Where is chapter 9? Also GS's thread.
Goblin Slayer
Other urls found in this thread:
This is where the story is heading based on headcanon.
The stories about the goblin coming from the moon, one goblin being born from each person's mistake and having an underground goblin kingdom are all true.
Which is backed up by GS saying goblins are better than oni/ogre and the haruhi platinum ranked hero off screening the demon king.
Goblin World Invasion incoming.
End game will be FE like, GS with an army of all the not cannon fodder characters he meet against the DM god who took the form of a goblin and brought an army of super gobs in tge moon, with omnius lating chanting music in the background.
reminder that goblins only need human women for their wombs
to breed a new goblin, the formula is not "goblin spermatozoid + human ovule", but "goblin spermatozoid + goblin spermatozoid", which is why goblins always have group rapes
It makes more sense ot say that instead of sperm is a parasitic organism.
I am trying to imagine this scenario with this music
Waiting for Ivan to deliver.
How much rape is there in this manga?
>Goblin Sperm + Goblin Sperm
That's really gay
Reminder that everyone in this image is female.
The mark of a shit manga.
Fuck off, not one will ever fall for it.
For sure. The Dungeon Seeker is truly superior in comparison. Chapter 9 when?
How would you kill the Goblins?
The girls are all very healthy to be bred.
Develop firearms.
dwarven multi cannon ala runescape style
Unlimited Bladeworks
Is dungeon seeker bimonthly or something, it takes a long ass time for releases.
>Direct download link
>From Sup Forums
Hahahahah, nope.
Better wait for the usual dump.
Genetically engineered sterility plague.
>Human wombs
>not something better
Not everyone is pic related, most human wombs suck at mass production.
>BTFO by water
Can ogre ever recover?
It's on goddess, want a dump or a link?
dump it, for rip and tear sake.
Here we go then.
Thanks based user.
Is possible to be hit so fast and hard that you don't feel the paint until you noticed that you have been hit?
Man, this chapter was the best in awhile
Fuckin gate spell being a weapon
Yes, that is possible, but you'd almost certainly be unconscious
Clean and humane. I like it.
turns out that the chapter wasn't just 32 pages long, the korean leak had several pages pasted together.
>''Goddammit, now I can't use it to kill even more gobs. baka famalam, look what you made me do!''
>being so mad that your scream changes the shape of your face
Holy shit.
So was Ogre one of the Demon Lord/Dark God's generals then?
So how long will it take till we get some doujins?
Fucking destroyed
>kill a demon possessed ogre
>be annoyed that you didn't kill some gobs
Man, this protag is great.
"whatever was his name made me lost my time, must find gobs to kill"
What if he had opened that scrolls and WHALE
Whales don't live in the seabed
>Bottom of the sea
Better chance of getting a truckload of angler fish
>when you want to kill gobs but your party wants to sleep
I thought you had to make sure all the Gobs were dead so you wouldn't get any champions?
It's fantasy, whales could even fly if they wanted
Whales don't live in the bottom of the sea.
But it would be fun if he summoned a Krakken or something like that.
So can someone explain this, was the ogre just that powerful or are all ogres THAT powerful and capable of using high tier magic, regenerating, etc?
If he was alone, damn sure he would keep going, but his party won't let him kill himself after almost dying to a fucking ogre, specially the priestess, notice he only truly stopped when she called him out.
Do you even read?
That particular ogre was actually possessed by a demon general.
The regen and physical strength are natural, though enhanced by it's presence.
>Yes, he's always an unstoppable force of nature
Can someone post the autistic screeching edit?
water can be nasty
well, gobs are pretty stupid I guess, they don't know the concept of efficiency
>Holding back
She is truly Melia, she is doomed.
This stupid bitch needs a reality check
>this whole scene
Goddamn it, it's Melia all over again.
>I dont like GB one bit.
So she is this show tsundere.
Post the webm, from when shulk was KO and she was next to him.
Copyright things, the end.
>I can't read people's thoughts
She's not questioning the value of what he's doing, she's displaying a desire to help him find some enjoyment in life and something more than his endless hunt.