Is SAO good?
Is SAO good?
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Shit game. What kind of MMO lets you beat it?
It had a time limit, if you didn't hurry up your real body would wither away.
Good for about maybe 3 episodes, after that it can be so bad that it is good, sometimes.
it's fun to watch. Not everything must be a masterpiece, it seems this fuckers don't know that.
Alright until episode 14, after that it's just a chain of disappointments.
Does pretty well in the headpat department though.
'Sword Art Online Abridged' on youtube is unironically a thousand times better
I just finished watching the first season a month ago.
You should watch it if you want to see something bad though, like if you're interested in seeing an overpowered MC defeat accomplish everything with relative ease while reminding everyone that he's a solo player who needs nobody's help. And if you want to see how that MC makes literally every girl he meets fall in love with him, including making his cousin fall in love with him two different times. Or if you want to see a strong female character be relegated to a damsel in distress in the second half of the show. I watched it to see how bad it was, and it did not disappoint. You might think "it's not so bad" when you first start watching, and even the first couple of episodes could even be considered "good" just because the first boss fight is actually really cool, but it goes on a quick decline soon after.
Recently in January of 2017 few guys on YouTube put a videos that tackle that question of popularity of SAO. Go check it out. You'll find them easily.
dropped after 1st episode due to boring character design and overall mediocrity
Hey Sup Forums
Where did Kirito and Asuna spend their honeymoon?
The Galapagos Islands
Define 'good'
It's good up until about halfway through season 1. After that it's all down hill.
The first arc of season 1 (ep 1-14) is mildly fun.
the whole fucking "moma" and "papa" thing was disturbing
Some interesting ideas and the beginning while bland was pretty enjoyable.
I didn't hate Mother's Rosario arc either.
That's about all the positive things I've to say about SAO
It's pretty to look at and has some good ideas, but the plot is an incoherent mess full of asspulls, and there are only two characters that aren't blander than saltine crackers without the salt. A few of the episodes in the first arc are worth watching, but the rest of the show isn't worth it.
Seconding this.
Third, with the exception of the end of the daughteru episode. I get they were working with what they had, but Kirito and Asuna crying over their dead computer baby was really out of character.
watch episodes 1-14
definitely worth a watch
these fags have garbo taste and adore pseudo-intellectual shit like nge
Best anime of all time. After you watch it you really do not need to watch any other animes since you have already seen the best. Kirito is EPIC.
Best character is not even in the show.
if you think sao was ever good then you are retarded
No but so is most anime.
I think it's good. Anyone hat says otherwise is sucking Digibros dick.
Yes because it gave us SAO Abridged.
Also, it's my number one in "So bad it's good" category.
The humor is really hit and miss, misses a lot, but hits hard.
But turning both Asuna and Kirito into assholes really serves to make SAO's story better.
Also, .Hack//Sign is ok. GATE is shit. Drifters is ok. Log Horizon season 1 ok, season 2 is trash. Overlord is watchable, LN is leagues better.
Hell no. The first season is watchable but hardly entertaining.
>Sword Art Online Abridged
AAAAAND thanks bro.
perfect answer
I fucking wish Japan had the balls to give Kirito that kind of personality.
Really captures the true spirit of your average scrawny teenage nerd.
>Kirito actually acts like a edgy nerd
>Actually gets affected by the bad things that happen around him
top fuckin wew
I wish we'd get threads about it instead of the actual show.
I can't stand the fucking voice.
I hate SAO because it's the first and only anime my friend ever watched because he saw how popular it is and thought it would be a good entry-level anime. He hated it and now he won't even give other anime a chance. I keep bugging him to try Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Mushishi, or even NGE, but SAO tainted his opinion.
It's really not AWFUL though. It's fun to watch at times and the first half of the season is decent. My issue with it is that it tries to be deeper than it is. If they went full over-the-top anime with it like Kill La Kill, then it would probably be a lot better. But the action is good enough to maybe keep you interested. The actual plot tanks after the first half of the season.
>or even NGE
hey, what's that supposed to mean, buddy?
I'm trying to show him anime that appeal to the most basic Western audience. NGE was mine and a lot of people's entry point in to anime, but someone who has absolutely no idea what to expect from good anime might be disinterested. Bebop and Ghost in the Shell are more "Western" than NGE.
I suggested Mushishi because he's kind of a spiritual guy and I think it would appeal to him a lot.
NGE is Top 5 for me so please don't get mad at me, Anno.
>General Idea
>first few episodes
pretty good
absolute trash, unbelievably disappointing, self insert fantasy for virgin writers
Yeah, the general idea is great. And the worldbuilding is gorgeous. The problem is Kawahara just Can't. Write. A. Fucking. Story.
>tfw did super gay online anime roleplaying back when i was a teen more than 10 years ago
>tried to make my character a lone wolf, ultra cool gary stu, very similar to kirito
>roleplayed with a girl on the message board
>our characters fell in love
>eventually left the battle-city and went off into a cabin in the woods for our lovey dovey shit
>raise a kid in the woods after settling down before i came back to the battle roleplay
like i said, self insert fantasy for virgin writers, and i was a cringey virgin faggot back then too. that's why i think the show is so pathetic, because i know the head writer is just doing what he thinks he would want in his perfect life instead of creating a story with actual conflict and difficulty for the MC
>The first episode of season 1 (ep 1) is mildly fun.
