The madman! He can't keep getting away with it!
The madman! He can't keep getting away with it!
I think he will go back to 50% approval when the wall is built. But what do i know.
>But what do i know.
Lots about depression and alcoholism.
>First few tweets are asking about Kate's wall.
A-are we winning?
Our politicians have their heads so far up their own asses.
No one is illegal!!
There are no borders!!
He doesn't want to separate American families but deports honest immigrants who are more American than he will ever be. This is such fucking bullshit, fuck Trump, and fuck all of you asshole Nazi faggots
The walls never going to be built
Our politicians are working with them.
Oh it only gets better from here on out
>like usual nothing will happen
>sanctuary city defunding was like half of a percent in funding and thus meaningless
>the groups controlling the country and administration won't allow a reduction in illegals
>illegal immigration rates are starting to rise
Realize that Trump and his agenda hold no power; that he's merely trotted out to give some meat to the America First crowd, little better than a temporary high from any other drug. Until the Deep State and globalists are truly held accountable it's all empty rhetoric.
Yes. And we're going to keep on winning. You'll say, "please, Mr. President, were winning too much. Let's take a break." And President Trump will say "No! We're going to keep winning because we are going to Make America Great Again!"
far off and alone in the distance, Germany cries and rages with intense jealousy
I'm not even American and this makes me mad.
americanism not criminalism
They're not American either. They're "Californian." They're almost like our Spanish version of Quebec.
>illegal immigration rates are starting to rise
That's a weird way of saying illegal immigration is down by 78%.
so like spain's catolonia you fucking uneducated faggot? that californian has more balls than you'll ever have waving the flag in the faces of all those beaners. kys flyover faggot.
You have to go back, Pedro.
fuck california
Kill yourself degenerate
I'm white
Beaner please.
everyone is white in USA except chinks and niggers
If (((polls))) say he's at 35 he's at 50%.
Remember the election polls??
Triggering the left into saying faggot
wow you seem HOT headed. why did you just blow up at me in a FIERY rage? Are you filled with a BURNING ENVY for people living in comfy towns in the heartland?
Kate’s wall... oosh now that’s marketing
Is this from the alita battle angel trailer?
No, the latest X-Files series.
>he believes polls all of a sudden
Shut up faggot. The only people with firepower want to see this state fall apart for all of twisted shit it's done. California is in over it's head. It will fail.
My man.
>implying a psychic monkey could be outperformed even by honest polls
do you juan to go back?
The way I see it, you're either an American or you're a Mexican. No in between, William Barnsworthingham
It was down at the start until they saw nothing was changing. It's not back to Obama levels but it's rising all the same. I like Trump and loved his agenda, I wouldn't have voted for him if I didn't so i don't feel betrayed by him. I feel anger at the Pentagon, GOPe and assorted neocons and cosmopolitans who have hijacked everything. I voted for a wall, industry and staying out of Middle East bullshit. The powers that be believed I voted for weakness on immigration, agribusiness subsidies, war with Iran and moves that appeal only to Jews and Evangelicals.
People need to look at history and remember what a good mob can do. An organized one, not a Residents of a Majority Democrat City style one.
Oh it will be built. And it will be a beautiful big league wall.
>But what do i know.
You DON'T know that Lauren Southern is a coalburner.
Why aren't they selling bricks for the wall? How many people would buy a 10$ brick you could put your name on? 20$ and you could put a custom message on it. Then you'd recieve a letter with the coordinates on the wall of where your brick was and you could go visit it someday if you wanted to
California is objectively trash, I don't care if you voted for Trump. Leave that hellhole.
>wall kickstarter
who'd you trust to run it?
someone get this user a direct line to POTUS!
Seriously though, this needs to be memed on Trumps twitter
>you'll never get to fire an alien FG-42
why live
This. are they all blackmailed?
I would pay $100 to help build the wall. It'd make a great Christmas present, too.
I'm on it, hit up Eric and Don Jr too
>all these fucking retarded 12 year olds
You can actually call the white house. The number is easy to find.
checked and keked
For you
Illegals and Dacas busted in MS13
Monkey ass Salvadorans
God LA is pathetic
I sent this to all the trump men on twitter
help make our memes reality
it's already gotten some attention
>1% chance
I trust absolutely no media poll anymore after that horseshit. Literally fake news using facts to tell lies to push their agenda.
There are no borders? U might need to see someone about that.
>It'd make a great Christmas present, too.
>$100 dollars has been donated, in your name, to The Wall Foundation
The only """"poll"""" that matters is the election
>thin skinned californian nigger spergs out for absolutely no reason
i think they should setup catapults along the wall and charge money to pull the lever launching beaners over it
shit i'd pay for that
Little known fact, Lauren Southern is a already a roasty even at her young age
This deserves its own post.
resized for twatter
>The three other suspects came to the U.S. as unaccompanied minors.
Funny how the lugenpresse won't call them "dreamers" when it turns out they aren't really 4.0 GPA graduates "contributing to our economy."
The monkey doesnt predict, it chooses.
It's some mexican film company.
It's great at first like the webm, but in the full version they attack from within and conquer.
(i like this version better)