Are German Americans less cucked than Germans actually born in Germany?
Are German Americans less cucked than Germans actually born in Germany?
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No. The USA has a lot of German blood which is why they are such nigger lovers and Jew slaves.
They won the race war.
Objectively demonstrating the benefits of race mixing.
my amish relatives and penn dutch all seem to think so - the modern german is cucked by sodom and gamorra. The bygone ways of the frankish tribes is lost upon all of humanity - it's last vestige is within those in america which reject modern society.
In a world of nuclear powers, this means little. It is up to humanity to figure out our progress - moving forward, past a post-nuclear age.
Idfk... I can't get past your throwback Hank Hill. Well done!
>german american
>Those boys were whhhhacking it in my camper!
pick one and only one
Coincidence that counties with high ethnic german population vote republican more often?
>white britons
Germans are not cucked. Many simply don’t vote. Most vocal “left” and antifa trash are not even German. There are Germans in Russia, Baltics Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and even Argentina, but barely any in USA. Those are Anglos by soul and blood at best, and rootless muhhheritage mongrel degenerates on regular
>german americans
>I'm american but my grangrangrangrangranfather was worn in Germany that makes me german.
There aren't any German Americans user. they're just mutts.
I would say some. My friend's father was the first in his family to date, marry, and have a child without German blood and his family almost kicked him out for doing so.
>but barely any in USA
Dude, German is are largest ancestry. They took over the country, where have you been?
>German Americans are the largest of the ancestry groups reported by the US Census Bureau in its American Community Survey.[1] The group accounts for about one third of the total ethnic German population in the world
them boys been huwackin in my shed
all the manly german men died in the war
only betas and cucks survived because they didnt fight
Those “self reported” guys are not German. They are predominantly English and Irish, if they were lucky to not have something far worse in them
>Gymraugh thinks he's white
Go back to your sheep, dirty celt.
my german ancestry used to be a point of pride, but these days i am embarrassed about it
>Germans are not cucked
>Voted for a woman leader multiple times in a row
>amish relatives
damn, you dodged a bullet there. could've ended up like them
If they're not German, they're mulatto or injuns.
I don't know where you are getting your information from but the majority of the US population is German. The English have been out populated are not the majority
OP here. You have no idea how funny I find this