it seem like a nigger problem). but the beast might be turning its head to bite its master. we should meme this into the stratosphere. this is a good thing Sup Forums!!!!
fucken based!
Do you mean Soros? It would be good for a laugh but I doubt it.
More like Nigger Lives Don't Matter stealing credit for themselves.
>Call attention to this story that already went viral on social media
>Muh police reforms that people before us were already asking for