Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv

How do we fix Yui?

Other urls found in this thread:

>SM kikestarter
>1mil $ stretch goal beato route

would you pledge?

>implying that she needs something other than a large dose of vitamin D

Only if they don't mess with the OTP.

Stella assisted Yui on Yuuya mating

Who is the Muv Luv girl of choice for cucks?

Your mother.

Ishigaki a shit and that doujin is garbage.

But the Cryska/Inia/Yuuya doujin is amazing.

What would raping Yui be like?

Chizuru's mother


Only if secret happy Beato ending with loving marriage, lots of babies, and growing old together.

Does anyone know where I can read the new manga of muv-luv? all the manga sites only have the old ones. :/

Semen demon


How do you feel about your OTP knowing that Theodor tore her hymen and stirred her insides with his huge girth?

>3ssr tickets

You bought that 30days packs?


Who /NVA/ here?



I want to kiss Marimo!

Sumika is cute too!

Put a dick in her butt


Which is the best design?

(((((who))))) was behind the moderates? Don't think it was Suzy she looks just like a pawn like that Valentine girl from TE.

Yui likes anal!

From Jap SM thread:





>のじょふぃすがさあ13歳アイリスやるとか考えてみなよ... すげえギャップ萌えするぜ!


>ゲーム版カティアルートはアニメとも小説とも似付かない感じだったな カティアルートは3つあるんだね


>その点では隻影のベルンハルトの方が小説展開してるしできそうではあるが1部が終わって以降2部に関しては音沙汰無し (ルナドンで内田先生は書ききると宣言はしてた)

Some news on BiS tucked away in a few of their comments.


Yeah why not? Maybe we can meme this into existence too.

You're an idiot. Jurgen has been dead in the ground for years by the time SM start.

Why does the thought of violently thrusting inside Yui's pussy without her consent make me so diamonds?
and why does it feel so right?

Easy, by giving Yui to me.


yeah the new Rising one from what I know it's at vol 5 but all I can find from searching is images from ebay postings... not one single manga site I seen has it.

sorry wrong person tagged but yeah the comment above mine, if anyone knows where I can read it even the japanese one I am cool with it.


>that Inia


Yui rape is U.N approved!!

I want pantyhose Yui to sit on my face

Stop that. Yui is for gentle loving and marriage.


>その点では隻影のベルンハルトの方が小説展開してるしできそうではあるが1部が終わって以降2部に関しては音沙汰無し (ルナドンで内田先生は書ききると宣言はしてた)
So Uchida anounced something, storywise? I am under the impression that he wrote himself into a corner in BiS, and is stuck there.

She will never move on lad, thats the point. None of that senseless Theo/Beatrix shipping.

Yeah, BiS is only halfway done at this point.

What would Bea and Jurgen's wedding night be like? Hypothetically, of course.

I didn't say that, was only reacting to the person saying "as long as they don't mess with the OTP" - which was a question SPECIFICALLY about a SM Kickstarter stretch goal. NOT a BiS VN. As part of actual SM. But on that point, no one ever said anything about "moving on" from Jurgen. The problem for you lads is that you want a Beato route, but you don't want it with Theo, the only logical person it could be done with. Half or more because you're Lisefags.

You never really just "move on" from certain events and people in your life, they define part of the rest of your existence. You would know this if you've ever been married or madly in love.

Yui is for plastic surgery and psychedelic conditioning to transform her into a better imouto

Quiet you. Any more and you'll get the squirt bottle.

What's going on here and why is it giving me a boner.

She needs loving healing, protection, and cuddles.

The only OTP is Beatrix x Iris.

>there is no good wolf, there is no bad wolf






Only half, and in any case, Muv Luv has top tier Indian girls in general.

What do these three have in common?

Are they all cucks?

>What is going on here


I want to take this poor puppy and give her a happy, loving new life.


end your life

But I'm not Meiya.

I want to repent in front of Beatrix!

>Beatrix will never cuddle and protect you

Why live

They all born in March

Me too, broken birds are the most precious treasure.

I'm going to protect Katia!

Is Yui moe, Y/N?

Yes, and so is Cui:

New Yui SF H:

New Cui Skinship


C > Y

Kill yourself.


What does Yui's clit smell like?

Must feel good to be kissing Cui while your penis is pressed up against her thigh.

Yuzuka my waifu

Hopes dreams and suffering

Butt butter and pee


Would you cuddle her at night when she awakens crying and screaming, and make the bad go away? Would you give her headpats and love? Kisses in the morning to wake her up?

inb4 BR response

Let's hate Yuuhi.


Let's not.

Where do these images come from?

Go away BETA hive mind

>Would you cuddle her at night when she awakens crying and screaming, and make the bad go away? Would you give her headpats and love? Kisses in the morning to wake her up?

Well yeah, that goes without saying. And treasure every moment of it.

What would an adult relationship with Michiru be like?

This is the way to the future, gentlemen. Not the way of the loathsome BR, but the way of the protecting, loving healer.

Keep up the good work.

Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart

>The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his sister's keeper and the finder of lost children


What does Gretel smell like ?


Probably pretty comfy, I imagine. She strikes me as the type to have a very relaxed home life.

>you will never shatter Suzy's jaw with a well-placed punch

>you will never shatter Lise's jaw with a well-placed punch