*Chapter 853 "Not here!" * Mom caught Brook by the head and is caressing it The pirate hat Mom wears, "Two-horned Napoleon", the thundercloud Zeus and the sun Prometheus are parts of Mom, which received soul directly from her; these 3 are on a different level than the other souls.
The chess soldiers inspect Brook and find out nothing has been stolen. Mom is relieved and pets/cuddles Brook.
Mom: "I can't let the Poneglyph's copy to be stolen, you see~~" Mom: "If they take it away and someone gets to Raftel before me again I'd look like a fool, no?" Mom: "I'm not going to mess up again like the time with Roger!"
Pudding comes to Mom.
Mom: "What happened? Did you unleash the true power of your third eye or something?"
Pudding: "I'm mixed, remember? There's no guarantee I can awaken that kind of power." Mom: "Sorry, sorry. but there's no mistake, you do have the blood of the rare third-eye tribe within you."
(Note: The "mixed" Pudding says means that she's not a full-blood Third-eye tribe.)
Pudding notices Brook is there and acts all nice again, then tells Mom she'd like to speak to her in Mom's room in private.
Adrian Murphy
3rd floor, inner garden
Baron Tamago has changed form, turning into Viscount Hiyoko (Hiyoko = chick) Pedro cuts Hiyoko in half. The cut Hiyoko tries to change form again According to a subordinate, Baron Tamago has the "Tama Tama no Mi": from Baron Tamago it can apparently evolve to Viscount Hiyoko and Count Niwatori (Niwatori = Chicken) Pedro heard that Count Niwatori is supposed to be a true knight, and tries to deliver the last blow before the evolution. The soldiers try to stop Pedro, but Pedro, after making sure that the soldiers are gathered around him, stops attacking Hiyoko and takes out a dynamite stick he was secretly holding, and makes it explode.
Mirror World
Bropper manages to save Pedro from the explosion in the nick of time, using a mirror that was in the inner garden. Bropper hears about what happened to the other crewmembers from Pedro and goes to save them. Carrot asks the mirror for everyone's whereabouts, and the mirror answers honestly.
3rd floor Baum
Luffy is looking for Sanji while kicking the soldier's asses. Reiju grabs him and brings him into her room. Reiju tells him that Sanji was there till moments ago and knows about Pudding's true self. Luffy is relieved that Sanji is aware of her lies and runs out of the room.
Reiju: "Where are you going?" Luffy: "The place of the promise is not here!!"
Sanji is alone in the castle, deeply thinking. (I can't turn back anymore...Luffy...) Luffy runs out of the castle and goes to that place.
Alexander Hill
How will Nami deal with puddings 3rd eye?
Kevin Kelly
Parker Brown
Pudding is so great
Aiden Lee
SanjixNami train keeps gaining speed There's no stopping it now
Ryan Adams
This will be canon soon.
Joseph Martin
Charles Long
i waited 2 weeks just for disappointment
David Myers
>nothing happens >again How do we fix this arc?
Thomas Baker
>Gold D Roger was chickenshit
Holy shit Oda, we waited 2 weeks for this?
Nathan Lee
>gol d roger was nothing but a pussy >people are surprised at this I mean look at ace, total faggot so his father must be no different
Jason James
Can't wait to see Luffy finally getting some food and trashing the place.
Grayson King
Is this the new forced meme?
Gavin Watson
>third eye tribe >awaken power
Is Pudding related to fucking Tien or something?
Samuel Bennett
>became pirate king by stealing copies instead of defeating the pirate and taking it No wonder Roger killed himself. He felt bad for cheating his way to pirate king
Aaron Brooks
Why is Sanji still moping? Both the cuffs and the Zeff threat don't matter anymore, his sister told him to go back to his crew, Luffy is waiting for him to come back. What the fuck is stopping him?
Adam Russell
I saw this same post on reddit. Fuck off, faggot. This type of jokes are not funny. "Usopp is not sogeking XDDD"
Isaac Gutierrez
>I saw this same post on reddit
Why the fuck are you browsing reddit you fucking faggot? Fuck off back to that place.
Lucas Adams
>I saw this same post on reddit. Go back and stay there
Jonathan Perez
You copied and pasted that shit here, fag.
Christian Diaz
>couldn't even defeat the weakest Yonkou before she was even a Yonkou >meme
William Reed
You forgot the red eyes. Fix it
Dominic Cooper
>The pirate hat Mom wears, "Two-horned Napoleon", the thundercloud Zeus and the sun Prometheus are parts of Mom, which received soul directly from her; these 3 are on a different level than the other souls. Called it. Well, for Prometheus and Zeus.
