All this Lotteposting is making me nauseous, but I can´t stop.
Send help
Little Witch Academia
put the finn in the bin
>mfw akko idolizes a whore and wants to follow in her footsteps
Guys, I know the AMA was with the producer, but what was her name again?
I just rewatched Enchanted parade, it had so many scenes of reaction image potential
Episode 5 cryptic spoiler.
Embrace it.
What kinda music does your witch listen to?
the movie made me cry it was very good
I believe that having no friends in real life makes your brain attach itself to 2d characters searching for companionship, and enhances the experience
Naoko Tsutsumi.
The number of times I have masturbated to Diana outnumber the stars.
I've still got $10 for any user who draws me some good witch butt. Witch doesn't matter, though I do like Diana and Lotte the most.
I hate this meme of Lotte being a cumslut
i'd imagine Diana listens to classical music
Amanda x Constanze when?
hory shet
Is that another language we gotta decode?
You´ve got it all wrong, Lotte is the one who turns the OTHERS into cumsluts
>All the Lotte singing scenes from The Enchant Parade in youtube are gone
Akko is adorable.
What is the student breast size ranking?
Yasna > Diana > Lotte > Akko, Sucy, Amanda > Constance?
When does the epic Dark Lord arc begin? The Sorcerers stone isbgoing to be stolen wont it?
>werewolf episode
Tried to find lyrics for that a while ago since the subs I used translated parts of the song in to Finnish and was curious
tekeli'li motherfuckers
the star gods have finally arrived, just as we tried to tell you
akko will be revealed the divinity if the eldritch truth and crusade on it's name, pulling back the eyelids of reality to reveal the pustulent secrets underneath
Fat whores need not apply
We're making a card collage for Tattun and Producer-san thanking them for the Q&A/AMA
>600x600 image resolution (maximum). I don't care you if you send something slightly smaller or larger; don't stretch your drawing to fit 600x600, but don't make it fuckhuge.
>deadline is 29/01 20:00 GMT (5 hours after episode 4 airs, draw while waiting for subs)
>you can make submissions in any program, or even doodle with traditional tools, but try to keep the boarders of the drawing clean check this post for more information and the res 600x600.
>you can send more than one submission if you want to, just don't go overboard. You're free to edit submissions till deadline.
>no photo edits, sorry
*(I'll try my best to track threads and repost this in the next few days, but if you want to be sure your submission will be included respond to posts with this trip). Have fun!
I think the only Finnish part is Nukahtaa
Have you got a WIP of the entire thing?
Be nice to see all the submissions so far
Does yours replace the =s with >s than or the same?
>no photo edits
Into the trash it goes.
>No fanart of Akko coming up behind Diana and burying her face in her butt, sniffing Diana's butthole while Diana has a shocked and embarrassed expression on her face
Who do I need to pay to get this?
For relaxing:
When hyped:
Working on it
Starting with 80 unlabled layers was a huge, huge mistake. I'll post something later.
Please fuck off already
>all these people talking about akko/diana when akko/sucy is far better
What's the witch ratio like? I was thinking of drawing a Constanze because I figured there isn't that much of her on there.
Go back to /u/
Thank you producer-sama for standing up to these annoying shits.
high altitude sexual intercourse with Amanda!
cum all over lotte's freckles!
dog shit, cow shit, it all smells like shit user
Ass requesting user still here?
I whipped out the rusty ol' tablet and drew some asses so good you have never seen asses like them before.
Send me all your money right away
Amanda is not for sex!
>For relaxing
That's an intense battle song if you're a Brit though.
>Amanda is not for sex on the ground!
I really hope that Sucy's inhuman heritage becomes a plot point eventually, or at least gets some kind of focus. You can't drop that shit on us and not bring it up.
I find the GuP version to be very relaxing though.
Check here Draw Shiny Chariot or Jasmanika if you want to do something uncommon
Akko was more annoying in the OVAs.
First OVA Akko was the best Akko.
She got far more annoying in the TV show
How much longer do I have to make a picture?
Or an cowardly retreat song if you're not a Brit.
In the TV series she is more hyperactive but she was an asshole in the second movie.
did you see the colonial diana that user posted last thread?
don't wanna miss any nice submissions
read thread
Sucy plz lick my mushroom.
>Amanda is still not the main character
I'm here, haha.
>that brief period where Ireland was independent but still part of the commonwealth
Weird seeing the tricolour there at the top centre.
Someone post the episode 4 PV
>Part of the Commonwealth
Am I retarded because that makes no sense.
1. you're cunt
2. witch you'd most like to travel with
Amazing isn't it?
At one point the Irish even fought proudly for King and country. If only the Americans hadn't been the scoundrels they are.
Mama Manbavaran has a 10/10 design, and I'm glad she's all but confirmed to show up eventually.
Lewd? Just talking about mushrooms here.
>No Lewd
You already know, Sucy desu
Sauna episode when?
1. Poland
2. I want Diana to show me all the castles! Which is already kind of happening in this thread.
Many independent nations are still part of the Commonwealth today.
Ireland bailed just before WW2 though.
What exactly is the endgame?
Karelia episode when?
I don't draw good, so I'm doing some model stuff for the card.
Does anyone have some good images of the Shiny Rod from the side or back? Or is there like concept art for it that has those angles?
In the actual show the Rod seems to be drawn differently constantly so I can't find good reference.
>some blue-haired faggot drawing shitty porn is getting $2,500 a month on Patreon
>Trigger refuses to open a patreon, is behind schedule and underfunded and won't tell us how to support them directly
Its just not fucking fair
akko is granted eldritch knowledge by things we cannot comprehend, and the now maddened schoolgirl is desperate to spread what she has learned
Save the decaying, currently weakening magical world.
What would sex with Amanda be like?
Studios should have the resources fund themselves idiot.
>Ireland bailed just before WW2 though.
Well, Ireland didn't officially leave the Commonwealth until 1949, but it had been ignoring its membership since the 1930's.
Maybe in a few months. Depends on what Putin is planning.
Around Finns the ice is thin
If you're a real LWA expert like me and you've watched and analyzed the movies and all 3 episodes and read all the interviews and things they've said in cons you should know what basic story for LWA is going to be.
Akko dies in episode 8, the real protagonist is Lotte. The final boss is Shiny Chariot who reveals herself to the school and finally snaps after she hears that her magic is shit.
Like fucking on an airplane, except you have to balance your ass on a broom
polack-chan is still best witch, despite not being canon.
Enlighten us