Which past US President is the most similar to Trump?
Which past US President is the most similar to Trump?
Considered uncivilized for his time and tried to represent the common man who he clearly wasn't.
Trump has no war heroics like these 2 at all though.
Probably Jackson. A populist outsider who's a bit of an asshole, but gets the job done
Trump isn't like Teddy only because roosevelt was the kind of person who lovedo to fight the odds while trump let the cards fall against him only to after shoe he was right Jackson was a warhappy alpha who was good because he only wanted the most aggressive men regardless of race, he adopted a native American kid who spit on his shoes. Trump is the kind of guy who waits for his apology, using the well anticipated rule of never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake Trump waits for a mistake and calls them out waking the populace to the perpetrators misrepresentation, trump is gaining traction with normies even if they're still trying to sell antitrump
Nice analysis, fren
Rich family man who loves pussy and goes against the system, I'd say Kennedy.
Calvin Coolidge.
Research him and you'll see he was similar the most to Trump.
Roosevelt was an outdoorsman who personally led men in battle, then worked his way up through the political machinery of New York to take up the mantle of President as the youngest in history. As POTUS he fought big business and led a sweeping introduction of regulations including food purity, ending child-labour, protecting unions, and establishing minimum wage.
Trump is an obese draft-dodger who decided he should be president because Obama insulted him. He's the oldest and least-experienced president, and has so far reduced wildlife and national parks, while overseeing deregulation and providing tax-cuts for corporations and wealthy Americans.
They couldn't be more different
How wasn't Jackson a common man? He served in the u.s army during the revolution and from then on rose in rank to be the most famous general.
That is an insult to Teddy
He had a lot more then the average common man had in those days. He was certainly wealthy in some aspects and owned slaves. Though he did have personal beef with the banks.
nah. Coolidge was a cool guy, but definitely not like Trump. As a person, Coolidge was a very reserved and quiet guy. Very unlike Trump.
I could be wrong about policies tho. If someone could educate me on those, I could see the connection
Glad to see an user who actually understands that Trump is a shit president.
Trump is like the prequel trilogy.
Everyone knows deep down that it's a piece of shit, but it makes a lot of good memes and allows anons to be contrarians and feel like they're better than the "normies"
but my memes
Found the white genocide suppporting faggots.
Don't worry, you'll have a Democrat back in the white house in 12 years, then you'll get the legalized pedophilia and incest that you disgusting liberals desire so much. Might even get to kill off all the whites in the west too.
Fucking trash, I cannot wait until I can afford the tools needed to hunt you and not get caught by the police.
2020. Not only will dems win back the senate, they may even flip the house. Let's not even talk about the office of presidency which they are going to LANDSLIDE.
I'll believe it when I see it. Right now the Dems have no strategy beyond 'Drumph is Hitler so vote for us.'
Heaven help them if the economy takes off.
>supporting pedophilia
Uh, the dems aren't the ones that are endorsing an actual fucking child molestor for the senate.
They both would suck an Israeli dick to cover up the USS Liberty attack.
Only Jews come from NYC.
trump is a shit president. hillary would have been worse though. you cant honestly believe trump is better than andrew jackson, roosevelt, etc.
Dem laws like Clintons 97 Adoption act is what adopts and sells kids to traffickers and pedos.
Democrat Judges are the most vile fucks alive.
Do you go outside?
I lived in San Francisco for two years and you literally have to want to see shit like this to actually see it.
Arthur. Rose from non-political elite stock (general) under bad circumstances (corruption related assassination vs. party civil war). Made overtures towards anti-corruption measures but had uncooperative Congresses and didn't get anything done. Arthur didn't run for a second term.
That accusation has more holes in it that the Titanic. Moore is going to win and there's nothing your pathetic bitching will do to change it.
>Was for small government
>Like Trump
woah woah woah! I thought Teddy Roosevelt supported progressive policies plus women's suffrage?
Anyways, this would be my comparison
>hated by everyone
>caused a ton of divide during his term
>even looks like him
You are whistling past the graveyard bro. Not even you believe the dems will win anything. Coastal party.
Trump is not a far left European socialist.
>Le Trump is the savior of the white race
>Guys Israel needs its capital to be Jerusalem, after all they are our greatest ally
I wish. Trump is too pro-Jewish. That is his only major flaw. Other than that he’s been doing a damn fine job. He pisses you faggots off every second of every day. I can’t be more grateful. Unless he gassed his son in law and grandchildren.