Thomas Butler
Isaac Stewart
>Gol D. Roger >King of the Pirates >Strongest Pirate >Strenght equal to Whitebeard and garp >Can't win a fight against Big mom >Pussied out and stole a copied
I had a feeling Roger was weak as shit.
Juan Lee
He's going save Reiju and possibly the rest of his family. There's no other reason he would stay.
Camden Ramirez
Wow. Roger is bitch.
Lucas Ortiz
Christ you are fucking stupid. You accuse that user of getting that shitty joke from reddit, yet you admit to browsing that place in the same fucking post.
Take this faggot and fuck off back to that cancerous site where both of belong you fucking retard.
Jack Garcia
>the meme of the week is shitting on Roger Is nothing sacred to you people
Parker Taylor
>28 posts >17 posters You really want to run this into the ground day 1, dontcha?
Grayson Taylor
All jellies of the Pirate King. >Roger movie never
Lincoln Edwards
Caleb Diaz
Holy shit, do you people read at a third grade level or something? There is zero indication from the spoilers that Roger stole ANYTHING from Big Mom.
"I'm not going to mess up again like the time with Roger!" is referring to the fact that Roger got to Raftel before her, which is why she literally says before that "If they take it away and someone gets to Raftel before me again I'd look like a fool, no?"
Roger didn't steal shit from her. BM wanted to go to Raftel but Roger got there before she could, so now she doesn't want Brook to copy the Poneglyph in order to prevent another person beating her to Raftel like what happened back then with Roger.
Carter Martinez
Will Rogerfags ever recover?
Robert Long
>Roger apologists
Ryan Perez
Okay, now it is! Can we have a good thread?
Carter Ward
So I'm correct? It'll die out soon anyways.
Ian Barnes
lrn2 reading comprehension jesus christ get off you underage mongoloid
Jayden Howard
>Roger got there before she could Yeah, because he stole her fucking poneglyph
Austin Jenkins
Roger stole it like a pussy instead of fighting her for it. Stop apologising for him
Camden Foster
do you realize your post is completely pointless and worse than shitposting? At least shitposters try to be funny and pass time, yours is just a complete waste of time
Ethan Powell
Not an argument. The spoilers literally say BM wanted to get to Raftel but Roger beat her to it, which is why she's not going to let it happen again by allowing Brook to steal one of the keys for finding it.
Anyone who says it has anything to do with Roger stealing from her is making shit up.
Gabriel Bailey
That's the Scarlet Witch with a third eye.
David Price
by poking it
Camden Fisher
No, he didn't. It doesn't even imply that in the slightest.
Andrew Fisher
so does that mean there was something special about Raftel before Roger left the OP there?
William Ward
>Brook didn't do shit in the end >Pedro didn't even get to finish his fight with Tamago >Luffy is still running around >Sanji is still angsting 10/10 chapter so much plot development
Luke Cruz
I dunno, it's possible but if she already had the poneglyph by Roger's time then at some point she had to mess up for him to get access to it.
Don't forget Roger's crew couldn't read the poneglyphs like Robin can, Roger could simply understand them through his ability to hear the voice of all thing. And I guess that'd be a bit anticlimatic if that power could be used by simply checking out a copy of a copy of a copy that someone made of BM's poneglyphs.
As my personal headcanon until proved otherwise Roger proposed to BM and as she was waiting on the altar he made off with the info he needed. Pirates are meant to steal, after all.
Easton Lee
learn to reading comprehension, she won't let anyone steal it from her implies that someone (roger) stole it from her in the past
James Moore
No, you fucking inbred. Learn to read.
She says "I'm not going to look like a fool by getting beat to Raftel again like what happened with Roger, not "I'm not going to look like a fool by letting you steal my poneglyph like what happened with Roger."
Dylan Adams
look at what she said before that, learn to connect different passages and infer
fucking retard, god damn you spics should be rangebanned off Sup Forums
Samuel Anderson
Wait until we get the actual chapter tomorrow you faggots, text spoilers can be misleading.
Charles Wilson
>Brook probably manage to stole the copy by hidding it in his skull, thus, managing not only to stand against a Yonko, talk shit to her but also to troll her in a magnificient way. >Pedro fight with Tamago, we will see his power, Chopper and Carrot come in to save Pedro >We learn about fucking Big Mom power and Pudding capacity
>"Muuuh, nothing as happened"
U wot M8 ?
Gavin Price
I just want to get to fucking Wano already.
Zachary James
No Wano for at least until November.
Brody Brooks
This arc will last another 20-25 chapters and Reverie will probably be 10-15 so it's going to take a while
Brandon Price
Lighting to the head
Ryder Thomas
>15 chapters for Reverie
No way, double that amount at least
Chase Williams
Oda said Wano will start this year so Reverie can't be too long
Camden Hill
>Oda you fell for the editor's memes
Alexander Allen
Don't get your hopes up. WCI is halfway over and Wano starts this year, meaning Reverie is going to be short. 30 chapters is a whole year's worth of chapters.
