The absolute state of Europe. Can't even dispose of garbage without regulation
Europoors can't even throw batteries in the trash
What do they do with them?
Pls don't bite.
Most larger supermarkets have appropriate trash boxes.
They get recycled, better than dumping them into landfill
I normally use rechargeable batteries. When I have throwaway batteries (like from batteries-included chink-shit) I collect them in a box and once a month I bring them to the supermarket where they take back the empty ones. They bring them to special plants where they break them up and recycle the chemicals.
IRL I either burn my garbage or dump it in to local lakes and rivers. Batteries and CFL bulbs included. Same with my used oil from changes.
Am I the most American?
We aren't supposed to either. Landfills have plastic liners way down in the soil. The battery acids that leak out put holes in that layer. Letting in horrible shit into the water supply.
i dont speak spanish how the fuck am i supposed to know what that says
I save them in a trashcan and scrap it with car batteries. $.50 a lb bitches.
Grew up burning trash in a metal barrel and so did my cousins. They had a professionally trained dog that would try and put the fire out. I'm competing.
Why did you fucking bite?
Shouldn't they use magnets to get the metal components out of the garbage, before they put it in there?
>Professionally trained firefighting dogs
My fucking sides
I love kayaking and finding cool river garbage. I found a fifth of liquor when I was just 15. thanks for littering man
someone probably vomitted in it while they were drinking it and decided they didnt want it anymore so they threw it out, you drank a homeless mans vomit
Fucking true though. Was a Rottweiler named Thor. He would attack in different ways on command too, and my cousins would order him to drag us by our shoes for lulz.
If women can piss their estrogen pills into our water supply then I sure as fuck don't feel bad throwing my batters in the landfill.
Fuck it.
i dump old antifreeze in storm drains and throw aerosol cans and batteries away with normal trash
sometimes i even include yard waste and construction materials in my garbage, fuck the police
Your people have literally done more to destroy your country in the last 200 years than Europe has in the last 2000. And we invented the tools necessary to do it.
And that's with your industry mostly outsourced to China. How can you be this fucking incompetent?
The absolute state of the US.
It's the same in California. Do the same, your descendants will thank you.
Extract the acid to throw in peoples faces
You'd better be joking, Cletus.
I am proud to be 3rd world: The Thread
Was it Skyy Vodka? That wasn't from littering that was from our dumbasses thinking it would float.
You must be Irish to have that wit
That's news to me. I throw batteries in the trash and I will continue to do so in the future.
1/56th to be exact
Good enough for me
Most states have these laws too.
>Same with my used oil from changes.
that's a waste, you could use it for heat or use it to undercoat your vehicle in the winter
Your entire military is outsourced to us. You would have been destroyed or conquered by now if it wasn’t for us standing behind you looking menacing.
Of course nobody gives a shit about environment. But I think in pretty unlikely scenario you could burn a trash bin if something in the trash closed the circuit of a battery and there was something flammable touching heating parts.
That language isn't Spanish. It's the European language.
This all the time. That and burning
hahahahahahaha europeans care about the planet hahahahahaha just fucking nuke it like us kikes do hahahah what you mean you don't hate what's beautiful?
I'm not going to drive to the grocer's to dispose of a battery. I'll just toss it in the lake as I'm disposing motor oil.
Drink enough whiskey and you can actually increase that. Parts of you that are not irish will die from alcohol poisoning,
circumcised proto-kikes detected. how proud you must be of adopting jewish practices!
Don't be a wankah bin that capacitah
This story keeps getting better.
Im picturing a bunch of hobos standing around a garbage can while a dog drags kids around by their legs. The aristocrats.
epic xDD
we'll see how competant they are when your drinking water is even more contaminated with lead. Lead from your unrecycled 56% batteries.
Europe is dog shit. Nobody cares. Quit talking about irrelevance.
Is that what you did with your foreskin, as well?
or are you just a dirty nigger?
Soon they'll need license's to walk around unsupervised, kek.
>Doesn't have an alex jones brand water filter for lead and battery acid
Get a load of this fuckin goy
Friendly reminder that if you actually bother to dispose your batteries correctly you're a faggot.
>kike detected
I've been throwing it in the trash this entire time. Where am I meant to throw it?
>Guys, I'm so irresponsible I can't take the time to put a fucking battery in the recycle bin. I know my ancestors, who were bigger men than I'll ever be tended, defended and cared for this land, but for me to even take one step towards any semblance of this is fucking gay, right? right guys?
in a junk drawer mixed in with the good batteries, perpetually
This thread is literally fucking stupid and third world tier. No argument from a logical perspective, just a fuck you attitude towards the environment because... I hope this isn't reflective of most American attitudes towards nature and that this thread is full of edgy anons or Cletus tier dumbfuck white trash.
Hobos? The midwest sir. Not 20 miles outside of a major city. Although my mother didn't have a bathroom in the house until highschool, and the house she lived in was 3 stories and 150 years old. Had a Civil War journal found in a stone wall they sold at actiuon.
Love nature and clean water and air. Global Warming isn't real though. Wator vapor vastly outmaneuvers CO2 in the warming cycle. Its effects are similar but outnumbered by factors of a 1000. Fuck caring about rural fags burning spay cans and batteries as well.
Why the fuck would Americans care about the environment when they don't even care about their body? They fill it with shit and chop off the parts they don't like (see:foreskin). They're not shepherds of the earth, they're parasites like the kikes who control them.
>what's the environment?
>can I fry it with lard?