Teddy Roosevelt was a self promoting shyster. New York wanted to be shot of him, and got him gone by putting him into the VP slot, but oops assassination gave him the top job, and he showed his true colors as a pure progressive shithead. He left office and then pushed Wilson into office, and pushed WIlson to get us into WW1. Total fuck up he was. Jackson is closest to Drumpf.
>Trump isn't like Teddy only because roosevelt was the kind of person who lovedo to fight the odds while trump let the cards fall against him
Thats a funny image I hope you dont think it would have turned out that way if hillary had won because then you would be like those retarded libs
looks good to me
Good choice bad example
Talking of course about their characters. No one else comes close. Policy wise it might be McKinley.
Trump would have my support if only he was really the guy shitlibs make him out to be.
Presidents? Nah.
Fictional people?
Biff. Biff Tannon. And I voted for him.
This timeline is fucking weird.
Roosevelt was never intended to be president, he was chosen as vp in an attempt at killing his career before his popularity and unconventional style dragged the party in a direction it's elites weren't ready to go
>17 year old
>Child molester
>gadsden flag
Damn... this is too good.
>lesbian Pakis...
What did Horsey mean by this?
More evidence for John Titor shenanigans desu senpai
this thread is so full of shills it's unbelievable.
Then he won reelection and might have gone a third if he wanted to break traditon from the get-go.
TR was the fucking man. A true alpha. Shitty father, but great men often are.
Andrew Jackson was a danger to the Republic who was also fucking crazy.
Trump is clearly more like Jackson, but he's ultimately a doughy loudmouth.
Takes down the Fed: Jefferson/Jackson
Fails to: Kennedy/Lincoln
TR was a shitty father because his wife died in childbirth the same day his mom died. It absolutely broke him so much he had to LARP himself into a cowboy and soldier. It worked, but that's how it happened.
People back then treated Jackson with so much respect.
>Hero of New Orleans
>Military veteran
>Countless wins in duels
He was basically a legend
Mad memeflagger
How faggot? Beyond MUH FASCIST SEXIST KIKE-LOVER there's literally nothing you can say against him and lots of things you can say to compliment him. So far he's been a good prez you're just a bitter sperg who likes to bitch in lieu of anything constructive.
Not Teddy, that's for sure. They were both bombastic and unique, but Trump is way more similar to Jackson.
Screencap this and remember how goddamn stupid you were in 2020 and 2024.
As a campaigner and in terms of rhetoric, he is very much so Jackson
As a President, so far Trump is most similar to Dubya
>smart but uses a 'common' dialect
>vehemently despised by the left
>massive tax cuts that sorta-kinda help out the lower and middle class
>support for big business
>foreign policy effectively ripped out of a Dubya playbook
I work for the Federal Government in California and yesterday an old Mexican Lady mutters that she had to get out of this shitty as her and her old black lady friend we're walking down the hallway.
>Libertarian Flag
>Clearly a Bootlicker
Roosevelt wasn't an outdoorsman. He was a fucking dandy who everyone made fun of - realizing this was not going to get him ahead in life, he decided to adopt the persona of an outdoorsman to get ahead in politics.
It worked.
The one and only!
This. Alt right BTFO
>people ITT actually comparing Trump to Jackson
Trump is Jackson in rhetoric only
The only people who like Jackson are lolbergs and people who've only heard the meme history about him
>veto the BUS
>then make it so only land can be bought with gold and silver currency
>then transfer gold and silver out of the major banks and into semi-reliable pet banks spread out all across the South and West at a level that causes ridiculously low reserve levels
>literally no one has any money to buy land
>oops I accidentally the Panic of 1837
>called for an abolishment of the Electoral College (ITS HER TURN you guiz)
>gave universal suffrage
>Nullification Crisis
>literally created the spoils system and the current two party system
>but its okay, because in the future lolbergs and memers will love you because they think that FED = BUS, and because 'fuck indians lol, he's such a badass'
Warren Harding
a scandal-ridden, pro-business, anti-immigrant president. That doesnt bode well for Trump and means he'll probably be ranked as a bad president.
So your definition of common man is based on economics? That's silly...
>literally nothing you can say against him
spergs out on twitter and is solely killing his own presidency
He would be way more liked if he wasnt picking fights everyday
Trump always reminds me of this guy. They are peas in a pod.