Christopher Baker
If he did its because Oda's editors don't want female characters to get rekt. thats why i hate that one piece is so popular.
Gavin Torres
>Luffy inherited Roger's will >Luffy is trying to steal it instead of fighting too
Henry Rogers
> One Piece Holy shit, I've never understood how could you watch 1000 episodes of this shit. What kind of disease is this?
Blake Collins
>watching One Piece
Jose Scott
>Oda's editors don't want female characters to get rekt
There are a few females that I remember getting rekt. Problem is these females are usually the "good guys".
Samuel Jenkins
>1 month+ break >still shitty chapters
what the fuck is this shit it's literally nothing
>chopper and co still running and talking to mirrors
this was the last straw im fucking dropping this garbage
Benjamin White
>watching anime
Manga is king. Manga + youtube is master race
Samuel James
See you next week.
Jonathan Nguyen
Can't it just be Wano, then Reverie?
Sebastian Diaz
That was before the editors realized one piece was a money cow. Another reason Oda keeps reusing the same formula after the time skip
Isaiah Nelson
How? Wano is going to take 1-2 years to finish.
Colton Wood
>But I suppose that logias can't hurt each other without haki if there's no elemental paper-rock-scissor involved, so I guess Ace would win against Enel since he has haki. Ace never had CoA. He only had CoC. Enel had god-tier CoO, meaning he'd be better use in fights thanks to it. His logia is also more powerful. I mean Ace didn't even have auto-intangibility, while Enel had it while sleeping. Enel would win.
Carter Reyes
Wasn't there a rainbow too? Too bad Oda isn't doing shit with that.
Landon Butler
Christopher Roberts
Pudding is the purest girl in OP
Chase Morales
Aaron Cox
Angel Jones
So did Dressrosa, yet the actual action took less than a week.
Caleb Kelly
True that.
Alexander Sanders
Is Kaido even on Wano? I hope Wano isn't just another setup arc.
Luke Brown
Reminder that ops a faggot
Christian Price
Ace was a commander of WB and even before that, a pirate captain who managed to survive in the New World, of course he had CoA. And even Enel's CoO didn't stop Luffy from hitting him, even without using the speed boost Gear 2 offers (doubt he even had it figured out at the time too).
Apart from one weird time when Luffy hit Smoker's back is there any time a logia got hurt by a surprise attack not imbued with haki? All other times it seem to require no input from them to stay immaterial.
Kevin Richardson
Probably not, the Shogun is more likely the big antagonist. The samurais said Kaido's force are on Wano though.
Jose Cruz
Nami will find pudding and fight her
Brandon Butler
we spent over a year asking for sanji and look where that got him. let the nigga be
Dominic Lewis
Literally unironically and O B J E C T I V E L Y NOTHING HAPPENS THE CHAPTER
Prove me wrong, hacksuckers. You literally cannot.
Joshua Morgan
It's probably the last existing remnant of the ancient kingdom. Hence why the government can't find it even if they wanted it destroyed.
Jeremiah Jones
>30 chapters of people talking about world events Really user? That can get done in 5-10 realistically.
Luis Baker
Bentley Martin
>of course he had CoA There's no indication of this. He had a powerful logia and was heavily reliant on it. He'd only need haki to take on altered body people, which there aren't many of. This is all a given based on his character.
>And even Enel's CoO didn't stop Luffy from hitting him It did for literally half the fight. He lost his nerve after that.
Lincoln Stewart
>Characters from Drum and Alabasta coming back, including Wapol >World Nobles fuckeries >Fishmen trying to get accepted by the WG >Revolutionaries probably planning something big after their defeats from BB >Cobra and Riku calling out the WG for letting pirates clean up their own mess
Feels like 15 chapter will rush it.
Andrew Foster
15 chapters is an absolute shit ton of content. Especially if it's entirely focused on all of those things the whole time.
Elijah Wright
Post >yfw Brook offscreens Big Mom
Brayden Martin
How many STD's does Nami have at this point?
Chase Myers
Ok I love Sanji and all and appreciate that Oda is giving him focus, but the fucker needs to pick up the pace.
Fucking literally nothing happens this chapter, everything that actually happened this chapter could be reduced to half if he wasn't intent on milking the story.
At this rate, we'll never get to wano.
Daniel Perez
Literally this, good luck explaining it to the mindless drones that praise every single chapter, especially the ones without substance like this one
Logan Campbell
>Fucking literally nothing happens this chapter THE MEMES JACK