I'm not the only one watching this I hope.
Piace - Watashi no Italian
This season's anime shorts are really weak.
Only Ai Mai Mi is worth watching.
The show's just not very good, especially when compared to Fall 2016 shorts like Kiitarou.
How long until she fucks the shota?
>dat shota
yeah this season's shorts suck dick
It's alright.
I'm watching. Great episode! If the thread is still up later, I'll post some screencaps.
as an italian I watch it too
It's cute.
I'm watching it too
It's a shame that I only know how to make pasta bianca
Also, they forgot to translate the ED? It seemed like they were reciting recipes
>Also, they forgot to translate the ED? It seemed like they were reciting recipes
CR doesn't sub EDs.
I'm glad they got more in depth on the Tiramisu.
>pasta machine
Dropped. Fucking amateurs.
>not watching nyanko
Shes fucking everyone.
>chicken milanese
>not veal milanese
Must be a high class restaurant.
It's a trattoria
>I'm not the only one watching this I hope.
Do the things you do only have value when juged positively by others ?
Nobunaga no Shinobi is still airing too
the the first 10 seconds of the ED sound super familiar to anyone?
Watching this only because I'm Italian.
And because I like cute girls.
Please teach us the distinctions between tomatoes.
>implying the ones at my local super aren't all equally tasteless
While you're at it, please explain to me why tomatoes are the centerpiece of "Italian" "cuisine" when they aren't even native to Italy?
Also, when are we going to see more of this girl? I'm expecting her to get a job at the trattoria at some point.
>You'll never marry this qt olive head
Just fuck already.
>please explain to me why tomatoes are the centerpiece of "Italian" "cuisine" when they aren't even native to Italy?
not him and I know nothing about cuisine, but why would that prevent them from being the centerpiece of Italian cuisine?
Pride? Isn't it almost cuck tier to make a non-local food your number one staple? Don't most local cuisines use things that are traditional and native to the region? What did Italian cuisine consist of prior to the tomato discovery?