>he actually fapped to Aqua's butt in canon
Is he literally /ourguy/?
He actually fapped to Aqua's butt in canon
How old do you think my penis is?
he didn't fap to Aqua. He is unable to see Aqua in any romantic or erotic light. It's confirmed in the LN that he's used both Darkness and Megumin in the succubus dreams shop before but NEVER Aqua
There's no fucking way her naughty bits wouldn't be showing in that position.
when next episode is out
He only knew Aqua back when he shared that shitty stall with her
It's not good to mate with retards.
>sullying Aqua
It's called saving the best for last, you fucking dweeb. This is why Aqua is the main heroine and the others are just side dishes.
>fapping to some succubus copy when you slept with the ACTUAL GODDESS
No fucking shit, they might be good but they aren't that good.
But this isn't your standard haremshit. This is parody haremshit. Therefore, the main heroine will lose, because main girls almost always win in haremshit.
But she won at the very end in the WNs. All it took was one singular moment for her to be dere to Kazuma and she destroyed the competition.
Did the budget died and reincarnated in a new world?
>any budget
There's also the time when its revealed that Aqua has dark vision. She says she never saw anything when they lived in the stables and he was jacking off next to her in the dark because his back was facing her.
thats in the new episode actually
Is that why no girl wants you?
Wait whut, is this Kyoani's cripple squad of animators?
Aqua's VA is definitely winning Seeiyu of the year or at least season, only Gintama comes to close this level of comedic acting.
No, it's because I post on Sup Forums, just like you nigga.
>e is unable to see Aqua in any romantic or erotic light. It's confirmed in the LN that he's used Megumin in the succubus dreams shop
He truly is our guy
Fug, Aqua may not be the perfect waifu material, but she's soulmate/kindred spirit material.
Iam glad Darkness is missing for two episodes now, Jesus Christ I got sick of her being perverted masochist jokes already.
If he was /our guy/ he would have FUCKED aqua's tight, lewd butthole.
Since he didn't, he is a heretical fag.
>watching konsuba for """"comedy""""
Don't be this retarded, people.
He'd seen the guild girls, half of everyone in that universe dresses like a slut
I can post screenshots too.
This show would only be half as good if it weren't for the comfy EDs.
Aqua doesn't have naughty bits.
Literally only reason I watch.
I watch it for the refined concept, engaging characters and masterfully written plot.
ebin bait
its literally a shitshow
user, it's forbidden to own niggers like this.
I love this show and Aqua has skyrocketed in my personal ranking, but kek.
>implying that Aqua isn't endgame
this anime has some of the best doujinshis ive ever seen