The first 3 episodes where...OK at best
But the rest of the series is just...
It's mediocre to be honest. The execution of plot-points and character development leave a lot to desire.
Dropped @ ep 6. It felt nothing like a game and was full of pointless drama. Hell, even DanMachi was better than SAO.
Progressive anime when?
>SAO Popularity vote in canon
>Kibaou wins
The meme never dies.
Was 17 ever completed?
I'm tired of waiting.
>hating on SAO is now a meme
watch beginning aincrad
skip faeries
fap to CSGO arc
norse arc a shit
alicitization will be godly
OR you can do the sensible thing and not subject yourself to the terrible anime adaptation.
SAO is already bad enough as it is, you should salvage as much as you can.
Go watch Log Horizon or something.
It's the funniest anime I've ever watched.
The original author is a god amongst man
No, it's actually worthy of the hatred it gets.
Check out Digibro, Gikkuk, Subsonic Sparkle, and Treesicle channels. Each one of them put at least one video about it.
Have you watched Konosuba yet?
this fucking thread
take my (you) and fuck off
>OP asks if SAO is good
>on motherfucking Sup Forums
>where you need max 3 days of lurking to know answer to this question
>instead of calling OP a newfag or attention seeking faggot, anons jump in to join the SAO-hating echo chamber of anime pros
Every fucking time.
>All this thread
>After 5 years anime hipster are still ass-blasted about a show that was written by a literal teenager aimed to teenagers.
You people dont realize how fucking autistic are you?.
Sup Forums - Autism Spectrum Disorders
I don't really have any particular feelings about it.
glop glop glop
2 years of semen
right into the pussy
maybe if you're an edgy thirteen year old.
It's ok.
Why is every anime youtuber such a fucking hack?
>Asuna's a problem because muh damsel trope.
Gigguk's even more unbearable. You just get the pervasive vibe from that cunt that he giggles to himself about liking shows "ironically" while looking down at anime fans.
are you 15?
Youtube reviewers and analysts in general are self important twats who speak with enough authority to make idiots listen to what they have to say
It wasn't good but it's far from horrible. It's okay and doesn't really get shit until Alfheim.
There, I've said it. Now can we put this "HURR DURR LITERALLY THE WORST ANNE-MAY EVAR" shit to rest?
YourMovieSucks isn't like that, but it might have something to do with the fact that he's an alcoholic, homosexual furfag and also a 4channer.
It's pretty hard to be self important, with that kind of status.
There are some good guys, but I'm just saying that they're the outliers
I really liked the first half. I think it definitely should have ended with Kirito walking for the first time in a while out of the hospital. It had its flaws like everything else, but I think it was solid.
Now that second half...that was garbage. Felt almost like a different show. I keep thinking that the second half was season 2 lol and there are 3 seasons of SAO out.
It's shit, less shit than the actual show but it's still unfunny. The voice acting is beyond shit too. I suspect the people who like it would also be fairly tolerant towards the actual show.
Like most anime nowadays it's a LN adaptation.
The first volume covers the entire Aincrad arc.
The second volume is a collection of short stories that took place in Aincrad.
The third and fourth volumes are the Alfheim arc.
The anime staff decided to interjects the bits and pieces of volume 2 into their adaptation of Aincrad in roughly chronological order. This is why there's quite a bit of tonal disconnect (we need to hurry up and get out of here... but we can also chill for a moment... but now we need to hurry up again!) as well as timeskips that last sevaral months.
No. Cool premise, terribly handled. The first two episodes and episode 14 are okay.
I kinda liked how the first season ended with a knife fight to the death between two nerds in a hospital parking lot. Ironic that the most dramatic tension in the show was when they completely remove the fantasy setting that the whole show was based off of.
Mother’s Rosaria in S2 is pretty good, actually.
Overall, it’s a bad show with a few good elements.
To me the most offensive thing, above all, about Aincrad is how the villain is handled. He's basically a creep who admitted that after he was done with Kirito, he'd go to Asuna's room and masturbate (was that supposed to be a threat?). He's a rapist, that's bad enough, but how does Kirito respond? He says that said villain has no principles, unlike Ayakaba. Let me repeat that, Kirito has a better view of the MASS MURDERER WHO KILLED FOUR THOUSAND INNOCENTS, AMONG WHOM CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS, than of the guy who fondled his girlfriends boobies in a fucking VIRTUAL WORLD and maybe masturbated to her once or twice. That's disgusting and I cant see how anyone thought that was a good idea.
this is how I feel about SAO, it wasnt shit like a lot of people make it out to be, just know the fairy arc and gun gale arc are pretty bad but the first arc and the last arc are pretty good
The girls yeah . The anime was pretty ok
It's bad, but I liked it.
If you're played MMORPG's as much as I have you'll probably like it too.
It's decent. Not horrible, but not amazing. The games are fun though.
I'm still going to talk shit about it though anywhere else because its funny.
>and i was a cringey virgin faggot back then too
you still are